Diablo 3 - 2011


May 8, 2009
Announcing beta keys for 1000 randomly chosen blizzcon attendees for diablo 3 = beta in next 6 months? = diablo 3 in 2011?

Also, going on the 2 major titles a year statement, and the fact that the next starcraft 2 title wont come out in 2011 must mean that diablo 3 will be one of those two titles.

Lastly, that World of Jersey shorecraft was fail, I thought I was going to see a actual video on the new mmo.
It's been pretty much common knowledge for a while now that diablo 3 is to be expected in 2011. There's really no chance that it doesn't release by the end of next year.

Good to hear they gave out beta keys. I wonder how much those will go for on ebay, hehe.
It's been pretty much common knowledge for a while now that diablo 3 is to be expected in 2011. There's really no chance that it doesn't release by the end of next year.

Heh. Really no chance that a video game could be delayed? You sir are either incredibly optimistic, or new to waiting for games. Not saying it won't happen, but it is never a sure thing.
people had starcraft 2 beta keys from blizzcon's years before announcement of sc2 beta
Yea It makes sense for Blizzard since they wanna release at least a game per year now. Diablo 3 then the next Starcraft expansion , then who knows.

I don't count WoW since it functions outside this group.
Announcing beta keys for 1000 randomly chosen blizzcon attendees for diablo 3 = beta in next 6 months? = diablo 3 in 2011?

Also, going on the 2 major titles a year statement, and the fact that the next starcraft 2 title wont come out in 2011 must mean that diablo 3 will be one of those two titles.

Lastly, that World of Jersey shorecraft was fail, I thought I was going to see a actual video on the new mmo.

I thought it was a joke, they announced "World of Jersey Shore" right before that. They wouldn't dick everyone over by randomly selecting 1000 people out of 20,000. There's either beta keys for all of them or none of them, my guess is since it was a joke it's none of them.
saw somewhere online, some estore, showing a release for Dec 2011. Doesnt say much but im guessing around that time, maybe a month or two earlier.
If there is no definite release date, it will always show as December 31st of the next year... Its weird and dumb..
I think people should just forget the release date speculation and just concentrate on the games that are already out or are well on the way. Trying to guess dates and anticipating too much will just make the wait all that much longer.

This was my approach to Starcraft II and I didn't find myself psyched for the game until about a week before release, so at least for me it worked.
people had starcraft 2 beta keys from blizzcon's years before announcement of sc2 beta

Could be from people who worked at Blizzard giving them away to friends and family. I got an SC2 beta key early that way. Hopefully, I can repeat that for D3. *fingers crossed*
It's been pretty much common knowledge for a while now that diablo 3 is to be expected in 2011. There's really no chance that it doesn't release by the end of next year.

Good to hear they gave out beta keys. I wonder how much those will go for on ebay, hehe.

Guess you haven't heard of Episode 3/HL3 then?
I'm gonna say Q1 2012 is more plausible. Not only does Blizzard have to work on D3, but also with patches for WoW and the next release of SC2. Plus perhaps you dont want to flood the market with games when the next COD comes out.
The 1000 beta keys was a major troll. This comes from my D3 project Blizzard employee friend.

I'm gonna say Q1 2012 is more plausible. Not only does Blizzard have to work on D3, but also with patches for WoW and the next release of SC2. Plus perhaps you dont want to flood the market with games when the next COD comes out.
I agree. Realistically, 2012 is the release date. Closed and open beta will be in late 2011.
I fucking hate when people put a release date on there damn thread titles as if they know something we all don't....then when I click on it, its just random shit about speculation.

How about putting a question mark after the date next time if your not sure.
Hopefully 2011, there's a supposed recent "leak" of blizzard's product slate floating around the net... article here:


The image appeared on MMOGamesite.com, apparently this is an english MMO site based in China and I already know a lot of people will hate me for reporting that news. The document itself is probably a slide from an internal presentation to executives and/or shareholders, and seems to be 8 months old according to the date at the top. "

wow will have at least 2 more expansions? Thats insane, and wtf is Titan...... is that finally WC4? I have been waiting on a damn sequel to WC3.
Titan is their new MMORPG.

I can't imagine that that chart is entirely wrong, but I doubt that blizzard will release a Starcraft 2 expansion pack next year, especially around the same time as Diablo 3.

I do really believe that Diablo 3 will be out next year for the holidays, but it's blizzard, anything could happen.
wow will have at least 2 more expansions? Thats insane, and wtf is Titan...... is that finally WC4? I have been waiting on a damn sequel to WC3.

According to mmo-champion.com, Titan is Blizzard's new MMO. The real kicker here is that it is widely believed to be an MMOFPS. Blizzard has really said nothing official about this game other than the fact that it's an MMO and that it's a completely new IP.

Anything FPS would be completely new territory for Blizzard. Though it does kind of tie-in with the fact that Firefall is also an MMOFPS being primarily developed by a former Blizzard/WoW developer. Coincidence? Probably...but it's still intriguing.

edit: LOL after some quick Google searches to see if there were any rumors about Titan, I came across a blog that was using quotes from [H] member theNoid (link)
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Im really sick of how companies announce titles that are not even due for three plus years. Its almost false avertisement. All they do is build your hopes up saying that hey we are still making something. waited along time after they said there would be a sc2. came out wish I never bought it the game blows. and what pisses me off more is that its not complete they rushed it trying to rape money out of us. two more expansions? so the first starcraft came out with three campaigns. and only got one in this. sorry what a joke. blizzards done they have not brought anything new to the table in years. all of wow is just washed out warcraft talents no real thought went into it. and there new mmo if they are making one is just gonna be all wows ideas with new looks. D3 will be a large let down half as good as d2 was.
Im really sick of how companies announce titles that are not even due for three plus years. Its almost false avertisement. All they do is build your hopes up saying that hey we are still making something. waited along time after they said there would be a sc2. came out wish I never bought it the game blows. and what pisses me off more is that its not complete they rushed it trying to rape money out of us. two more expansions? so the first starcraft came out with three campaigns. and only got one in this. sorry what a joke. blizzards done they have not brought anything new to the table in years. all of wow is just washed out warcraft talents no real thought went into it. and there new mmo if they are making one is just gonna be all wows ideas with new looks. D3 will be a large let down half as good as d2 was.

Too bad SC2's campaign is about the same length of SC1. You sir, fail.

Complain all you want, SC2 was a great addition to the starcraft universe and is picking up popularity very fast.
Too bad SC2's campaign is about the same length of SC1. You sir, fail.

Complain all you want, SC2 was a great addition to the starcraft universe and is picking up popularity very fast.

Fail eh. well you can go spend another 60 bucks for something blizzard spits out in a hurry and be alright with that. naw sorry sc1 is longer fire it up and time yourself how long you can beat both. and you have missed the whole point of what im saying.

for such a great game why doesn't it support muilt core cpus. im sorry they just used somethign they have been working on for past six plus years and didn't even try and update it
2011? Pffft. We'll have a few short months to enjoy D3 until the world ends in 2012. Or maybe not, but hell surely will freeze over if D3 is out earlier than projected. :D
Regardless of leaks spec sheets, I'm still being told D3 is a 2012 release. I hope I'm being fed incorrect information.

edit. FYI Blizzard has a history of announcing games 3+ years before releasing them. They've been doing this since the mid 90s. This never stops people from bitching and pretending its the first time its ever happened and Blizzard never used to do it. Only difference is, back 'then' you didn't give a shit, follow announcement/release schedules etc.. Before people cared they just bought games when they were released. When you care enough to bitch, you care entirely too.. too much and could probably use another hobby on top of gaming to absorb some of that spare care time.

double edit. Also Titan in Q4 2014 is about right. Framework is just being built as we speak, 12 programmers are the only guys on the project and they've been developing the framework since before it was linked to any specific game (Titan). Blizzard basically said, "we want this and that, get on it." It'll take another year for them to finish that, then the next team will go in and so forth and so forth. Blizzard rotates staff teams in and out of projects when needed so programmers working on SC2 expansions will leap to Diablo 3, and back and forth.

Fun fact, Titan is so close lipped at Blizzard that less than 20 people have access to a secure room in a separate wing of the building. We probably wont get much information about this game for another year to 2 years since limited staff will have any kind of exposure. Also, Starcraft 2 was 100% done and playable in 2008, Blizzard spent another 18 months balancing and bug testing. To put things into perspective.. Diablo 3 isn't anywhere near complete. Expect a Q1 2012 release for Diablo 3, pray for Q4 2011.
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All I know is that I can't wait. And when it does come, I'm using 3 weeks of my work vacation for this. :D
Fail eh. well you can go spend another 60 bucks for something blizzard spits out in a hurry and be alright with that. naw sorry sc1 is longer fire it up and time yourself how long you can beat both. and you have missed the whole point of what im saying.

for such a great game why doesn't it support muilt core cpus. im sorry they just used somethign they have been working on for past six plus years and didn't even try and update it

Will get on it!

Commencing spending money on the other SC expansion pack, and the one that comes after!

SC1 has always been about the multiplayer, so if you can't handle multiplayer than you shouldn't even buy SC as the game shines in multiplayer. There's a reason why the tournaments for SC2 are becoming huge.
Since when did Blizzard ever spit out anything in a hurry? lol:p

world of warcraft after tbc is just pumped out before its even close to finshed. expasion comes out then you have to wait a year before you even get to play what they where suppost to be.

as for not knowing what im talking about belive me I played the same game as you only reason I even play sc2 is for ums. then again I rather play TA or Supreme commander.

This has gotten off topic. D3 will not be till dec of (2012) is what I think. I just wish compaines would not talk about there product till it was a few months away. hype is what kills games they make it seem like its better then it really is
Too bad SC2's campaign is about the same length of SC1. You sir, fail.

Complain all you want, SC2 was a great addition to the starcraft universe and is picking up popularity very fast.

Yet Sc2s campaign is sorely lacking in EVERY department. The campaign for the most part of filler shit we shouldn't of paid for. The only missions which advanced the laughable story line only accounted for 20% of the game, AT MOST.

Please sir, drink more kool-aid.

Edit: Gaining popularity very fast? Pull more from your ass please.
Yet Sc2s campaign is sorely lacking in EVERY department. The campaign for the most part of filler shit we shouldn't of paid for. The only missions which advanced the laughable story line only accounted for 20% of the game, AT MOST.

Please sir, drink more kool-aid.

Edit: Gaining popularity very fast? Pull more from your ass please.

I don't need to pull any. The game is already more popular than the first game ever was. Especially in North America.

Complain all you want about the game, it is better than SC in every way. I found the campaign more enjoyable than the first (my opinion, but hey). The multiplayer like I said, is the main thing about SC. I'm sorry if you don't think the same, but the reason SC is so popular in the FIRST place is multiplayer. In fact, E-Sports in North America/Europe is picking up momentum with the release of SC2.

If the story line was laughable, why even bother playing? Just stop.

Anyways back on topic - If Diablo 3 really is release at the end of 2011, I will have no life LOL. My cousin and myself managed to be one of the first 99's back on USWest when D2 came out, took much dedication lol..
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"The game is already more popular than the first game ever was. Especially in North America."
Im sorry that statement is not true
I like SC2 more than the first one. A lot more to do and more variety in the campaign as well as a totally overhauled custom game community = WIN.