DayZ vs H1Z1 Showdown of the Ultimate Zombie Survival Game.


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
We all know of these two for quite some time and with DayZ alpha released for a while now and H1Z1 hopefully comes out within a few months. H1Z1 alpha comes out on the 15th!

My questions are:
(and those who have the Alpha release of DayZ, please speak up)

Are these type of survival games a must play?

Does H1Z1 even stand a chance? Graphically, DayZ looks much better. Much much better.

But graphics aren't everything, right?

Since H1Z1 is free to play with in game micro transactions, do you think this will ultimately kill the motive to play this?

Bottom line, I'm hoping to hear some of your thoughts on both games.


6 reasons why H1Z1 is not a copy cat of DayZ
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I think it definitely stands a chance. People are naturally going to flock to the new thing. But H1Z1 doesn't do anything different, it's still going to be servers full of bandits and they've freely admitted such. So until a survival game actually implements a better system, everything is still going to feel the same thing.
The biggest difference between the two is that I don't know what H1Z1 is and don't care.
I'm surprised the zombie fad has lasted this long this time around. The world must be a really shitty place for people to take refuge frm their real lives in a "Zombie Apocalypses" scenarios. As an older guy (43), I remember seeing zombie movies for the 1st time as a kid in the 70s and they were straight up horror - nothing good about them. Now we have books, TV shows, documentaries on how to survive, plus all the marketing and merchandising and of course video games. I also love guns and camping as much as the next guy but seriously, this is a fad that needs to die.
I don't know about H1Z1, but DayZ is a survivalism game first and a zombie game last. It has zombies — they're certainly around. But they aren't a focus of the game.

Consider zombies part of the environment rather than part of the game. Or don't. It really doesn't matter.
I'm surprised the zombie fad has lasted this long this time around. The world must be a really shitty place for people to take refuge frm their real lives in a "Zombie Apocalypses" scenarios. As an older guy (43), I remember seeing zombie movies for the 1st time as a kid in the 70s and they were straight up horror - nothing good about them. Now we have books, TV shows, documentaries on how to survive, plus all the marketing and merchandising and of course video games. I also love guns and camping as much as the next guy but seriously, this is a fad that needs to die.

As much of your opinion I respect. One could say, computer forums are a much carried on "fad" that needs to die.

All in matter of opinion :)

And dispite what you fellows think, there are loads of genres that are being bled dry. I don't think zombies are one of them. Comic book sales have increased near 300% since the series of the Walking Dead aired on TV. So that's a positive note to you.

Want a topic that's been overly bled dry?
Star Wars. The most over used, over made, over thought genre of any kind. Well above zombies. But the fan base is there. Just like the zombie fad

Zombies? An extremely popular sci-fi culture. I hate to break it to you guys, but zombies are in, and they're here to stay.

I'm also a huge motorcycle buff, but that's off topic. But some people tend to dislike them too.
What saddens me is two of you fellas go completely off topic with what I ask, just to say you dislike the zombie genre. Wtf ? Got tr0ll?

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I don't know about H1Z1, but DayZ is a survivalism game first and a zombie game last. It has zombies — they're certainly around. But they aren't a focus of the game.

Consider zombies part of the environment rather than part of the game. Or don't. It really doesn't matter.

Have you had a chance to play DayZ yet?

As I do realize survival is the priority and zombies are just part of the environment. People are the real danger, which seems so awesome to me. These games like Dying Light, Dead Island, Dead Rising only focus on the brutality and horror of killing zombies, yet they miss this whole entirety of being anywhere near realistic.
Doesn't really matter one way or another, given online play servers will be full of assholes no matter which game you play.
H1Z1 will probably just wind up being an FPS set in a zombie apocalypse. Day-Z is about survival but with some weapons. Completely different.
I've been a DayZ player for a couple years now, yeah (I'd say I'm now retired from it). I'm only semi-interested in H1Z1.

yeah I remember wonderfield had been a pretty active and critical player of standalone DayZ, he knows the same bullshit drill every other former DayZ player remembers :p
My main problem with games like Dayz (And H1z1 from what I can hear) is that there is absolutely NO REASON not to fight other players, none, zerio, zilch.

AS a longtime mmo player who loves PVP, and was a huge fan of Ultima Online in the hey day, this is like BASIC knowledge for mmo developers (Which H1Z1 should know, since they were behind many mmo's including SWG).

You NEED to provide reasons for people NOT to attack other players, give consequences for doing so (as well as the rewards). You need to give people reasons to make these choices.

Players that harm others need to have consequences, going "red," having bounties placed on them that other players can take on, no consequences for harming pk'ers, etc.

I'm keeping my eye on H1Z1, but they seem to hbe falling right into this "Just let players do whatever they want and provide no system of balance or reasons to do things."
My main problem with games like Dayz (And H1z1 from what I can hear) is that there is absolutely NO REASON not to fight other players, none, zerio, zilch.

AS a longtime mmo player who loves PVP, and was a huge fan of Ultima Online in the hey day, this is like BASIC knowledge for mmo developers (Which H1Z1 should know, since they were behind many mmo's including SWG).

You NEED to provide reasons for people NOT to attack other players, give consequences for doing so (as well as the rewards). You need to give people reasons to make these choices.

Players that harm others need to have consequences, going "red," having bounties placed on them that other players can take on, no consequences for harming pk'ers, etc.

I'm keeping my eye on H1Z1, but they seem to hbe falling right into this "Just let players do whatever they want and provide no system of balance or reasons to do things."

I completely agree, DayZ and survival games in general, need to give better incentives to avoid mindlessly killing random players. Currently, the only incentive is role playing and that's just not enough for the common player.
Always hated DayZ.

Weird thing, always LOVED ISS (aka WarZ).

I think H1Z1 is going to be at the top of the food chain when it comes to zombie survivor games. I'm hopeful at least.

Here's what I like about H1Z1 that the other survivor games don't provide the same level of:

1) Crafting. You can make shit. You can make shit that actually kinda makes semi-realistic sense. Versus Rust for example. Extremely turned off on how you can acquire a schematic and just "make" an M16 out of parts. Pretty sure no human being on this earth could fabricate a working M16 from scrap metal and string. Pop bottle guns, bow/arrow, stuff like that makes sense. No, structure crafting will never be realistic but I accept that. It would be super boring if I had to left click to hammer every nail into a board to build a little shack.

2) Zombies/environment might actually be a threat. This is huge for me. There really aren't a lot of other PVP survivor games that make the PVE environment a threat to the player. Weather elements will be a threat in this game. Zombies might actually be a threat in this game in hordes, considering the server can handle lots of NPCs at the same time, many more than the other games. In DayZ, the zombies were a threat because of how buggy and stupid the AI was. In I:SS, the zombies are not a threat at all once you have acquired some weapons. The harsh PVE element leads me to the next bullet point.

3) Teamwork. PVP Survivor games have been dominated by KOS players. When there is no teamwork required (outside of playing with the few real life friends you may have who also play the game) most people just kill one another to acquire what they have, or just for the hell of it. If this game can actually make the PVE environment tough to survive in, MAYBE this will be the first game of it's kind to actually promote a sense of working together to accomplish the same goal (staying alive). There are some friendly strangers in DayZ, there are NONE in I:SS, partly because of the global inventory system, which I hope this game will not have. Always had a big gripe about an unlimited global inventory, it really just promotes hoarding of weapons which furthers the KOS initiative. Kill him, take his shit, hoard in global, next.

4) A real development team. I like indie games as much as the next guy but it's about time a real behemoth like SOE took a stab at this genre. I wish them the best. They really are active in listening to and responding to their future players on Reddit, check out the subreddit if you haven't. Lots of info over there.

At the end of the day, I played through the shitty beta iterations of DayZ and WarZ so I'm pretty sure I can handle this one too. SOE could have launched this months ago but they decided instead to go through a checklist of what they thought needed to be done to make the game "playable" and "fun" in an early access state, and completed it before releasing it on Steam. I applaud them for that. We'll see where it goes from there.
My main problem with games like Dayz (And H1z1 from what I can hear) is that there is absolutely NO REASON not to fight other players, none, zerio, zilch. You NEED to provide reasons for people NOT to attack other players, give consequences for doing so (as well as the rewards). You need to give people reasons to make these choices.
Not strictly true. Apart from tactical reasons not to attack other players (are you outnumbered, outgunned and concealed? Let players be on their merry), DayZ also has a mechanic whereby items caried by players can be damaged or destroyed by gunfire. This (slightly) disentivizes player-killing, but doesn't really directly incentivize trading. DayZ could provide more incentives to deal with other players nonviolently, though, yes.

Additionally, just because a game lacks mechanisms to persuade or dissuade certain behaviors doesn't mean there are no reasons to do things or not to do things. When you're talking about a multiplayer sandbox game, your personality impacts your play style. Not wanting to rob another player, for example, is a perfectly good incentive on its own — if you'll feel badly for doing it, you'll avoid doing it to avoid feeling badly. The game itself doesn't dictate a kill-or-be-killed play style, but you're allowed to make a personal choice about it.

The passivisit play style is more challenging anyway. If you like being challenged, that's a good way to play it.
Always hated DayZ.

Weird thing, always LOVED ISS (aka WarZ).

I think H1Z1 is going to be at the top of the food chain when it comes to zombie survivor games. I'm hopeful at least.

Here's what I like about H1Z1 that the other survivor games don't provide the same level of:

1) Crafting. You can make shit. You can make shit that actually kinda makes semi-realistic sense. Versus Rust for example. Extremely turned off on how you can acquire a schematic and just "make" an M16 out of parts. Pretty sure no human being on this earth could fabricate a working M16 from scrap metal and string. Pop bottle guns, bow/arrow, stuff like that makes sense. No, structure crafting will never be realistic but I accept that. It would be super boring if I had to left click to hammer every nail into a board to build a little shack.

2) Zombies/environment might actually be a threat. This is huge for me. There really aren't a lot of other PVP survivor games that make the PVE environment a threat to the player. Weather elements will be a threat in this game. Zombies might actually be a threat in this game in hordes, considering the server can handle lots of NPCs at the same time, many more than the other games. In DayZ, the zombies were a threat because of how buggy and stupid the AI was. In I:SS, the zombies are not a threat at all once you have acquired some weapons. The harsh PVE element leads me to the next bullet point.

3) Teamwork. PVP Survivor games have been dominated by KOS players. When there is no teamwork required (outside of playing with the few real life friends you may have who also play the game) most people just kill one another to acquire what they have, or just for the hell of it. If this game can actually make the PVE environment tough to survive in, MAYBE this will be the first game of it's kind to actually promote a sense of working together to accomplish the same goal (staying alive). There are some friendly strangers in DayZ, there are NONE in I:SS, partly because of the global inventory system, which I hope this game will not have. Always had a big gripe about an unlimited global inventory, it really just promotes hoarding of weapons which furthers the KOS initiative. Kill him, take his shit, hoard in global, next.

4) A real development team. I like indie games as much as the next guy but it's about time a real behemoth like SOE took a stab at this genre. I wish them the best. They really are active in listening to and responding to their future players on Reddit, check out the subreddit if you haven't. Lots of info over there.

At the end of the day, I played through the shitty beta iterations of DayZ and WarZ so I'm pretty sure I can handle this one too. SOE could have launched this months ago but they decided instead to go through a checklist of what they thought needed to be done to make the game "playable" and "fun" in an early access state, and completed it before releasing it on Steam. I applaud them for that. We'll see where it goes from there.

Excellent comment.

I appreciate this. I was hoping someone on here has as much passion for these games as I did. Unfortunately I don't have DayZ.
But from what you've said, H1Z1 does sound more attractive.

And yes, Sony is getting involved, is huge. The support to their fans ingame is top notch. Weekly and daily updates on their other mko styled games like Everquest, Planetside, DC universe etc..

Another incredible thing they have going for them is the memberships. For $15 a month it covers all their premiums in all the games I've mentioned and to add to the list, H1Z1. Incredible.
I know the Chernarus Map by heart. But I need something new, and I think this will fit just nicely till DayZ is officially released.
Have you had a chance to play DayZ yet?

As I do realize survival is the priority and zombies are just part of the environment. People are the real danger, which seems so awesome to me. These games like Dying Light, Dead Island, Dead Rising only focus on the brutality and horror of killing zombies, yet they miss this whole entirety of being anywhere near realistic.

Well I hope you've played The Last of Us.... because that game does it perfectly. Also its easily one of the best games.........ever made......... in my opinion.

As far as DayZ and H1 I haven't played DayZ but I want to. I was going to buy DayZ on steam since I got a new PC a couple weeks ago but when I heard about H1 I figured that I should just wait and see what the verdict is then Ill buy one or maybe still try both, I dont know.

I am very curious about how the games play out and if people are going to attempt to stick together or just kill everyone they see.

If the game was full of mature serious players I dont think it would be an issue, people would want to stick together as it would make scavenging and finding items a lot easier when you have another person backing you up. The problem is all the players who dont care along with a bunch of trolls who just want to kill everyone they see and dont care about the atmosphere or strategy of the game.
Well I hope you've played The Last of Us.... because that game does it perfectly. Also its easily one of the best games.........ever made......... in my opinion.

As far as DayZ and H1 I haven't played DayZ but I want to. I was going to buy DayZ on steam since I got a new PC a couple weeks ago but when I heard about H1 I figured that I should just wait and see what the verdict is then Ill buy one or maybe still try both, I dont know.

I am very curious about how the games play out and if people are going to attempt to stick together or just kill everyone they see.

If the game was full of mature serious players I dont think it would be an issue, people would want to stick together as it would make scavenging and finding items a lot easier when you have another person backing you up. The problem is all the players who dont care along with a bunch of trolls who just want to kill everyone they see and dont care about the atmosphere or strategy of the game.

I can see your point in wanting mature players only. However I feel the suspense would die out fast. Having unpredictable players makes the game that much more intense.

This is my opinion of course.
There's probably going to be a good mix of mature and immature players - like any other game. Sometimes you just want to camp and fit people from afar with no interaction. That other group of players will realize there is an imminent threat and either hunt you down or play it safe as a group and get out of there.
DayZ failed, in my opinion.

The mod brought on the hype, and stirred up the desire for a good multiplayer zombie survival game.

The standalone left that craving wholly unsatisfied. I'm happy there's another game to step up to the place, hopefully.

Dean Hall might've had good ideas, but he simply wasn't capable of executing this project to the level of quality it should have had.
DayZ is much more military-focused with squad tactics, weaponry, zeroing, etc. H1Z1 doesn't have these. Not to say that it's a knock on H1Z1, they're just making the "mmo" zombie zurvival genre more accessible to people.
My coworker plays all these games,
WarZ (ISS) was his favorite, mentioning it looked and played better than DayZ after the "we copied everything from DayZ" thing blew over and it got patched a good bit.
DayZ he said just didn't run well, didn't update enough, and had too many cheaters.
He's currently playing a 7 Ways to Die, which I've watched him stream on steam, it has awful graphics but the crafting system is straight up minecraft, but deeper.

I'm going to hop on the beta of H1Z1, but I'm not holding my breath. There's a new game on steam whose name fails me right now, but its a futuristic survival game w/ a similar playstyle, that has good initial reviews. I can't justify blowing $15-30 on yet another early-access-no-promise-of-ever-being-completed title.
I'm going to go ahead and try h1z1. Anything specific you guys want me to record or try out in the game?
I'll be streaming H1Z1 if any of you want to see how it looks.
My Twitch.

Also, if anyone is looking for people to play with, it's looking like I will have a group of 10-15 people getting the game. Send me a PM if you need someone to play with.
As far as DayZ and H1 I haven't played DayZ but I want to. I was going to buy DayZ on steam since I got a new PC a couple weeks ago but when I heard about H1 I figured that I should just wait and see what the verdict is then Ill buy one or maybe still try both, I dont know.
I wouldn't recommend buying DayZ right now. In several months there might be a hugely compelling reason to buy it, but the mod still offers a better experience at the moment, in my opinion.
Meanwhile Arma has a far superior mod in Wasteland for years.
Have fun!

The whole zombie thing has been worn out for years.

All these games decend to pvp anyways. Wasteland doesn't pretend to yank your chain and delivers top end survival pvp.

Almost no games have done zombies right. Dayz took a real crack at it and failed. There have been 2 good zombie games, dayz and left for dead. Dayz was good, but not for the zombies. I have played alot of zombie games and unless someone brings a serious new mechanic to them, they don't apply well to a mmo fps.
The whole zombie thing has been worn out for years.

All these games decend to pvp anyways. Wasteland doesn't pretend to yank your chain and delivers top end survival pvp.

Almost no games have done zombies right. Dayz took a real crack at it and failed. There have been 2 good zombie games, dayz and left for dead. Dayz was good, but not for the zombies. I have played alot of zombie games and unless someone brings a serious new mechanic to them, they don't apply well to a mmo fps.

Well technically it's not an MMO(Nothing saves when you die, there aren't more than what, 40 players per server?) and it's not just an FPS.

Left 4 Dead was cool for about a month in my eyes. Why? Because it lacked everything but having guns. There is no other mission besides surviving or killing zombies. The game consistently spoiled us with hundreds of zombies,but to what end? Left 4 Dead 2 had nothing changed. A FPS Zombie shooter. THIS has been done quite often yes, a zombie shooter.

But a true survival type of game? Not really. Other than maybe Dead Rising, but the core concept is still the same "Kill them all or die".

Zombies are tough to do, since so many books,games,movies depict zombies from every angle. Fast ones, slow ones, mutated ones, zombies that climb up walls, pack in herds etc...

The fact that zombies are second and surviving from everything else in between (players, environment, health etc...) make up for such an overused category from over the years.
Well technically it's not an MMO(Nothing saves when you die, there aren't more than what, 40 players per server?) and it's not just an FPS.

Left 4 Dead was cool for about a month in my eyes. Why? Because it lacked everything but having guns. There is no other mission besides surviving or killing zombies. The game consistently spoiled us with hundreds of zombies,but to what end? Left 4 Dead 2 had nothing changed. A FPS Zombie shooter. THIS has been done quite often yes, a zombie shooter.

But a true survival type of game? Not really. Other than maybe Dead Rising, but the core concept is still the same "Kill them all or die".

Zombies are tough to do, since so many books,games,movies depict zombies from every angle. Fast ones, slow ones, mutated ones, zombies that climb up walls, pack in herds etc...

The fact that zombies are second and surviving from everything else in between (players, environment, health etc...) make up for such an overused category from over the years.

This to me is where State of Decay did it sooo much better then any of these other "zombie survival" games.

You were constantly having to scavange for supplies, food, tools, meds, etc. You had to build up and repair things, zombies could come in huge groups. You had stamina and could easily be overwhelmed by a horde and have to run away.
This to me is where State of Decay did it sooo much better then any of these other "zombie survival" games.

You were constantly having to scavange for supplies, food, tools, meds, etc. You had to build up and repair things, zombies could come in huge groups. You had stamina and could easily be overwhelmed by a horde and have to run away.

But, from what I understand, State of Decay is only single player.

Which kind of defeats the purpose of what these two games(H1Z1 and DayZ) are all about.

In H1Z1, unlike DayZ ,requires more discipline in firing your weapon. Apparently, if you fire a weapon, no matter as a misfire or during a gunfight with other players, you'll attract not a couple of zombies, but hordes of zombies. So this kind of adds a sort of consequence system, a kind of "pick your battles wisely" kind of method.

Ultimately, survival is the key to the game. Killing players and or zombies as a primary goal, isn't the only way to go about playing the game. Which I really like.

As well, given the several months DayZ has been released as an Alpha, SOE probably picked a lot of details up from it in learning what NOT to do and what TO DO as far as adding replay value, more items, just plain more things to do.

We'll just have to see for ourselves.

Who's already planning on getting H1Z1 at early release?
But, from what I understand, State of Decay is only single player.

Which kind of defeats the purpose of what these two games(H1Z1 and DayZ) are all about.

In H1Z1, unlike DayZ ,requires more discipline in firing your weapon. Apparently, if you fire a weapon, no matter as a misfire or during a gunfight with other players, you'll attract not a couple of zombies, but hordes of zombies. So this kind of adds a sort of consequence system, a kind of "pick your battles wisely" kind of method.

Ultimately, survival is the key to the game. Killing players and or zombies as a primary goal, isn't the only way to go about playing the game. Which I really like.

As well, given the several months DayZ has been released as an Alpha, SOE probably picked a lot of details up from it in learning what NOT to do and what TO DO as far as adding replay value, more items, just plain more things to do.

We'll just have to see for ourselves.

Who's already planning on getting H1Z1 at early release?

I'll be purchasing it tomorrow and likely playing plenty this weekend. Getting very excited!
Early access is not F2P. They are keeping the peasants out of the alpha.
I am reading all the reviews on STEAM.Not looking so good.
I am reading all the reviews on STEAM.Not looking so good.

Steam reviews are worse than metacritics.

And for a game that isn't even close to being considered stable, I'd honestly pass on reading those reviews.

I played for several hours yesterday and haven't had that many issues.