Dragon's Dogma 2

I assume it has story relevant to its sequel, doesn't it?
The stories have nothing to do with each other, they are similar but in different worlds. Both DDDA and DD2 are very good games, DD2 has more simplified mechanics, it isn't worse for that though, the game is very good if you like games centered around exploration.

I sunk 91 hours into my first playthrough and feel like I missed a lot, I ended up deleting my save last night and starting fresh, going to take my time with the 2nd playthrough.
The stories have nothing to do with each other, they are similar but in different worlds. Both DDDA and DD2 are very good games, DD2 has more simplified mechanics, it isn't worse for that though, the game is very good if you like games centered around exploration.

I sunk 91 hours into my first playthrough and feel like I missed a lot, I ended up deleting my save last night and starting fresh, going to take my time with the 2nd playthrough.
Didn't the latest patch add an option to start a new game without the need to delete your save?
this sounds like my type of game...old school RPG...no quest arrows or icons pointing you to the exact location...you need to explore and talk with people...combat sounds fun...I never got far into the first game as the Pawn aspect bugged me- I prefer playing solo but I think DD2 is a more updated version of the first game

* even though there are no quest markers people can still use walkthroughs to find everything without the grind
I'd call this a more modern old school rpg. Well there are quest location pointers in a sense. The escort quests have an exact location marker for the destination, and you do technically know where you have to go like find someone in some town/village, but it's up to you how you get there. The game also discourages fast travel. If you travel by foot you gain some dcp and exp and I don't mean from fighting, just by walking distance. I have several portcrystals set up but I still mainly jog to locations unless I am in a hurry so I can level up my vocations.

I get the whole wanting to play solo but I just can't see doing it because you'd be over weight constantly and you'd have to throw away all those resources you'd have collected that you'd need to upgrade your equipment. But nothing stops you from trying it though, you only have to not hire any pawns and brine your main and never touch a rift stone if you want to try it in pure solo mode (you could do that in the first game too I think). I like the pawn system it's a non-coop coop lol. And it's essential for some things (woodland wordsmith) since you can't learn everything.

I am trying to level trickster and honestly I am hating the vocation more than any other I have played. I just don't get it and leveling this last bit (I am rank 7) to max it out is annoying as hell because even this far I just don't know how I am even contributing. My previous Warfarer which was mainly a hybrid thief + magic archer, was a fun time though it took a while to max out Warfarer. I thought it was one of the slowest to max out, but trickster is much worse, not because it seems slow to level, but to me it's just not fun at all. I have tried leading things to die from falling off ledges, but it hasn't worked once. Maybe I picked it too late. My party basically destroys most group mobs easily (Level 53-57), so the ability to get mobs to attack one of their own is just useless now. They die by the time I attach the smoke thing. It worked like once for one hit before my party annihilated the group lol. The only good thing it has is a find seeker token augment. I found mystic spearhand and it sounds good but I think I'll want to work on fighter and warrior first and skip sorcerer till later cause I am just tired of magic at the moment.
I've only done mainly side quests so after finishing my vocations, I'll get back to the main quest lol.
Didn't the latest patch add an option to start a new game without the need to delete your save?
It overwrites your previous save. It would be nice if they added additional character slots.

I understand why they do it this way, so you can't just summon your pawns from other saves to transfer items to low level pawns. If they made it so you can't summon your pawns from other saves I don't see a reason not to include it.
this sounds like my type of game...old school RPG...no quest arrows or icons pointing you to the exact location...you need to explore and talk with people...combat sounds fun...I never got far into the first game as the Pawn aspect bugged me- I prefer playing solo but I think DD2 is a more updated version of the first game

* even though there are no quest markers people can still use walkthroughs to find everything without the grind
You can solo DD2, I think thief would be the best solo class, maybe fighter and warrior as well but they would require a lot of consumables, thief would not. I'll probably do a solo game after I finish my 2nd playthrough & NG+. This game is good enough to hold my interest for a long time.
You can play any class just hire a Healer mage or Cleric for a pawn they heal you for everything.
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It overwrites your previous save. It would be nice if they added additional character slots.

I understand why they do it this way, so you can't just summon your pawns from other saves to transfer items to low level pawns. If they made it so you can't summon your pawns from other saves I don't see a reason not to include it.
You could just pseudo make character slots. All you have to do is backup your saves, delete your save files, start again. You can probably just switch between the two save backups. I don't know if they have checks so I'd recommend not using the start new game option from the menu. If anything that might invalidate your old save file if it has some kind of identification tag in it. Or it's possible that is the denuvo install check thing. Every time you switch out your character it will do an activation like check so don't do it more than once or twice a day. I heard people say deleting your save and starting a new game makes the game go through an activation (this was via proton IIRC), I also read someone who said they wiped their save multiple times (windows only) that didn't trigger any activation attempts, so I guess YMMV.
The stories have nothing to do with each other, they are similar but in different worlds. Both DDDA and DD2 are very good games, DD2 has more simplified mechanics, it isn't worse for that though, the game is very good if you like games centered around exploration.

I sunk 91 hours into my first playthrough and feel like I missed a lot, I ended up deleting my save last night and starting fresh, going to take my time with the 2nd playthrough.
Thank you :). Good to know, I'll have to snag this once it hits a decent sale!
I assume it has story relevant to its sequel, doesn't it?
DD2 Feels more like a remake with an expanded story, even the title screen just says "Dragons Dogma", no 2 to be seen. The only reason I'd recommend playing the original first is because you could probably grab it super cheap to make sure you like the gameplay. If you don't think that is going to be an issue then I'd say jump right in to 2.
No, because it normally isn't that way. No need to be condescending :rolleyes:.

That was not really my intention. Well, there are also many game series where you do not necessarily have to play the predecessors. So before I sink 60+ hours into an older game I would at least just google it. DD's strength is exploration and not storytelling. If you play both games relatively close together, you could definitely get a high risk of tiredness.

Tl;dr: Play DD2 and have fun.
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That was not really my intention. Well, there are also many game series where you do not necessarily have to play the predecessors. So before I sink 60+ hours into an older game I would at least just google it. DD's strength is exploration and not storytelling. If you play both games relatively close together, you could definitely get a high risk of tiredness.

Tl;dr: Play DD2 and have fun.
Thanks for clarifying, and sorry I misunderstood you.
Man I am only 7 hours in but so far this game gives me that excited feeling when playing. Like you are on an adventure. I had the choice at a point early in the game to take the oxcart or go on my own to the capitol l and I chose to go on my own and I am glad I did. It was way longer than I expected but I was able to level up to level 12 just from the trip, fought a cyclops that was nearly impossible and kept killing me and got lucky and got a high level pawn close by, recruited her and she turned the tide of the fight. Was relieved when I finally made it to Vernworth. Also, and maybe this will change, but I did not think the monster density was too much on the trip. Seemed just about right. Plenty of side roads to take and explore. Came across a a dragon and noped it out of there with haste. Good times.
This series has always given me the best "explorer/adventurer" vibes of any game. I still clearly remember playing the first game on my PS3 IIRC, and the first time night hit I was like WTF I can't see a dam thing. Unlike in this sequel that gave you a lantern to start, you had to actually buy one yourself in the first game with no one telling you and you were so screwed if you went out exploring then night came in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't move from the spot I was at till morning because I was level like 3 hoping nothing wandered in my direction lol.
I'm on my 2nd playthrough and am still excited to play every chance I get. It actually gives me the same vibes I had when playing DD1. I think I will be playing this game on and off for years so I hope they add a few expansions, I would certainly buy them. I have 120 hours played and that says a lot for it only being out a few weeks, lol.
Capcom has a survey up, asking for player feedback: https://www.enqform.capcom.com/form/pub/form1/dd2_en1

There is a section for `likes` and `dislikes` about the game, also asks what type of DLC you would want in the game. If I were to guess they will be feeding these surveys into an ChatGPT or something similar, so if you fill it out I recommend being specific.

I recommend mentioning performance issues on PC, which is probably my biggest issue. But I did also list some of my preferred features that they should add and preferred changes to the game.

Also you can fill it out if you haven't played the game, they are probably looking for opinions from players who have not purchased it but are interested.
this is a game that will have staying power over a long period of time...as they patch it, new drivers are released etc more people will buy...this is not a game that has a short shelf life...
What's the best price you guys are paying for this release?
Personally after a few patches I think it is worth the $70, as long as they fix the performance in Vermund. I bought it for like $50-60 as a pre-order from either fanatical or gamebillet, I started a 3rd playthrough now and have over 200 hours played. Any game that offers this much replayability is worth the price tag IMO, as long as it is fun.
update planned this month with the following adjustments and fixes...


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But has the stutter been fixed? Stutter, of any kind, drives me crazy. I’m stutterphobic.
Is this like a legit open world game? or sort of open, like wide rails?
Is this like a legit open world game? or sort of open, like wide rails?
The first game did use invisible walls to limit where people could go, unfortunately. I have not played 2 yet, so I don't know if they still used invisible walls. Other than that, it is as open as any other open world game out there. You're not artificially limited by character level, story progress, or anything else like that.
But has the stutter been fixed? Stutter, of any kind, drives me crazy. I’m stutterphobic.
The severe stutter from launch has been "smoothed over" there is still stutter in Vermund, but there is limited combat there. I would say wait another patch or two, hopefully they completely fix it within a month or two. It still has performance issues, like my 4090 will pull over 400w while getting 45 FPS occasionally in Vermund lol (at 4K max settings).

Is this like a legit open world game? or sort of open, like wide rails?
It's open world. The 3rd big location however is locked behind part of the main quest, unless someone has figured out a way to get there without doing the quest, I would like to know if someone knows how. The 2nd big location can be accessed at any point in the game, on my 3rd playthrough I literally b-lined it to that area to get something right at the start of the game.

Edit: There is a way to the 3rd location without going through the gate, so yea everything is open world. Found the cave that leads you there this weekend.
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It's open world. The 3rd big location however is locked behind part of the main quest, unless someone has figured out a way to get there without doing the quest, I would like to know if someone knows how. The 2nd big location can be accessed at any point in the game, on my 3rd playthrough I literally b-lined it to that area to get something right at the start of the game.

Thanks for confirming. I bought the game two weeks ago, created a character and only played for like 30 mins and haven't gone back to it. I need a free day to nerd out on this game!
3rd replay already?...how long does the average playthrough last?
My first was around 90 hours, 2nd was around 110, not done with 3rd playthrough yet. If you were to do everything, I think you can stretch out a playthrough to around 200-250 hours, but by that time you're extremely overpowered I bet.

Before anyone asks, I do have a job, I just WFH 3 days a week, so have more freetime to do what I want.
The game is gorgeous and the mechanics are good.. I like the NPC following.. like Guild Wars on steroids. BUT... I feel like i have to spent so much time in an out of the terrible menu / map system that it really kills the experience for me.. I mean the normal map doesn't show you your quest elements? wtf... maybe i'm doing it wrong but I feel like you really have to dig stuff out of the menu constantly.. it just seems more complicated than it should be and feels awkward... when I compare it to how bad ass the Witcher 3's game flow. landscape is, and menuing/map system.. idk... and open world but there are steep rocks everywhere keeping you on rails essentially.. I mean it is fucking gorgeous though.. man the Dragon animations and character eyes... the water isn't the best but the ground areas are pretty...
new update including the following modifications and fixes:

・Reducing the infection frequency of dragonsplague and adjusting the signs of Pawns infected with dragonsplague to be more noticeable
 - For example, when infected, glowing eyes will be more noticeable
・Adding the option to zoom in on the faces of the Arisen and Pawns in the status screen, shops, etc
・Fixing some issues and implementing adjustments related to the mini map
 - Treasure chests that have already been acquired won't be displayed on the mini map
・Adjustments to Pawns’ behavior and dialogue
 - Fixing issues where occasionally the player couldn't high five Pawns
 - Fixing issues where Pawns wouldn't start guiding after offering to guide
 - Making Pawns less likely to fall off cliffs
 - Reducing the frequency of some Pawn dialogue lines
 - Improving Pawn lines to better match circumstances
 - Fixing some issues where Pawns stop speaking outside of combat
 - Fixing some issues where the Main Pawn speaks support Pawn’s dialogue
 - Making Pawns more likely to aid the Arisen if the Arisen commands them to help while being held by enemies
 - Reducing the frequency of Pawns offering to be hired by the player while in the field
・Fixing issues where sometimes escort quests are considered failed when accessing Character Edit or other specific situations
・Fixing issues where the player could be jailed when fighting monsters in town
・Fixing some crashes and freezes in specific circumstances
・Miscellaneous bug fixes

I seem to have more stutter with this patch, specifically in the slums of Vernworth. I didn't really stutter there before. I'm on my 4th playthrough so have played through these areas quite a bit. Otherwise the performance feels about the same.

Also the patch broke a quest that I was in the middle of completing prior to the patch. The one where you escort the guy to find his brother (Melve quest).
What the hell is this witchcraft with hidden better graphics I suppose optimization was priority.
I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet but I was downloading mods earlier today and saw this. I almost downloaded it but saw in the forums that there's a significant issue with noise added to the scene, hoping this video has a remedy for that so I can give it a shot.

EDIT: Yeah, you can see how bad the noise is in the video.

EDIT 2: And they go over that extensively. Great video though.
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Title Update

A new Dragon's Dogma 2 patch is now live on PC and consoles, introducing NVIDIA DLSS 3 Frame Generation support along with several gameplay tweaks and fixes:

-Adding DLSS Frame Generation to "Graphics" in Options
-Fixing issues where sometimes terrain wasn't displayed when using some graphics boards
-Increasing the maximum number of items that can be put in the storage from 1000 to 3000
-Fixing issues in which "Bandit Eyepatch" and "Lordly Eyepatch" were not available
-Fixing issue with progression in the Guardian Gigantus quest becoming impossible after playing the cinematic
-Fixing issues with Pawns' cosmetics appearing different in other players' worlds
-Fixing some additional issues where the Main Pawn speaks support Pawn’s dialogue
-Miscellaneous bug fixes
