HP CP2025dn Printers freaking out


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - Nov. 2009
Jan 28, 2004
Okay, question for all you printer gurus out there. I have many HP CP2025dn printers at work that are used on a daily basis. Two of them started displaying "79 Error" this morning and just kept restarting themselves after they hit the initializing phase of startup. Okay, no big deal, I just did a little research on them and HP says it requires a firmware update or to let them set for a period of time powered down..

So I take these two printers to my office, hook them into a WinXP box that I had laying around and no problems, they fired right up without issue. I updated the firmware on them, take them back up to the office where they were installed, and instantly get the same issue (79 Error). If I unplug the computers USB cable, they fire up without issue. Plug the cable in - even if the printers is already on and waiting at the ready stage - and they instantly error out and start the rebooting scenario again. Hmmm, obviously something in Win7 Pro I think, but then again, why was it only these two and not the several others I have installed throughout the building? Out of the four I checked, three of them had firmware from 2010 and the other had firmware from 2008. All of them were updated, all the machines they're hooked up to (via USB) are Win7 Pro 32bit.

Keep in mind that they both worked fine when connected to a WinXP box. HP site says that the drivers are built into Win7 and they don't really have any updated drivers for download. Two of the four computers that have 2025's connected to them work great, two have problems, and they're all identical systems.

Any ideas? It's kind of got me over a barrel because there doesn't seem to be any major differences. I checked Windows updates, and they all were consistent between the four systems I checked. No idea where to go from here since I managed to update the firmware in all printers.

Well, just on a whim I decided to swap USB ports, shut everything down and try again. It seems there were a couple of web-based documents in the queue that were causing some of these issues (at least on one computer) and after clearing all of that out and then reinstalling the drivers (again), things started behaving themselves.

Today has definitely been a "Twilight Zone" kind of day... :eek:
