China To End Ban On Video Game Consoles


Aug 20, 2006
Are you a console gamer in China who's fed up with dealing with the black market or underground suppliers for your PlayStation or Xbox fix? Well, a new report suggests that you'll be able to get a console from anywhere in the country in the near future.

China's Ministry of Culture has approved the manufacture and sale of consoles anywhere in the nation. Companies like Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony no longer have to hold back (or rely on black market sales) when doing business. They'll still have to grapple with heavy censorship of the games themselves, but that beats a lack of official options.
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.... I had... no idea that consoles were outlawed there....
Well considering the general mentality of the older generation, I am surprised it is now legal
Well this is the start of the downfall of China.
After many years of only one child per family and vastly preferring boys to girls the proportion of men to women is vastly out of whack.
Got to give them something to do since for many prospects of marriage and family will only be a pipe dream.
Thats so fucked they banned them to begin with. And seems most of the stuff is made there anyway. Arwell itll be short lived anyway, US will probably be at war with them at some point in the near future.
Ministry of Culture... WTF?

I suppose it's similar to the Republican Party here in The States - The Grand Order of old, fat, bald, angry, rich, greedy white people. :D
Ministry of Culture... WTF?

I suppose it's similar to the Republican Party here in The States - The Grand Order of old, fat, bald, angry, rich, greedy white people. :D
Wow.... I can almost feel the intelligence radiating from whoever you are sitting now. I love how you tried to make this a political topic, but totally ignored the fact that progressive liberals are the ones busily stripping away freedoms, ala China. You might want to do some research on what ideals BOTH major political parties in the US support. I think you'll be unpleasantly surprised to find liberals share much more with China than conservatives....
After many years of only one child per family and vastly preferring boys to girls the proportion of men to women is vastly out of whack.
Got to give them something to do since for many prospects of marriage and family will only be a pipe dream.
Yep I remember reading that by 2024 there will be 1 girl for every 25 boys...Maybe the image of beauty will change a bit and they will start going after anime girls. More than likely they will soak up all the girls in north korea and kill that country off from old age then move to other ones