Flight Sim Lovers: IL2 COD Release this March

Wow, This is really good to hear. I have been waiting for this game for quite some time now. Tried Wings or Prey..... but its just not IL-2. You know if this game will be on Steam?
Over at the 1C forums Oleg said that it would be on Steam. This was a while back though, hopefully it is.
Cool I really liked the original. I used to turn it into a mini game and try to land my airplane with no wheels without destroying it. IL2 was one of the first games I can remember besides Carmageddon 1&2 that really did a good job with damage models.
I've been waiting for this for many years! I just hope they don't spoil it by putting silly DRM in. This is Ubisoft, after all.
!!! It's about time, really. Let's just hope that it was worth the wait.
System Requirements for IL2:

Bluesnews said:
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Specs

The Ubisoft forums offer the system requirements for IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover, 1C's upcoming combat flight simulator. These specs follow.

OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows® 7 / Vista SP2 / Windows XP SP3
PROCESSOR: Pentium® Dual-Core 2.0GHz or Athlon™ X2 3800+ (Intel Core i5 2.66GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 2.6GHz recommended)
RAM: 2GB (4GB recommended)
VIDEO CARD: DirectX® 9.0c compliant, 512Mb Video Card (1GB DirectX® 10 recommended) - See supported List*
DIRECT X®: DirectX® 9.0c or DirectX® 10 (included on disc)
SOUND CARD: DirectX 9.0c compatible
PERIPHERALS: Mouse, keyboard (joystick with throttle and rudder control recommended)
MULTIPLAY: Broadband connection with 128 kbps upstream or faster

I cant wait for this game. IL2 was one flying game i would player for hours. Some pretty hefty system requires. Maybe its a sign for some awesome gameplay.
Having never played the first IL-2 was it ultra realistic like the DCS sims?
I don't mind having to spend 10 minutes to read on how to take off but I don't want to spend 10 minutes flipping virtual switches just to start the engine.
IL-2 allowed for a very broad range from arcade shoot-em-up down to simulation level with engine tweaking and propeller pitch controls.
Having never played the first IL-2 was it ultra realistic like the DCS sims?
I don't mind having to spend 10 minutes to read on how to take off but I don't want to spend 10 minutes flipping virtual switches just to start the engine.

Prop pitch controls, Engine mixture controls, throttle, radiator, flaps, landing gear, trim. That about does it for the controls other than rudders, elevators and ailerons. Taking off takes getting used to though.
Oh man, I remember playing the original. Good times were had. I don't know where my joystick went to though.... I was so big into these games when I was in high school. This and WWII Online defined my 10th grade year.
Having never played the first IL-2 was it ultra realistic like the DCS sims?
I don't mind having to spend 10 minutes to read on how to take off but I don't want to spend 10 minutes flipping virtual switches just to start the engine.

Not as realistic. It wasn't a complete sim (remember stuff like DCS-A10 was used by the military first, needs to be 100%). But, IL2 was pretty damn realistic. It makes you do the basic stuff.

I'm a pilot and IL2 puts you in charge of all the control surfaces needed to fly. I just think they left out some of the minor minor details different between different models of aircraft.

Not sure if anyones done this before, but in NYC the USS Intrepid has this simulator that is just IL2 projected, but the box you're in let's you go vert or turn inverted and hang from your seat. It's pretty cool.

Now if I could have that simulator + this new IL2 I'd be in heaven.
Prop pitch controls, Engine mixture controls, throttle, radiator, flaps, landing gear, trim. That about does it for the controls other than rudders, elevators and ailerons. Taking off takes getting used to though.

Yeah, hopefully they fixed how some of the twin engine aircraft want to pull to the side, considering that the engines are supposed to spin in opposite directions to negate that effect.

I almost always played with simple engine controls, as in the heat of the battle having to deal with your radiator, prop pitch & mixture could be a pain.
Yeah, hopefully they fixed how some of the twin engine aircraft want to pull to the side, considering that the engines are supposed to spin in opposite directions to negate that effect.

I almost always played with simple engine controls, as in the heat of the battle having to deal with your radiator, prop pitch & mixture could be a pain.

It was always a pita taking off in the BF109 when you can barely tell the runway from the grass....you only knew you were off the runway when you were bouncing about uncontrollably.

I think I'm gonna launch hyperlobby tonight and hop on one of the full servers :).
Well I may have to put this on the prospect list of games to get....been a long time since I played a good flight game....going back to the JANE'S sims....man I'm getting old.