Best solution for surround desktop use?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 5, 2006
So I really like NV Surround mode for gaming. But for the desktop it's kind of inconvenient. I like being able to click one button and have the browser or application max a single screen. Is there any way to make windows smarter in how it manages my programs in a triple screen surround mode?
I know it works on IE and some windows programs. Load up IE, make it to the size you want on the monitor you want. Once it's in perfect position, right mouse click on the border at the top and click on close. Next time you load up IE it should open up the same position you had it on.
Doubtful since Windows sees all your monitors as a single, giant display. Like martinje said- you are going to have to rely on applications that remember their last window size and position.
Does NV surround not have profiles for switching back and forth between surround and regular extended desktop displays?