Dota 2 Beta [H] Steam Group


Fully [H]
Nov 6, 2009
If you're in the Beta, post here, and I will start up a [H] Steam group for Dota 2 Beta testers, and hopefully we can play together, and maybe make new Steam friends.

I'm a longtime MOBA player, with over 1,500 games of League of Legends. I used to play Dota for a year or 2 before World of Warcraft came out. I was quite good at that game, my handle was Lord_Deathmourn while playing Dota.

Anyway, post here, include your Steam id if you're in the Dota 2 Beta, I will send you an invite to the [H] Dota 2 Steam Group.

We shall conquer all.
Im in! Send me an invite

I think you have me on your steam friend list already but its darkhunter139.
all my friends, along with myself are not in... so miserable lol. add me though and ill play whenever i get in. steam id should be moussaka
I'm a lousy player due to years of not touching any MOBA and also at the other side of the planet but add me in anyways.
""The hardest fun game you can ever play"
"AKA that one game that the strongest of friendships are lost over."
I will make the Steam group tonight and send out invites, I will just call it [H] Dota 2 Group

Simple and the beta won't last forever, I believe they intend to make it an open beta before long, and then start the game's launch sometime in Jan/Feb, it is POSSIBLE before the end of the year, but I highly doubt it.

It still needs a lot of polish, they still need to tweak things and implement features, it is not a finished product.

It is a playable product, by and large, but it's by no means finished.

They have only half of the heroes from Dota, about 49 heroes, they need more.
I think I messed up my chances of getting in the closed beta. I sent info from my Macbook because I thought that there might be a smaller OSX test pool. I probably should have just used my gaming rig :\
I'll add you to my friends list when I get home -- I'm Sn1PeR on steam as well.

You in the Dota 2 beta? Won't be home for 10 hours, so I will accept your add when I get home later tonight.

I think I messed up my chances of getting in the closed beta. I sent info from my Macbook because I thought that there might be a smaller OSX test pool. I probably should have just used my gaming rig :\


They may make a Mac version, don't see why not, but I wouldn't count on it being a sure thing.
There is this hero in Dota 2 called Spectre. Apparently it was in old Dota before I quit playing it around version 6.03 or so.

Spectre has an ultimate called Haunt, where illusions of Spectre will appear at each enemy heroes location on the map and attacks them, then there's the second part of Spectre's ult called Reality, where she takes possession of one of those images, the rest disappear and Spectre is able to attack the enemy hero with her real self at the location of the image she took possession of.

By far one of the coolest ults I've seen in any game.

I've become almost obsessed with learning how to play Spectre, I did spectecularly bad in my first game with her, but got progressively better in others.
That hero was ported to HoN as Sand Wraith. Mana burn effects work with his clones - not sure if that applies to DOTA2 or not though.
I've become almost obsessed with learning how to play Spectre, I did spectecularly bad in my first game with her, but got progressively better in others.

item wise, if you are getting good farm go radiance, if not go defusal or even sny. people like to get vanguard on her also.

wish i had a beta key
Yeah, the item progression on Spectre is Vanguard -----> Radiance ---------> Diffusal

My idiot friend told me to get Vladimir's Offering on Spectre, so I did that my first game. I got some kills, but of course that doesn't help me do shit. I gotta get used to last hitting in this game, it's a little harder than in LoL and I don't remember how hard it was in Dota.

I'm a big fan of Black Cleaver on some heroes to help me farm faster on some heroes.

I gotta say using Spectre's ult is one of the biggest thrills out there. One moment, I'm farming in the jungle, next moment, I cause havoc with my ult during a team fight and immediately am able to make a difference by moving from Haunt to Reality on the weakest enemy hero and pwning.
Quite jealous, nobody I know has been invited to the beta. If I ever get an invite I'll join the group and play with you guys.
If I ever got an invite, I'd be inviting others.

Though I am not dumb enough to offer a game or cash for an invite. Pure stupidity when I see people do that lol.
I would love an invite, I was in about top 10% of players in original Dota.

Dota 2 plans on implementing a tourney option of sorts, that suggests they will hold daily or hourly or whatever tournaments of all kinds, and you will have a chance to test your might there.

It's right there on the front page when you open up Dota 2, it's one of the tabs you can select to play in a game.

Matchmaking, Practice, Tourney, Store,

Those are the icons you see on the front page when you fire up Dota 2 and it launches.

I expect Dota 2 to be a pretty competitive game.
I'd be surprised if Dota gets even a fraction of the amount sc2 has for a real competitive scene. Though if they did, good on them. Microtransaction hats for everyone from valve!
Matchmaking is currently the low point for the beta, but that's to be expected given that there's only 3.5-7k online concurrently at any given time across the world.

If you select a region (US West, US East, Euro, South America, China), then you will only get matches from people in the region(s) you selected. Given the small pool of beta testers online at any given time, just stands to reason that matchmaking will suck for now.

Once the game is open to everyone, I'd expect matchmaking to improve tremendously, this will likely be confirmed once the game transitions to an open beta at some point in the future (likely first 3 months of 2012, if not by the end of the year).

Open beta will likely attract a lot of attention because you can count on Valve to place it prominently on their front page and it will attract large coverage in the media. Once the game hits open beta, I'd expect a lot of the problems new, and otherwise, to pop up, be fixed and vetted throughly before the game launches.

All the game really needs at this point to get to the point of where it can hit open beta is, more heroes implemented, a few gameplay tweaks, a few UI fixes, some new animations, and I'm guessing they won't implement the Tourney feature till the game hits open beta because of the lack of players.

Other than that, so far so good, just matchmaking remains weak due to limited player pool.
I'm concerned about the ability for anyone to hop in and spectate the game. It either needs a pretty significant delay or for that feature to be disabled in ladder games. As it is right now I can't express how rampant stream cheating could be.
Relax, Spectating is done on a 2-3 min delay, Valve didn't half ass this, they thought through when they were doing. Of course their first thought when implementing spectator mode is gonna be cheating, so they implemented a 2-3 min delay, and I have verified that this delay does in fact exist because I was spectating a friends match and commentating to him on his play and yes, there is a delay, we found out.

I would imagine that for major tournaments or Tournament mode, they would increase the delay if they found it neccessary.
only noobs spectate anyways. real men join games and play. just like in hon when 1800+ pubs were popular before mm took over. supporting for players like tarano was a cakewalk.

sc2 has a dominate competitive scene atm but since dota is a more team orientated game i think it will have its own niche. i would be playing both as if i cant find a decent clan in dota2 i would just stick with the 1v1 in sc2 where noob teammates dont bring me down.
I just got my invite today. Steam id is Ohmna. I'm new to dota itself but i've played some HoN and quite a bit of LoL. I'm looking forward to getting some games under my belt.
Got a legitimate invite without paying for one today :).

Steam ID is refraxion if you want to add me to group to play some DOTA some time. Teach me the ropes, I haven't played this game since Reign of Chaos War3.
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Got a legitimate invite without paying for one today :).

Steam ID is refraxion if you want to add me to group to play some DOTA some time. Teach me the ropes, I haven't played this game since Reign of Chaos War3.

Curious, do you have an extra invite?
I wouldn't mind joining the group, I got my invite 3 weeks ago and only played a couple since then but would love to play more. I only got into MOBA with LOL and know that's easymode, but want to learn and have fun.

Steam ID: Blackdove77

The lack of playing wasn't helped by someone giving me a skyrim steam trade in exchange for the first of two invites lol.
If ANYONE has a spare beta code, please invite me. I need to move on from LOL badly
