G92 November 12


Oct 2, 2005
according to this anyway http://www.vr-zone.com/?i=5207

We first told you that G92 is 65nm based with 256-bit memory interface back in June and seems that HKEPC agrees with us now. Lots of confusion on the discussion forums that G92 has 512-bit memory interface and is the highest end GPU from NVIDIA which, in fact is not. HKEPC revealed that G92 will be launched on November 12th and will replace the current GeForce 8800 GTS series. It is meant to compete against the RV670 while the low end G98 will compete against the RV620. However, launch date for G98 has not firmed up yet. G92 supports PCI Express 2.0, 50GT/s texture fill rate, Pure Video Gen 3, HDMI and uses display port. G92 will still be named under GeForce 8 family.
Hmm, then those earlier rumors that this might not be the high-end and that this might be the 8700 series or something named that is true. No high-end this year after all.
Can you say 8850 GT(S)? :p The 8700 you've been hearing about will be the G98 GPU they're working on. The real mainstream part.
I will believe it when I see it. Vr zone is just as bad as fudzilla and the inq. Every run they come out with rumors and every time they are wrong..
Assuming G92 is a nice improvement over the GTS, they'll probably leave the GTX where it is until G98 comes along.

G98 is supposedly what the 8600GT/GTS were supposed to be from the beginning. A strong mainstream card, below the 8800GTS 320MB filling the $200-250 price bracket.
My mistake. So I guess they're sticking with the GTX as the flagship through the end of the year ? If G92 improves on the GTS, I don't see how they expect to maintain GTX sales. But they've probably already sold enough of them.
My mistake. So I guess they're sticking with the GTX as the flagship through the end of the year ? If G92 improves on the GTS, I don't see how they expect to maintain GTX sales. But they've probably already sold enough of them.

From my understanding the GTX and Ultra will continue to be the flagship models, since at this point ATi poses no threat. Guess we'll have to wait until next year for something faster. *sigh*
Assuming G92 is a nice improvement over the GTS, they'll probably leave the GTX where it is until G98 comes along.

It's like what 7900gs was to 7900gt with a cheaper price tag I'm thinking.

With a 256bit memory bus I'm thinking this will be slightly slower.
ATI is supposedly coming out with x2900pro end of september. Might want to look out of for this as well.
doesnt this mean G92 will be the "8900" series cards, which will take 8800gts/gtx's top spots, and G98 will be the "8700" series, taking the place of 8600gt etc? Or will it just be replacing the 8800GTS?
So they are replacing the 0nm GPU 8800 GTS with a 320bit interface with a 65nm GPU/256bit interface? Its going to replace the GTS, but have almost 40% more fillrate than the GTX? A new GPU that will be named under the previous generation? Ive never heard of nVidia doing that before, but i was out of the loops for awhile, can anyone confirm theyve done this before? This all sounds like BS to me.
From what I've heard, the 8700 series (or whatever it is called( might come out as the G92 during this time and that might be the G92 itself.

There were a lot of rumors that the G92 would be mid ranged, but fud and Inq said it would be high end.

Actually, with the help of some asianess, the HKEPC article on the G92 says the G92 is to REPLACE the 8800GTS, with a 256-bit interface and is released 11/12 as stated in the article. It is to replace the 8800GTS only, but not specifically the GTX/Ultra.

This *Does* make some sense though as Nvidia never stated it would replace the high end, but has long hinted as a strong mainstream competetitor, esp. against the 2950Pro or.whatever from AMD, until a true next-gen competitor comes out,
Didn't nvidia themselves say that G92 would be released in November and even started talking about it's capabilities, which placed it 2+ times faster than the 8800GTX?

If so, what's all this nonsense about midrange cards and is any of this based on info from nvidia or is it all fud?
Didn't nvidia themselves say that G92 would be released in November and even started talking about it's capabilities, which placed it 2+ times faster than the 8800GTX?

If so, what's all this nonsense about midrange cards and is any of this based on info from nvidia or is it all fud?

officially nvidia doesn't tell you anything until it is about to be released. now if you heard rumors that's on you.
As far as what Nvidia has officially said is that high end comes first, then low end and mid range. But, thats not too official either beyond what a few execs said. The truth is, they don't tell much at all. However, from what they have trended to do, it has always been high end part, then lower end but die-shrink, then high end with the same new die process. It remains to be seen how much they keep to this.
Didn't nvidia themselves say that G92 would be released in November and even started talking about it's capabilities, which placed it 2+ times faster than the 8800GTX?

If so, what's all this nonsense about midrange cards and is any of this based on info from nvidia or is it all fud?

Yes, they did. Either way, the fact that G92 would power a mid-range card, was also a rumor floating around.
doesnt this mean G92 will be the "8900" series cards, which will take 8800gts/gtx's top spots, and G98 will be the "8700" series, taking the place of 8600gt etc? Or will it just be replacing the 8800GTS?

I doubt that it will replace anything. It will just fill the gap between the 8600 GTS and 8800 GTS 320.

NVIDIA's line up should be similar to this, after this launch in November:

<new high-end cards, whatever they are>
8800 Ultra
8800 GTX
8800 GTS
<new mid-range part, powered by G92>
8600 GTS
8600 GT
8500 GT

In Spring 2008, G98 should debut and new cards will be introduced, to replace current 8600s and 8500s.
Well, my lawyer side says that Nvidia never officially stated that the G92 would be 1Teraflop - all it said is that the next generation card will be 1 Teraflop. For all we know, the next generation can be labeled G-Unit for all we care, since it is never stated by them directly.

However, if one looks at history, G90/G91 would be the name of the original high-end and its revision (as G70/G71 were) whereas G92 and so on would be progressively lower-end for that generation. As to why they would suddenly change, who knows.

The G92 rumor floating around that it would power a mid-ranged card, however, *has* definitely been floating around, though somewhat to deaf ears.

Now, as to how reliable HKEPC source is, remains to be same (though they did bring us news of Intel Price cuts on processors that did end up being true). They *do* specifically state that G92 is to compete with RV670, the supposed 2950Pro mid-ranged card from ATI and the G98 is supposed to compete with RV620, the lower end card. Given that the Inq and Fud both stated the G92 and G98 exist, but with little concrete evidence otherwise on its true capabilities, it will be interesting to see what happens.
This makes it even more unclear.
This baby sports some serious shading power, but more important is the fact that the memory installed on board is now GDDR4. 768MB of GDDR4, to be more precise. The amount of memory discards rumours of 256-bit bus, since it is obvious that Nvidia will keep 384-bit memory controller for the high-end series of products. We would welcome this memory controller in mainstream arena, though.

The bandwidth has now jumped over the 105 GB/s barrier, and it remains to be seen what will be the final clock of the memory – our estimate is between 1.0 and 1.2 GHz, or 2.0-2.4 GHz, but final clocks are far, far from being decided. The company needs to get the revised chip first, in order to have DisplayPort working nice and cleanly. Display Port is required for this company to get the Dell XPS contract – a new machine will be launched for Winter 2007/08, probably during CES 2008 in Las Vegas.

The company has already had some revisions of the board sent to their favourite game developers and other partners, and we can now tell you that the board is almost identical to old 8800 GTX/Ultra ones.

Hmmm... I wonder how high the clockspeed of the G92 chip will be aswell as how overclockable a 65nm chip will be.

From my (slight) experience in overlocking my 8800GTS I would say that the gains comes from overclocking the chip and not the memory (and thereby getting extra memory bandwith). From that point I don't see the problem in a narrower memorybus (256bit instead of 320bit) as the real power of the cards is in the clock of the chip... Ofcause I may just be shooting blind... :D
Hmmm... I wonder how high the clockspeed of the G92 chip will be aswell as how overclockable a 65nm chip will be.

From my (slight) experience in overlocking my 8800GTS I would say that the gains comes from overclocking the chip and not the memory (and thereby getting extra memory bandwith). From that point I don't see the problem in a narrower memorybus (256bit instead of 320bit) as the real power of the cards is in the clock of the chip... Ofcause I may just be shooting blind... :D

My friends GTS 640 got *huge* improvements in speed by OC'ing to 675/950 (core/mem) so an 800 core would definitely be huge.
until you see an official press release/conference call script from nvidia, dont believe it. Its all speculation until that point.
until you see an official press release/conference call script from nvidia, dont believe it. Its all speculation until that point.

Especially if the 3 sites you're looking at are vr-zone, fudzilla and theinq. o_O

this is where my money is for what its worth.

nVidia's partners won't want to change the board design unless there is good reason for it

given that there is no chronic bandwidth bottleneck at present, there appears no need to move to 512bit and thus nVidia can use the 8800GTX board again with its 384bit.

the jump from 1800MHz GDDR3 to 2200MHz GDD4 will provide sufficient extra bandwidth for what is needed.
Hmmmm.... Maybe I will pick up an Ultra after all. Im still waiting till an official launch though. But this is a good example of how ATI's lack of competition is going to hurt us because Nvidia knows they dont have to release another high end card since nobody can touch them.
That article made my head hurt. All I know is I have 65 days left on my step up, and I don't know if it'll be to an Ultra or whatever the new card is.

Oh wait, it's longer than 65 days until Nov. 12th which means I'm screwed! Bah..
Hmmmm.... Maybe I will pick up an Ultra after all. Im still waiting till an official launch though. But this is a good example of how ATI's lack of competition is going to hurt us because Nvidia knows they dont have to release another high end card since nobody can touch them.
thats one way to look at it..the other is if they dont then no ones going to bother upgrading because it wont be worth it. Either way I think they are best of getting products out there.
Hmmmm.... Maybe I will pick up an Ultra after all. Im still waiting till an official launch though. But this is a good example of how ATI's lack of competition is going to hurt us because Nvidia knows they dont have to release another high end card since nobody can touch them.
If thats the case they lost me as a customer until they have a 2nd to best card comes out that beats the 8800GTX.
two different sources of "info", both of them with difference of opinion, meaning one or both of them are 100% false, because you cant have two different sources in nvidia telling you two different things and both being right (unless they were trying to mislead the inq which isn't out of the realm of possibility.

A refresh seems unnecessary, a next gen chip seems soon, but its prob closer to A than it is B, but no one really knows yet, one is saying nov12th (crysis day), which only makes sense since that was about the same date 8800 launched last year, the other doesn't give a date.
Well I'm still unsure of the specs, but it appears that the G92 nor the G98 will be a new high end card ([H] has a news post from DigiTimes). If the they both end up being below the 8800GTS/X/Ultra (high-end cards) then I will create a new thread of "I told you so". A ban would make it worthwhile too from Kyle or Brent ;) lol. Who bets I'm right (I've been right for some time <3)?

Two different sets of rumors on the same SKU's this time around, it's been awhile since i heard so much mis-information on the same product.
So they are replacing the 80nm GPU 8800 GTS with a 320bit interface with a 65nm GPU/256bit interface? Its going to replace the GTS, but have almost 40% more fillrate than the GTX? A new GPU that will be named under the previous generation? Ive never heard of nVidia doing that before, but i was out of the loops for awhile, can anyone confirm theyve done this before? This all sounds like BS to me.
the 8800 cards are 90nm