DX12 to feature geforce and Radeon mixed configurations possible!?

Do you honestly think Nvidia will ever let their cards play nice with AMD cards? And if DX12 is anything like DX11 it'll be 2020 before anyone is using it.
So I shouldn't sell my mining rig yet and hang on to my 280x/7970's? Hmmmmmm.

Yup same here, have a bunch of leftover mining hardware including the Crossfire Asus 280x cards I currently use. If Mantle/DX12 will let me use a bunch of mismatched gpus, that would be great.

As for nvidia locking themselves out, that's pretty much a given. Only exception I can see is if Micro$oft themselves applied some pressure to make this happen as a feature of DX12 to keep and lure developers possibly versus Steam.
Imagine Ubisoft games running on a AMD/NVIDIA tandem... and then AMD drivers trying to work with NV drivers... it opens such a new field for messing up everything ;) Idea is great, but its execution, well, it's execution might be worse than trying to make 7970 Xfire work :)
Sounds like a recipe for disaster if current sli/xfire is anything to judge by.

But long-term I think it is an interesting idea. If the architectures and APIs get flexible enough this could be possible. If there was a standard GPU instruction set (like x86) I think it would become much easier.
I'm all for utilizing the integrated GPU on our CPU's. It's untapped potential. Even if it adds an extra 2 FPS, that's something I never had before. I must say this is an exciting time to be a PC gamer, with 4k, G-Sync/Freesync, Windows 10 and now DX12 all developing and improving I am so pumped to see what we will have as options later this year or early 2016.
NVIDIA WILL lock out their GPUs as they do now

Yup, just like when PhysX came out from Nvidia. You could use your Nvidia card to render PhysX and AMD to render everything else without jumping through a bunch of hoops like you have to now.
Hetero video cards configuration is unnatural and should not be allowed.
Gay video cards setup should be the only way.
The developers we spoke to indicated that AMD and Nvidia wouldn’t necessarily need to support the feature in-driver — there are certain kinds of rendering tasks that could be split between graphics cards by the API itself


Sounds like the support for "asynchronous workloads across multiple GPUs" will be implemented by the game developer, kind of taking vendors out of the "driver" seat ;)

We will see...
There is no way in this universe that Nvidia will allow this to happen on their hardware.
Do you honestly think Nvidia will ever let their cards play nice with AMD cards? And if DX12 is anything like DX11 it'll be 2020 before anyone is using it.

Actually with how much DX12 will share in common with consoles and with the consoles being built on the same basic PC architecture I'd say there is a good chance adoption will be a lot quicker provided the cross platform work is easier as MS have suggested. The real question is how quickly will the benefits be realised? As we saw with Mantle's implementation in BF4 if a game's is developed to work within the confines of DX11 then the lower level API is barely exploited if implemented resulting in more or less the same experience.
I can just see this happening. Any in game issues AMD will blame Nvidia and game devs and Nvidia would blame AMD and game devs. It`s a nice pipe dream, but the reality would be a shambles. Or at least at the beginning it would be.
And DX12 will come with Windows 10 only so that is unlikely.

i said support, not that it was the only DX that it supported.

Windows 10 is almost here for the masses and it would be a big title to offer support, plus its a game that likely benefits from it since it is likely cpu limited.

just sayin would be nice if it did.
There's no way nVidia will go for this. I'd expect certain features for "nVidia exclusive" systems...

Presumably to be able to claim dx12 support AMD/Nvidia would have to allow it to some extent.

I can't see it really actually truly being a platform agnostic sli/crossfire solution in the way we're thinking though.
AMD and NVidia have enough problems getting their own identical cards working together, I find it hard to believe that MS can take that off their hands and give it to the game devs to work out for themselves and not have PCs bursting into flames :p

Maybe it'll be more like devs can choose to have one card do texture rendering and AA and the other do lighting and postprocessing/shaders or something like that.

Or maybe it will be that, and MS was just like: "Both of your shit has to work a certain way to work with windows anyway, so we're just going to go ahead and write this shit into our API. If you don't like it, well, enjoy Linux".
Most people wouldn't mix their video cards anyways. What I'm excited for is the way DX12 will treat cards paired in SLI/Xfire. As one unit with all memory available. That means my current setup instead of having 2GBs of vram would now have 4GB. I'm all for that 100%.
Those closed door meetings to get DX12 started must've been quite entertaining!

Right now it does look like Microsoft told both AMD & nvidia they both had to play nice and work together if they wanted DX12 to happen.

And for some reason AMD was ahead of the game and developed Mantle with a few developers.
I can't believe anybody was asking for this...this must be really low on the priority list of things that need to be done prior to the first DX12 release...WTF?
I can't believe anybody was asking for this...this must be really low on the priority list of things that need to be done prior to the first DX12 release...WTF?

The over all goal wasn't allow mixing, it was to present multiple multi GPU setups as a single resource pool. It's just a happy side effect.
Those closed door meetings to get DX12 started must've been quite entertaining!

Right now it does look like Microsoft told both AMD & nvidia they both had to play nice and work together if they wanted DX12 to happen.

And for some reason AMD was ahead of the game and developed Mantle with a few developers.

Actually it was DICE aka:BF4 that started it, AMD just was the force behind it. And honestly it wasn't a "first shots fired" kind of scenario. The best way to look at it is that Mantle kick started MS's need to implement Mantle like operation into DX12. Mantle wasnt a new idea nor does it invalidate the possibility DX was heading or not in that direction. It just validates Mantle got there first.

And the possibilities of what DX12 or Mantle can do is vast. We have only seen a small fraction of the good these bring.
I'm more excited about how VRam is handled really. I already run 2x GTX680 in SLI. Those are 2GB VRam cards, which isn't particularly limiting for me since I run at 1080P (120hz) but nonetheless I wouldn't mind it being handled differently such that they become additive and count as 4GB.
I'm more excited about how VRam is handled really. I already run 2x GTX680 in SLI. Those are 2GB VRam cards, which isn't particularly limiting for me since I run at 1080P (120hz) but nonetheless I wouldn't mind it being handled differently such that they become additive and count as 4GB.

nVidia will fight that tooth and nail. The last thing they want is for your old card to still have some value and keep you from buying a shiny new one.
nVidia will fight that tooth and nail. The last thing they want is for your old card to still have some value and keep you from buying a shiny new one.

Like AMD wouldn't do the same. None of those two is liberal non profit, that happily give free stuff to anyone that asks. Their goal is profit and to make people buy their newest most expensive tech. I was always baffled why people think that one corp is good, the other is evil... While their bosses just look at the forums flame wars and laugh at their fanboys brigades, ready to die and fight to defend their masters for free, and then spend even more money on the products of their beloved company.
Like AMD wouldn't do the same. None of those two is liberal non profit, that happily give free stuff to anyone that asks. Their goal is profit and to make people buy their newest most expensive tech. I was always baffled why people think that one corp is good, the other is evil... While their bosses just look at the forums flame wars and laugh at their fanboys brigades, ready to die and fight to defend their masters for free, and then spend even more money on the products of their beloved company.

Boy did you take what I said and run for the hills with it. :D

1st, AMD and nVidia do not operate the same way. Saying that they do is wrong.

2nd, I never said AMD is liberal, non profit, happily gives stuff to anyone who asks, not for profit, a good corp, etc...

3rd, Actually I never even mentioned AMD, so who's defending their master? :rolleyes:

4th, "Flame wars and fanboy brigades"? WTF?

nVidia makes their stuff with planned obsolescence so when their next products roll around their older ones are no longer viable. You can support it if you want to. It's your money. I was simply stating my opinion that "shared memory" isn't something nVidia would want to support.
In my opinion if either company decides to bork what DX12 is offering, then it shouldn't work on their hardware. Play nice or go without.