Does QDOLED raised black only affect black levels?


Apr 8, 2020
The problem of raised blacks with QDOLEDs in bright(er) rooms is a well established fact. But does it only affect just black levels or is it that it is most visible with regards to black levels but actually affects all content being displayed, ie contrast in general, colors etc?

Have not had a chance to see this myself but it would seem reasonable that incoming light would affect the panel in general, not just black levels.

Just to clairfy this a bit, can we say that as far as OLEDs go in a bright room, WOLED Is just better?
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It affects colors. Not only black levels.
And black level has a relation to color contrast, anyway.

WOLED is better in a bright room. The panel itself is black and has a polarizing layer, to limit entry of outside light and reflections.