GTX260 192SP versus 216SP?


Fully [H]
Jan 20, 2004
I'm looking into adding a GTX260 to my farm, and I'm wondering what kind of difference in PPD I would see between the two versions. I'd appreciate any input, especially from those who have or have used both cards and can give me some personal experience.

And if anyone is interested in selling a GTX260, feel free to send me a PM ;).
You will see about 800 to 1k ppd difference depending on OC and WU.
The only way a 192 will be the better buy is if you grab one heck of a deal on it (like $100 flat).

Same (or more) power draw, same space, for less ppd. 216 is where it's at.

Now if you catch a good deal on a 275....... that is a different story.
A GTX275 would probably cost me a lot more than a GTX260. I will look into that however; if I go that route I'd replace the 4870 in my main rig with that and stick the 4870 in my secondary rig. Right now it's looking more like I'll be going with a 260 though.