Dragon Age III: Inquisition announced!!!!

I've restarted the game 3 times now, and I've yet to get more than halfway through.

I played DA:O probably 30 times or more, and even DA2 got some replay but this one I cant even bring myself to get past the halfway mark.

Not sure if its because it feels too much like a grindy MMO at times or that the story just isnt doing it for me this time around. :(

Maybe I'll try again in a few months during some winter weekend when I'm snowed in.

It does look pretty though.

Is it that you get stuck on occasion with a grindy task which prevents you from continuing the story?
I'm thinking of replaying in story/easy mode to replay different characters; I just don't want to have to do that much grinding to not make the fights really difficult. Anyone done that mode yet, is it still enjoyable or just too easy?
I'm also one that suffers from trying to complete every quest and trying to help everyone person that you walk by and calls out to you. I've been slowly picking away at this game since January (have been very busy in a new job). I've logged about 35 hours but feel like I'm still near the beginning, can anyone give me an approx. % I am in the main quest?

Characters are rank 12 in Skyhold. I have all companions in my party. Main quest I sided with Templars and am on Here Lies the Abyss and haven't met Hawke yet although I am in Crestwood where he is. Wiki shows 10 main quests and I am on the 6th, so am I over half way? If so I am going to power the main story.

The game is fun but I find myself always using the same party and same tactics since I focus my resources on crafting the best items for my party. Maybe I need to try more characters and different battle tactics. I really really enjoyed Dragon Age 1, especially the character development, main story and companion quests. I want to finish this and move onto Witcher 3 next.
Bah why is the dlc still full price with a GOtY edition out, its almost the same price to buy the GOtY edition than to buy the DLC separate.

I don't have any of the dlc but i do not want to spend even close to $60 to get it.

Seems more like a $25-30 purchase to me.
Is it that you get stuck on occasion with a grindy task which prevents you from continuing the story?

I wish I could pin it clearly on one thing.

I wasn't ever stuck anywhere, and things were plenty challenging, but it just wasn't "fun" to play.

I'm just hoping that if and when I find the time to go back to it, I'll be able to either pick up where I left off or start over and enjoy it. Maybe at the time my mindset just wasn't right for that sort of game. God knows I've been under a hellish amount of stress for months now.

Its been fun to read here though about other people playing through it. Hopefully I can add to it sometime soon. :)
can anyone give me an approx. % I am in the main quest?

in terms of time spent on the actual quests, maybe 30-40%. the quests get longer as you go on.

personally I attacked a single map at a time, doing the main quest if it was present, otherwise just clearing the map. I used to hunt the shards, but realized I really hated doing that and didn't mess with it anymore. I was pretty OP'd by the end game anyways on normal difficulty. never did visit the forgotten oasis. otherwise I probably had a solid 150+ hours into it, doing a couple hours each week.

I want to see the DLC cost drop as well. only reason I haven't picked them up yet was to the cost to buy them all.
in terms of time spent on the actual quests, maybe 30-40%. the quests get longer as you go on.

personally I attacked a single map at a time, doing the main quest if it was present, otherwise just clearing the map. I used to hunt the shards, but realized I really hated doing that and didn't mess with it anymore. I was pretty OP'd by the end game anyways on normal difficulty. never did visit the forgotten oasis. otherwise I probably had a solid 150+ hours into it, doing a couple hours each week.

I want to see the DLC cost drop as well. only reason I haven't picked them up yet was to the cost to buy them all.

Thanks, I'm most of the way through Here Lies the Abyss now, so it seems like over half way done the main quest. I was doing the same as you, clearing everything on the map (except crystals) but it's taking a bit too long for the time I have so now I'm focusing on the main quest.

Anyone have problems with flickering textures during cut scenes in this game? When I search google it sounds like it's an SLI problem except I don't have SLI. I am only getting flickering during cut scenes, the normal game is fine, but the flickering is awful when it does happen. Running latest Star Wars NV drivers, factory clocks on GPU, in game 1920x1200 max details adaptive AA on.
Well, I finally beat the game last night. 72 hours and I did all companion quests and a good number of other side quests (although I stopped doing the boring fetch quests on the later half of the game). Overall I thought it was a great game, good story and the character development improved toward the later half. The characters were not as good as Dragon Age: Origins and the way EA shoehorned in LGBT with Dorian and Iron Bull's captain felt really forced. Main story was solid and I enjoyed the ending although the battle with Corepheyus and his dragon was really easy at only rank 20 (although I did have the best crafted gear you could make for my main party). The graphics and art style were awesome at max settings, very pretty game and it ran well. I would definitely recommend DA:I for fans of Bioware style RPG's.

What are people's thoughts on DLC? They are $10CAD each on sale right now. I just purchased The Witcher 3 for $30CAD so unless the DA:I DLC is amazing I will skip it and start playing the Witcher. At my pace, it will take until next summer to complete it, good timing for when Deus Ex comes out :)
Well, I finally beat the game last night. 72 hours and I did all companion quests and a good number of other side quests (although I stopped doing the boring fetch quests on the later half of the game). Overall I thought it was a great game, good story and the character development improved toward the later half. The characters were not as good as Dragon Age: Origins and the way EA shoehorned in LGBT with Dorian and Iron Bull's captain felt really forced. Main story was solid and I enjoyed the ending although the battle with Corepheyus and his dragon was really easy at only rank 20 (although I did have the best crafted gear you could make for my main party). The graphics and art style were awesome at max settings, very pretty game and it ran well. I would definitely recommend DA:I for fans of Bioware style RPG's.

What are people's thoughts on DLC? They are $10CAD each on sale right now. I just purchased The Witcher 3 for $30CAD so unless the DA:I DLC is amazing I will skip it and start playing the Witcher. At my pace, it will take until next summer to complete it, good timing for when Deus Ex comes out :)

It took me about 72 hours as well to beat it.

TBH, the DLCS are cool, but I only recommend them while you're playing through the game, not after.

As for TW3, it took me almost double the hours of Dragon Age Inquisition to beat.

Both were fantastic in my book.
I've picked up the story DLCs during the holiday, I don't know to pick up the character I finished the game with or start a new one.

It depends on one thing: Are there any additional romance content for characters in the DLCs, or nothing at all? Because if there is nothing then I'm inclined to start a new character and experience the game differently, but if there is something there, then I don't want to miss it.
Yeah it says right on the page it requires a login to the EA.(cr)APP to play. I liked this game when I played through it a long while ago, much better than DA2, though at the time it wasn't the APP it was origin. It's a shame I can't get this from epic to uncouple it from the EA App. I haven't touched anything EA or it's APP since I finished Jedi Survivor, so I am sure it will update itself again if I launch it and probably f**k something up lol.