GTX780 DCII vrm temps?


Apr 23, 2009
Hi guys, due to some conflicting conclusions, and variables, i decided to ask for help from owners of this card to put my misery to end.

Can anyone please, test this card, on some really demanding benchmark/game, for 30 minutes loop with fans on 70% and max oc, with voltage slider to max, and power target to 110%

Also the game/bench should be with absolutely max out settings ain't matter if 15 fps, in order to get general idea of what vrm temps should be after long gaming session with oc.

Thanks in advance :)
I don't have it. but seeing as no one is replying at all I'll put my .02 in.

Anything under 100C is good enough
Thanks for the answer, but i must know before i buy this card, i don't want to end up like with one sapphire card aka 105c on vrm's in 5 mins.

I hope someone will help me out :)
Not apples to apples, but my DCII 770's ran around 95C max on the VRMs according to my IR thermometer sampling during extended stress testing (Valley benchmark looped for over an hour, 1440p Ultra/8X AA)

That was overclocked to 1306/8000, with a +.12v voltage bump, running in SLI, same rig in sig, and the fans set on Asus' default automatic profile. Core temps never exceeded 85C. Now knock at least 5C off that figure thanks to the SLI setup dumping a lot more heat in the case.

Same rig, using Matrix Platinum 7970's in Crossfire (also a DCII unit, albeit a full slot beefier) at 1.3V, 1250MHz/6800 VRAM, with 100% LLC, same test, about 90C on the VRM.

Say what you like about Asus, but they do know how to make a nice GPU cooler and PCB, and the high quality voltage regulation bits and bobs they use also seem to help a great deal thanks to better efficiency meaning less waste heat to deal with.
Not apples to apples, but my DCII 770's ran around 95C max on the VRMs according to my IR thermometer sampling during extended stress testing (Valley benchmark looped for over an hour, 1440p Ultra/8X AA)

That was overclocked to 1306/8000, with a +.12v voltage bump, running in SLI, same rig in sig, and the fans set on Asus' default automatic profile. Core temps never exceeded 85C. Now knock at least 5C off that figure thanks to the SLI setup dumping a lot more heat in the case.

Same rig, using Matrix Platinum 7970's in Crossfire (also a DCII unit, albeit a full slot beefier) at 1.3V, 1250MHz/6800 VRAM, with 100% LLC, same test, about 90C on the VRM.

Say what you like about Asus, but they do know how to make a nice GPU cooler and PCB, and the high quality voltage regulation bits and bobs they use also seem to help a great deal thanks to better efficiency meaning less waste heat to deal with.
Yes quite nice parts wen they don't catch fire.
Not apples to apples, but my DCII 770's ran around 95C max on the VRMs according to my IR thermometer sampling during extended stress testing (Valley benchmark looped for over an hour, 1440p Ultra/8X AA)

That was overclocked to 1306/8000, with a +.12v voltage bump, running in SLI, same rig in sig, and the fans set on Asus' default automatic profile. Core temps never exceeded 85C. Now knock at least 5C off that figure thanks to the SLI setup dumping a lot more heat in the case.

Same rig, using Matrix Platinum 7970's in Crossfire (also a DCII unit, albeit a full slot beefier) at 1.3V, 1250MHz/6800 VRAM, with 100% LLC, same test, about 90C on the VRM.

Say what you like about Asus, but they do know how to make a nice GPU cooler and PCB, and the high quality voltage regulation bits and bobs they use also seem to help a great deal thanks to better efficiency meaning less waste heat to deal with.

WOW, you got card that get to 8000? holy....also the vrm temps under that setup/clocks and SLI configuration is amazing, thanks alot for this, hope someone with 780 can give me even more accurate result, because not sure if they use the same vrm desing on 770's...
I guess my newly ordered (and not received) GTX 780 will not hit those kinds of memory clocks since the ram is slower on it. But I am hopefull for a similar percentage increase in both core and memory...

You should be able to tweak to the mid 6k range on a 780 with a little luck in the silicon lottery. Then again, the 780/Titan have a nice fat 384 bit memory bus, the 770's make do with 256 bit.