Backlight Bleed enough to warrant RMA?


Limp Gawd
Jan 2, 2009
I just bought an Asus VN248H
This guy: vn248h

And I've had some trouble with the backlight, but I'm not sure if this is just typical of IPS panels at this price range or if it is an abnormality.

Here are some pictures:

The images are upside down, but the bleed of concern that I can discern is at the top right. This is at 50% brightness. The second picture is kind of what it looks like to my eyes.

Thanks in advance.
Ouch those are quite bad but I don't think you'll get a replacement for it.
Asus does only replace 3+ death pixel screens if I'm correct.
I'm working with Newegg on a return, hopefully I'll get a good screen. I haven't heard of many bleeding issues, so hopefully this is an isolated incident. Otherwise the screen is gorgeous.