DLP TV as computer monitor?

Jun 10, 2004
Hey guys, I'm going to be buying a DLP tv for my room soon and had a couple questions.

I'm gonna get the 50' Samsung DLP with 1080p resolution. If I use this as a computer monitor [using the vga connection] what kind of frame rate [hz] is associated with this? I know LCD tv's are usually between 60hz and 70hz depending, but I'm not sure if DLP tv's are more akin to CRT technology, where you could have like 150hz. Just wondering if I use this I won;'t be limiting myself to poor quality.

Half Life 2 at 1920x1080 running at crt frame rates on a 50' tv would be pretty sweet...I really wanna push my x-fire setup [right now I have a 24' lcd and i'm stuck at 60fps, i can tell the diff between 60 and 75 fps though].

Thanks in advance guys
DLP is digital just like LCD. So it's going to be way closer to LCD than CRT, functionally. It's probably only going to accept something around 50-60hz just like most lcds do. I had a dlp projector that wanted 57 to get it to display in dvi at native resolution..

Come to think of it.. there's no way you're going to have fast refresh with single chip DLP, since the TV you're talking about buying uses a color wheel that spins at a fixed rate. my eyes can see the color separation which results from using a spinning color wheel on single-chip DLP front as well as rear projectors li4ke that one, which means the refresh rate cant be very high if it has to match the speed of that wheel.

I cant remember who won the argument of whether the refresh rate over 60hz actually matters for games. game fps and physical monitor refresh rate shouldn't be related like that. Unless you're telling me that since lcds are all 60 hz, you'll never see a difference between 60FPS and 120FPS. If that were true, nobody would be buying those expensive video cards to play on their dell 2407's. more fps will give you smoother gameplay no matter what your refresh rate is. Think of it this way.. if you only had 15hz and your monitor was flickery as a bitch, if you had 120fps, your gameplay would still be super fast and smooth. It would just be really flashy and flickery and your eyeballs would hurt...but it would not affect the speed of the game Remember, movies are only 24frames per second and they do all kinds of fast action in them. Oh yeah and there's also the infamous "the human eye can only see 30hz.." im sure it actually varies from person to person though..but its somewhre around there im sure.
I have my PC connected to a 50" Sammy DLP through DVI, and it looks great with no flicker, ghosting or any other frame-rate related problems. Connect through DVI (VGA also works), set your PC to output to the TV's native rez at 60 hz, and you're done. You do not need to worry about refresh rate unless you are dealing with a CRT.