[H]orde Spotlight #9 - wadec22


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2008
Dec 13, 2005
It's been too long since we've done one of these. There's a lot of fresh faces around the forum lately and it's time to get to know another of our fellow DCer's. So without further ado, let's get on with [H]orde Spotlight #9, featuring wadec22.

About you.

Where do you call home?
Sioux Falls, SD. Great city in the midwest. About 150-175k people.

What is your family situation?

Most of my family is around here. I currently live with my girlfriend. We just built our first house this last February, it's been a really fun experience.

What do you do for a living?
I work for a midwest grocery chain, Hy-Vee. I've been with them since high school and they have given me some great management opportunities. Good company.

Does your forum name hold any significant meaning?
Not really. I last name/first name combo that I threw my age(at the time) onto the end in order to find an available tag.

Did you ever post in the "Let's see your mug... " thread?
I had never heard of that until now, so no.

Why or why not?
I'm not gonna lie, sounds semi-creepy. :)

What other hobbies or interests keep you busy?

I love watching the NFL (namely the Browns). I'm usually in two fantasy leagues. I'm also a major home theater guy. Not HTPC, but just great speakers/amps/receivers, etc. Other than that, it's pretty much pc's and gaming.

Right handed or left handed and any military experience? (inside joke from the first couple spotlights)
Right handed and no military experience. I'll have to go back and check out this questions meaning.

About your involvement in DC.

Who or what got you stated in DC projects?
I've always read about the [H]orde but never jumped in. I guess the information isn't really as mainstream as you may think, even here in the forums. I finally tackled it one day out of curiosity.

About when was it?
About two weeks ago.

Why do you particpate?
My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease about five years ago. It hasn't really been all that bad until this spring. I went to visit him this last May and noticed how bad it had gotten. Even phone conversations are difficult now. No one should have to experience that.

If DC'ing could find a cure for just one disease tomorrow, which one would it be and why?
For me, tomorrow, it woul be Parkinson's for the reasons stated above. My great grandmother had Alzheimer's too, I remember that being very hard on my Mom. That's gotta go.

What projects have you contributed to?
Just F@H right now.

Any others you find interesting?
Some sound cool, like SETI. I guess with the reasons that have caused me to start folding, I would feel almost guilty putting my resources somewhere else.

What teams have you contributed to?
Just 33 so far. ;)

Why did you choose the Horde?
Most people almost fall over when I tell them I'm into computers. I don't hang out with anyone else that's into that sort of thing. This small community has become a home away from home for me. This is where I escape to enjoy pc's and electronics.

If your current project ends, which one will you move on to?
That would take some research, but SETI off the top of my head.

Current level of production and how's it spread around?
I'm averaging just shy of 9k/day. I have two GTX 280's and my ps3. I'm really waiting to jump all in until I get to gauge the electric bill, we wouldn't want to gf upset over my latest venture. If things go well, I will get my i7 involved, if not, I probably will come fall/winter when the bill goes down.
Where do you see the [H]ard DC sub-forum in the near future? I hope it really blows up, I really do. I will do whatever I can to contribute on a daily basis. These are not only people who share common interests, but given the nature of the subforum, these are also good people. Long term? Wouldn't it be great if this is what people thought of first when they thought of the [H]? It makes a ton of sense. There are so many people on here who are just plain hardware enthusiasts. They love benchmarking almost as much as gaming. If for no other reason other than showing off hardware and enjoying competition, why wouldn't so many of these people DC?

Any ideas on improving the [H]ard DC sub-forum, or suggestions or improvements for our Team?
I get why the sub-forum is down here with the bits and bytes, but to me, it should be at the top as part of real life stuff. Bits and Bytes, to me, is interacting with your hardware. DC is contributing to real life. Honestly, if it was listed at the top in this section, participation would grow instantly. Also, I get the idea of the Distributive Computing, but it should say Folding to lure people in. I get that some DC'ers don't fold at all, but I think the title creates a lot of over-looks. Folding, I think, would bait participation better. Just my opinion.

About your farm.

What did you begin with?
One GTX 280 to test the water.

What are you running today?
Two GTX 280's and a ps3 (rarely all running).

What plans do you have in moving forward?
Like I said, after evaluating the electric bill, I'd like to get my i7 involved as well as possibly throwing my 9800gt (physx card) into some sort of folding rig.

Where do you see your DC'ing activities in the next year or two?
I hope as a major player. I'd really like to be involved in the sub-forum, aiding beginners and trash talking vets. :)

Do these boxen have day jobs or are they dedicated folders?
I really just game on this rig and anything else that let's me tinker with the hardware.

How are these boxen configured? OS, client, etc?

GPU 2 right now.

Have you been successful borging? If so, what kind of borging worked for you? (For example, friends, family, and/or work?)
Not yet, I have some decent plans though. My parents are on the board of a local charity group of really great fun people. At their next gathering he is going to introduce folding to the group and possibly ask me to setup a team for them. Team 33 and myself will probably not be the recipients of any points, but I think it would be cool if they set something up.

Is there anything else you would like to add? Did I forget to ask you anything?
Not really. I guess I just want to let people know that I've been a [H]ardforum member for four years and lurked for a solid year or two before that and never really knew much about [H]ardfolding. I think we as a community need to try some new tactics to change that sort of thing.

Thanks for all the help so far guys! I'm excited to have found a community of people like this. Fold on team 33!!! :)
Thanks again to wadec22 for participating. If you're new here or if you're old and just mysterious (meaning that you don't post much), I"m always interested in new participants.

And of course, here's the index of past interviews.
Where do you see your DC'ing activities in the next year or two?
I hope as a major player. I'd really like to be involved in the sub-forum, aiding beginners and trash talking vets. :)

So you wanna throw some poo 'ehh? :D
Did you ever post in the "Let's see your mug... " thread?
I had never heard of that until now, so no.

Why or why not?
I'm not gonna lie, sounds semi-creepy. :)

Digital_Exhaust (and by extension his threads) only seems creepy at first. However once you get to know him, you'll find him downright disturbing. :D

j/k DE
So you wanna throw some poo 'ehh? :D

i actually just had to get rid of my two gtx 280's. i'm barely getting by (4k ppd) on my 9800gt. i plan on firing up the i7 very soon to help. come this winter, be prepared. :) my x58 will probably be loaded with two gpu's from whichever company wins this round.
What do you do for a living?
I work for a midwest grocery chain, Hy-Vee. I've been with them since high school and they have given me some great management opportunities. Good company.
Oh jesh don't tell me - East 10th street? Tell them to keep the green potatoes off the shelf..lol
/commercial sing song - Where theres a helpful smile in every isle.:D
Welcome, wadec22!

There are lots of geeks and nerds at the [H]. Lots of computer enthusiasts as well! Nice to have you folding for our team!

Great interview, Alan!
That was a great read. It's nice to know a little bit about the guys and gals we've got folding with us. Thanks for opening up your life a little bit for us Wade. :)