dota 2 closed beta released


Aug 15, 2006
but i didnt get my invite :( sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. they should totally invite ppl who own everysingle valve game! anybody outthere luck enough to be invited?
Looking forward to the invite myself, nothing like going back to that field of unadultered butt-duggery that was DotA. HoN's community was only a pale imitation.
Aw yeah...

-Grabs a torch and farming fork- I think it is time for a public hearing concerning Serpico :O
Is there anyway to do DoTA2 on a lan only game with out internet connection?
more keys are being handed out but I STILL HAVNT GOT ONEEEEEEEE wtb open betaaaa
the first big wave of invites went out today, and i still didnt get one :(
I just got an email from Steam asking me to take a survey before I can take the Dota 2 beta :)

Gonna do that tonight.

It looks like a legit email it's from
Was trying to submit the survey but it seems the dota2 site is down.
yep dota2 is indeed down. if you are lucky enough to get an invite please spread the joy!
Filled out the survey just now after seeing this thread. I originally just archived the survey e-mail due to the nondescript subject, ha.
I received my invite(s) from filling out the survey last night. So fucking excited to finally be playing.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[;1037970759 said:
I received my invite(s) from filling out the survey last night. So fucking excited to finally be playing.

I guess I must have input a bunch of undesirable answers to that survey

BTW, I believe they are sending each person 3 keys right? If anyone is feeling generous :D
Got an email the other day for asking survey info, filled that in and now I'm apparently in the pool to be selected from, so I guess it's just a case of waiting.
I would like a DOTA 2 beta key, if anyone gets an extra.

I filled out the survey but I haven't gotten anything yet.
Yeah, no beta key here, but I got the survey.

Here's hoping.

I play a LOT of League of Legends.
Too many of my friends in real life including me all bought Heroes of Newerth and most likely won't be switching over. I really wish Dota 2 came out sooner.
Too many of my friends in real life including me all bought Heroes of Newerth and most likely won't be switching over. I really wish Dota 2 came out sooner.

Dota 2 will be a thousand times better than HoN and LoL combined, and this is coming from someone who owns both games. That's just how much faith I have in IceFrog and Valve.
It will make improvements. It will not be to MOBA's as Half Life 2 was to shooters, as you make it

In the end, HoN will die off, LoL will have far more players and DoTA will be a minorly superior purchase-to-play game.
It will make improvements. It will not be to MOBA's as Half Life 2 was to shooters, as you make it

In the end, HoN will die off, LoL will have far more players and DoTA will be a minorly superior purchase-to-play game.

Allow me to correct you,

HoN will die off, LoL will lose a good chunk of players to Dota 2, and Dota 2 will be a far superior MOBA game compared to LoL.

With Valve and IceFrog doing it, there's just no way they won't succeed.
It will make improvements. It will not be to MOBA's as Half Life 2 was to shooters, as you make it

In the end, HoN will die off, LoL will have far more players and DoTA will be a minorly superior purchase-to-play game.

I completely agree with this. I don't see most LoL players switching over to DOTA 2 and I only see LoL growing. DOTA is just too complex for most gamers, the game is not intuitive at all and there are tons of heros, items, game mechanics, and obscure things that will turn most gamers off.

LoL on the other hand is much more noob friendlier and appeals to more gamers. I just don't see DOTA 2 being as big as people are making it out to be. Plus, on all of the forums that I frequent most people aren't talking about DOTA 2 or DOTA in general, it seems like most people are talking about LoL.

I honestly think that for DOTA 2 to be as big as Icefrog wants it to be he really needed to do something different/innovative. This is supposed to be a sequel, copying everything over to a new engine is not worthy of the title DOTA 2 IMO.