ARMA 3: Breaking Point. Mod


Feb 10, 2007
Anyone else giving this a shot? I currently downloaded it, and playing with a group of friends that I meet in DayZ. Its still in early development, but there are 1 to 2 updates a day to address issues. Still alot of desync and stuff, so it makes PVP harder, but there are still bandits out there. But they are trying to implement PROS/CONS for being Hero or a Bandit.

Its all on the island Altis. Which is 66% larger then Chernarus. The island is kinda bland, but as you go further north the scenery changes. The zombies are well done, the Melee is 100x better than anything in DayZ and the weapon sounds are F-ing amazing. So far I am pretty impressed with it.
I have been playing it for a couple of weeks now and like it a lot. Saying the melee is 1000x times better in my opinion is not right. I still constantly get misses that should be hits and its just as wonky really. Maybe the animations are a bit better.
Problem is ArmA isn't really designed for melee, so any way they do it will probably be pretty hacky.
I tried it but it's not as mature, though it has AWESOME potential. I went back to Epoch on ARMA 2, which is something I wish I found months ago.