Crossfire Users: Feedback on your BioShock 2 experience requested


May 18, 2006
If you use crossfire and BioShock 2, can you give me feedback no how it is performing for you?

Do you get artifacts, corruption, or screen flashing at all?

My personal experience has been that I need to disable Catalyst AI, and thus run the game on one GPU, in order to get rid of screen flashing and artifacts that appear when using 4 GPUs.

However, this is the only game I have a problem with; every other game or benchmark has run flawlessly, so I suspect it is a specific game-related crossfire profile issue, not a systemic hardware problem.

I'm at the point where Sapphire wants to RMA my cards... but I want to make sure this is actual GPU hardware problem before doing so.

Your feedback is appreciated.
My experience is constant minor screen flickering from the bad AFR with occasional corrupted assets in the game. It all goes away when disabling catalyst ai and using one gpu. The single gpu performance isn't where I'd like it to be, especially for not having AA or AF, so I still haven't played it.

Every now and then I read a review that benched the game with crossfire or sli, but from what I've read on the official support forum, neither are supported.

There doesn't seem to be much discussion about this game and issue, so I'm glad to hear from someone else.
Thanks for your feedback, Romir. I'm seeing the same behavior you are with Bioshock 2, even when I just use two GPUs, so that seems to confirm it is a crossfire profile issue and not a hardware problem.

Tamlin, I tried that renaming method, but I get the same errors. Unfortunatley you can only rename the Bioshock 2 launcher, not the gameexe itself, so I suspect the same crossfire profile is being applied whether you rename the launcher or not. Direct launching of the game exe isn't allowed (at least using the DVD version I have), so I can't rename the Bioshock 2 exe and launch it.
Oh, and I definitely agree that single GPU performance with this game, especially at 2560x1600 using a stock 5970 and its lower speeds, isn't so hot. I'm actually 2/3 of the way through the game, and tried it with single GPU, and I'd rather put up with the occasional corruption issues than the lower FPS.
Running one gpu @ 1000/1200 added over 20% performance and kept the minimum over 40 fps in the limited amount I played the other day. The opening room had minimums of 40 at 725/1000 for example, and 51 when overclocked. I bought this card because I knew I could fall back onto one overclocked 5870 gpu whenever xfire wasn't supported or optimized at all.

Here's the review with the extremely high results that prompted me to revisit the game.

The game appears to use both gpus when running in the dx10 windowed mode, but there didn't seem to be a performance increase for me.
The game is actually running all four GPUs when I'm using crossfired 5970s, and FPS never drops below 60 with vsync enabled. I'm just seeing the various artifacts and corruption issues, which are intermittent enough for me to put up with them in exchange for better performance.

It is playable with one GPU, but in some areas with more action / fire / electrical effects it slows down quite a bit; I've noticed drops to 30 or so in just random FRAPS testing, but that is with my GPUs at stock.
Oh sorry, I meant to say there were no anomalies or constant screen flickering in windowed mode crossfire. But there didn't seem to be a performance increase despite both gpus being 100% loaded.

The full screen crossfire artifacting that occurs during the damage effects is game breaking on my end.