Heatgun damaging motherboard?


Nov 22, 2003
I'll post pictures of the screwup later on. I need to melt heatshrink right next to the motherboard. Any possibility of damage?
Absolutely; a heat gun can lay waste to lots of plastic parts and some electronic components. Take all the electrolytic caps on your board, for example......

When I have to shrink something right next to the MoBo, I've got a piece of sheet metal I put between the MoBo and the heat....no damage, so far.

Good Luck - B.B.S.
Or you can just use a blow dryer, its not as hot but it'll do the trick with patience. Hell of a lot more safer
Yeah I figured that.

Alright my friend stepped on the 12v 4 pin on my motherboard while I was working on it and snapped it off. I resoldered all of the wires already. The problem is that the connector was right next to a couple of capacitors so the sheetmetal as a shield is out of the question. Can anyone reccomend alternatives it using heatshrink? :(
You could use electricians tape to cover up the bare wire, to stop short circuits, but why dont you just roll the barrel of a soldering iron along the heat shrink?
ShaolinDragon said:
You could use electricians tape to cover up the bare wire, to stop short circuits, but why dont you just roll the barrel of a soldering iron along the heat shrink?
It's what I do, when space is way constrained, or I'm too lazy to get out the heat gun....:D

Regards - B.B.S.
GlobalFear said:
Yeah I figured that.

Alright my friend stepped on the 12v 4 pin on my motherboard while I was working on it and snapped it off.

If he's not buying you a new motherboard and he's still your friend, that's one heck of a strong friendship you've got there. :eek:

He is but, if I can I would like to fix this one aswell.
The soldering iron sounds plausible, Ill test it out later tonight on something
another vote for using the barrel of a soldering iron... experiment with yours just in case it's weird, but it shouldn't take long to find a suitable portion of the barrel that works well with the shrink wrap.
ShaolinDragon said:
You could use electricians tape to cover up the bare wire, to stop short circuits, but why dont you just roll the barrel of a soldering iron along the heat shrink?

duh... i always use an iron to do heat shrink work...
GlobalFear said:
Yeah I figured that.

Alright my friend stepped on the 12v 4 pin on my motherboard while I was working on it and snapped it off. I resoldered all of the wires already. The problem is that the connector was right next to a couple of capacitors so the sheetmetal as a shield is out of the question. Can anyone reccomend alternatives it using heatshrink? :(

is your friends a doofus or what? how can he "accidentally" stepped on your mobo.. which you're working on it? is he a bigfoot or hobbit or something?