Controllers (ps3 / 360)


Limp Gawd
Oct 7, 2006
To the people who use controllers on their PC's how seamless is it to install them on Windows 7?

Are the drivers automatically downloaded or do I have to tinker with it. I have access to both controllers. The 360 one is wireless, so I would have to invest in a wireless dongle. The PS3 one has the USB charging kit. Which setup will give me the least amount of problems?

Thinking of using it for The Witcher 2.
There's no official driver for the PS3 that I could find and I could never get one of the third party drivers to work. If anyone actually knows how to get one working in Win7 I'd be rather interested.

As for the XBox controller, if you have a wired one simply plug it in and start the game. Many games automatically detect the presence of an XBox controller and display proper buttons (and many display XBox buttons anyway, even with a PS controller present).

If for whatever reason it isn't automatically detected there's an additional driver you can download from Microsoft. Didn't buy a wireless controller because I read there were issues with the adapters dying - not sure on the specifics.
The 360 is plug and play, hell I never even have to calibrate it. I have a madcatz version and MS version, both cable. Works perfect with many games for the last few years, even showing you which buttons to push. I used to use a PS2 controller with a Smartjoy usb worked ok, but I had to set it up for every the 360 controller, got used to it, the last game I had to set it up for (the way I wanted that is) was Evochron Mercenary. Your standard racing and action games and even shooters these days come controller least 360...I'm not sure on the PS3 controller. But if you want a surefire solution, 360 is where it's at from my experience with one the last few years.
I use the 360 wireless controller. I downloaded the latest drivers and all works well. I use to use a ps3 controller with motionjoy but I could not get bluetooth working correctly.
I have the wirless dongle thing for 360. Works like a charm. Drivers must be included with windows 7 because I didn't have to download anything. Most new games support the button mapping already so really it's just a matter of turning the controller on and playing.
I have the wirless dongle thing for 360. Works like a charm. Drivers must be included with windows 7 because I didn't have to download anything. Most new games support the button mapping already so really it's just a matter of turning the controller on and playing.

Microsoft product, having intergrated drivers for a Microsoft product? REALLY?

/end sarcasm

But seriously, yes, the xbox controller drivers are embedded into Windows 7 and Vista.
when i use my wireless dongle and or charger for 360 controller I have to download the drivers through windows update on x64 version of windows 7.

both my mayflash ps2 controller converter and 64 controller converter is also plug n play, but the 64 controller needs configuring before playing

I found a lot of games support controllers, but only the 360 controller which I hate using.
To the people who use controllers on their PC's how seamless is it to install them on Windows 7?

Are the drivers automatically downloaded or do I have to tinker with it. I have access to both controllers. The 360 one is wireless, so I would have to invest in a wireless dongle. The PS3 one has the USB charging kit. Which setup will give me the least amount of problems?

Thinking of using it for The Witcher 2.

I use MotionInJoy to use my PS3 controller with Windows 7. Installation is pretty easy. Games recognize it as a Xbox360 controller.
I use X360 wired for PC, and there is absolutely no problem. Just plug and play. Now, if only I could connect it to PS3 :p... I hate the DualShock, doesn't feel well in hands.
wow, that motionjoy program looks boss!. might have to get a ps3 controller and try this out and get rid of all the wired controller off my desk:D


Yeah, I tried messing around with it a few years ago, and it was a PITA to get it installed, but since they got the Microsoft certified driver, its really easy to work with. This saved me from having to buy a xbox controller (I've had a PS3 for a while) for games like Assassin's Creed, DCUO, etc.