Can you run GTA IV in a windowed mode?


Limp Gawd
Mar 5, 2009
Can you play GTA IV in a windowed mode? My computer is not good enough to play it at 1680x1050 :(
BTW, can i get more fps by running it at windowed mode?

athlon dual core 5000+ 2,6GHz
3,00GB RAM
8500GT 512MB

10 fps max, any ideas?

I had the same kind of problem with Crysis but i fixed it by run it at WM. Now i can get it up to 26/30 fps
Sorry for my English...
You dont need to run in window mode to use a smaller resolution.

Ultimately it's a demanding game you'll need better hardware before you get good frame rates, the main problem is the CPU, it requires a quad core before you'll get decent frame rates. All you can do is drop all the settings to minimum and run in a very low resoultion.
have you tried reducing your texture and view settings? And dont worry, noones computer (that in know of), can run gta4 at its max without a shitty resolution
I've already tried that. It does not work. Thanks anyway:) Gta IV needs to be started from Rockstar Games Social Club, not gta.exe.