Games you wish people still played...


Jul 26, 2004
A few summers ago I remember my main game was FarCry for the PC. From what I remember it was one of the most evenly matched set of multiplayer maps. The one with the plane wreck in the jungle was memorable, also the map with the rolling green hills full of snipers was great fun. After many reformats of my hard drive since I played that game it is no longer installed on my computer. Anyone know if there is still an online community on the PC? Another game I used to play a lot was Activision's Empires: Dawn of the Modern World. One of the most basic FPS and was awesome in huge Imperial age battles that took hours to set up. Only 50 or so people play that game now, and I wish more did.

What games do you love that you wish still had an online community?

Very few people still play it and since it came out while StarCraft was dominating the RTS world very few people ever gave it a chance. To me it is still one of the best RTS games ever. The tech tree in that game was insane and I honestly can’t think of any game out now that comes close in that department.

Lance Bug Hover for the win! (if you get there first)
Descent 3... that game was the shit. After Parallax butchered the online game tracker, everyone pretty much stopped.
I don't think Farcry was ever big online. I bought the game and still never even tried it online because I'd have to sign an account with a web browser and never remembered before I loaded up the game.

I loved Tribes 2 and I wish people still played it. It was a very addictive game.
Freespace 2. BF1942 would be more enjoyable if it wasn't full of dancing Kansas city faggots.
No one plays CS:S? I used to play that game hours a day before BF2 took over my obsession. I used to pwn on Assault maps. :)
Far Cry's one of those games that I never felt really transferred well to multiplayer. Too much wide open space, and the game is really set-up to be a little "camp happy" because of the way it was designed. It's just one of those things the never quite worked well as both a single player and multiplayer style game.

In terms of games online, because Namco has been so lax in getting their games online I fear that Tekken is slowly dying as a result. It's a console/arcade game but since this is in the general board I feel it was appropriate.
In terms of PC games - I miss Quake 2 to be honest.
HL2: DM !!!!

That is the game that really got me into P.C. FPS. Then I sold out to CS:S :)

Noting like a 90/8 K/D ratio on Overwatch :)
Isaacav2 said:
HL2: DM !!!!

That is the game that really got me into P.C. FPS. Then I sold out to CS:S :)

Yeah, HL2-DM was awesome in its prime, now its all crap custom servers and full of asshole clans.
I just got back from a on-again off-again 48+ hour LAN and we never got around to playing tribes2, though it was suggested. Pity, we had enough people to make a well organized team vs team match playable. I was sad.
UT99 before hackers and UT2k3
Red Alert 2 Yuris revenge (IPX/SPX killed that)
MOH:AA - still some of the best sound effects in a game and great gameplay.
There are a couple of games I wish people still played online:

Unreal2 XMP - this was a LOT of fun, and felt sorta like a mix of tribes and battlefield. Too bad the servers were shut down and development canned.

Unreal Tournament - people still play, but not much and its hard to find a server.

The Wheel of Time - A game released back in 1999. The Multiplayer mode "Citadel" was so much fun as you got to customize your own castle and lay traps anywhere you wanted and then had to defend the other teams while simultaneously invading their castles. The magic system also brought new life to an FPS's boring old weapons.
Operation Flashpoint

Wish it had an easier interface to get into a multiplayer game with, as it is you have to wait for the match to end before you can even join so you end up sitting at a black screen for half an hour before even playing. The netcode wasn't so great either, but when you did find low ping smooth flowing games it was some of the best gameplay out there, especially the coop because the AI is freakin lethal. All the players who rushed trying to be heros were quickly killed, and all the smart patient ones lasted a bit longer, but still died in the end. ;)

Armed Assault is coming out soon, and it's supposed to have much a improved multiplayer and finally a join in progress feature! Can't wait for that game.
Liekomg said:
Unreal2 XMP - this was a LOT of fun, and felt sorta like a mix of tribes and battlefield. Too bad the servers were shut down and development canned.

Liekomg said:
There are a couple of games I wish people still played online:

Unreal2 XMP - this was a LOT of fun, and felt sorta like a mix of tribes and battlefield. Too bad the servers were shut down and development canned.

You do know that it has been remade for UT2004 right? I'm pretty sure it has a big community too, dunno though, haven't played in a while.
jaguax said:
Operation Flashpoint

Wish it had an easier interface to get into a multiplayer game with, as it is you have to wait for the match to end before you can even join so you end up sitting at a black screen for half an hour before even playing. The netcode wasn't so great either, but when you did find low ping smooth flowing games it was some of the best gameplay out there, especially the coop because the AI is freakin lethal. All the players who rushed trying to be heros were quickly killed, and all the smart patient ones lasted a bit longer, but still died in the end. ;)

Armed Assault is coming out soon, and it's supposed to have much a improved multiplayer and finally a join in progress feature! Can't wait for that game.

I thought I was the only one who ever played that game... those custom maps with every vehicle/aircraft were some of my best memories. That was a game you could just have fun with as long as the pings were low.
ut2k4 onslaught COMPETITIVELY. this game sucked in pubs, but when people scrimmed or played in matches it was the most fun ive ever had playing a video game
I'm gonna say Wolfenstein ET. That game was amazing. Completely free multiplayer multiplatform goodness.

WARNING: ET may still have a huge community, I dont know, because I'm not in it, but i remember the heyday.
Mario 3. I wish Nintendo would just keep remaking mario 3 with new level sets...
Monster Truck Madness 1 and 2 and my alllllll time favorite was Quake's Team Fortress or QWTF if you wish. That right there was the best game out I played it for hours and hours, being a demo man was key !
Boardin087 said:
myth and myth 2 soulblighter by bungie
HELL YES! Finally someone that was a myth junkie like me. I was awesome back in the day on Enter the Spiderweb :)
Forsaken. The single player pretty much sucked, but it was one hell of a fun multi game to play on a LAN. I've tried building a legacy box for it, but I can't get the game to run anymore... :(