Corsair 800D - 170$ New AMIR


May 8, 2009
N C I X is selling it for 200$ and it has a 30$ mail in rebate. Keep in mind those prices are in Canadian (since ++++ is a Canadian based dealer) so it may turn out cheaper then that if you are buying from the US.

You can find it here.

Edit: I dont know why but hardforums is replacing N C I X (minus the spaces) with ++++ as you can see in the url link.
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The exchange rate is almost 1:1, for those interested, this is 196 USD (AR).
is this for Canadians only? I entered my zip code but it said invalid
subjective - but I think the Cosmos 1000 is still about the sexiest full tower case out there and it's only $100 for a refurb at the coolermaster refurb store. There aren't any right now - but check in a week and I'll bet there would be more. Refurbs come in like new condition because EVERY single compoent of the cases except the internal frame can be individually purchased and replaced for dirt cheap prices at coolermaster's web store.
That 800D is massive...even for a full tower. I just built one for a guy at work. It's huge. Between that and the box it came in, it took up all the space in my building area. A word of caution; If you use one of the 64mb cache SATA6 Harddrives, DO NOT mount it in any of the four quick removal caddies. I'm not sure if it's related to the circuitry used on the connection board (at the rear of the caddy dock), but I was getting a minor delay in read/write performance, until I physically removed the drive from the caddy and installed it directly to the SATA cable. I mounted the drive in one of the two lower, foward bays and the delay went away completely.
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This is still not a deal. Shipping is $85, which brings this above Newegg after shipping.