Are you buying Wrath of the Lich King?

I doubt it. Everyone is going to create a Death Knight, lol.

The key will be to start as early as possible, play during the daytime when at least the normal people will be at work and school. That way you can get out of the starting zone and subsequently, out of hellfire peninsula (since that's where the glut of new death knights will start leveling after the starting area before they decide they hate the class). The faster you can get to zangarmarsh, the better.

That's actually what I am banking on, literally.
I have tons of mules with all types of ore, and a bunch of level 55-60 plate gear that I got for a couple gold here and there. I will definitely cash in on this release, just don't know whether to let Blizz cash in on me.

The death knight starting quests leave the DK with a full set of blue plate and a good weapon after completion that can last them until the mid-60s.
The death knight starting quests leave the DK with a full set of blue plate and a good weapon after completion that can last them until the mid-60s.

Oh noes! I am doomed!
I'll be disenchanting all that stuff tonight then and sell of the mats before the patch hits. Still profit, just not as much as I had hoped for.

My two mains are priest and warlock, I may just buy the expansion for the priest account and level that to 80 and let the warlock go. The warlock was awesome for arena, and still is, but matching the schedules of everyone had become harder and harder.

I hope Blizz will sell WotLK online, at this point all that's needed is the activation I would think. Seems like they pushed all the content out the the clients already, no?
Someone from Blizz posted today and said wotlk will not be able to be downloaded/purchased online at release (bc took 2-3 weeks to get online)...

And I will be picking it up at midnight, pulling an all-nighter in northrend, and using caffeine pills to last me through thursday and friday - woot im a nerd.
Nah. I played the first expansion and enjoyed leveling, but end-game doesn't interest me much anymore. I'll stick with playing WAR casually (only r16 so far) until I get bored with that.
The key will be to start as early as possible, play during the daytime when at least the normal people will be at work and school. That way you can get out of the starting zone and subsequently, out of hellfire peninsula (since that's where the glut of new death knights will start leveling after the starting area before they decide they hate the class).

of course, zangamarsh! why didnt i think of this sooner. o rite, thats because WoW really is just a timesink, allbeit probably one of the most entertaining ones ever. and no, not all games are timesinks.

fallout3 is an experience and an event. it helps to shape my real-world morality into something tangible that i can actually see and understand and play with virtually. EVE helps to develop my social skills thru player communication as well as advancing my knowledge of manipulation, and tactical deceit, as well as organization and management.

games are A LOT more than just time sinks.

except for wow, wow just plain sucks.
Newegg said that they'll be shipping my copy tomorrow...if true, it's very cool that they'll ship early to an APO address. I still won't get it until at least the day it's released in stores, but at least this way I won't have to wait a week to get it.
can some1 explain to me why people play a game in which you can't talk to your opponents?
well, you couldnt speak to your opponents in daoc, at least not in game. but thats what irc and forums are for. it reduces a lot of the smack and bs that comes around in games where everyone can speak to everyone. also helps to reduce cross-realming. other than that uhhh... its good for roleplayers? i dunno, doesnt really make a whole lot of sense. but ill defend it, even though im a wow-hater fanboy, because daoc was an awesome mmo at one time.
+1 for eve

new free expansion out on the 11th of november. say goodbye to nano-fags. apparently missiles are going to suck even more now too :/

and also:
f wow

Dont be jealous bc WoW has more hot chicks.... :rolleyes:
Had my CE reserved the day Gamestop had the SKU and paid it off, now I just need to go to the midnight launch:D

For da Horde!!

Picking it up at midnight. Hoping I can get a head start to get ahead of the leveling curve and not compete for everything. Oh, and using 3 days of vacation (thurs-mon) :)
Im buying it, but Im deciding to keep levelling my new toon and level my 70s later. Hopefully I can avoid the major zerg and not have to battle on spawns =]
I really don't get the hero class thing. I mean everyone, their child, and their dog will roll a DK, then what? 25-man all DK raid? Having one class start at 55 while all others must grind is retarded imho.

I will keep my priest, I put my lock on the chop block, even though locks currently pwn at 80 in PvP, just a matter of not wanting to level two toons.
of course, zangamarsh! why didnt i think of this sooner. o rite, thats because WoW really is just a timesink, allbeit probably one of the most entertaining ones ever. and no, not all games are timesinks.

fallout3 is an experience and an event. it helps to shape my real-world morality into something tangible that i can actually see and understand and play with virtually. EVE helps to develop my social skills thru player communication as well as advancing my knowledge of manipulation, and tactical deceit, as well as organization and management.

games are A LOT more than just time sinks.

except for wow, wow just plain sucks.

Wait, what was the point of this post? How does one try to compare WoW to Fallout 3?
Quitting the game Sunday and not buying the expansion. Been playing since beta and yes it is still fun and entertaining, but the time spent playing that could have been spent elsewhere has finally caught up with me and I vow to never play another mmo after wow.

I will miss it but I will be just fine...
Quitting the game Sunday and not buying the expansion. Been playing since beta and yes it is still fun and entertaining, but the time spent playing that could have been spent elsewhere has finally caught up with me and I vow to never play another mmo after wow.

I will miss it but I will be just fine...

I wantzz ur stuff!1
Nope kicked wow habbit about 4 months ago and no reason to look back :)
I'm going to buy it, but not for a while. I just started playing last month and I'm really enjoying the game a lot, but I have a long way to go before I need to worry about this expansion. My highest level character is only level 30. I can see playing the game for a long time to come though... :D
Damn, some of you don't know how to play in moderation. :rolleyes:

what he said.

I've been playing off and on since closed beta of "vanilla" WoW, all the people claiming it ruined/will ruin your life have more serious issues if a video game takes control of your life.

I log in about 1-2 times a week and play for an hour or so. I have 1 level 70 toon and 3 others in mid 40's (in 4 years of play) Was an "end game" raider pre TBC and played 3-4 nights a week then. Once TBC came out I quit raiding and started taking my time
I wish I could play WoW casual but for me WoW had no moderation button. It was kinda like heroin.

If I decide to play then I'm going all out, /fuck real life :p and I can't play it any other way.
I'm always a bit put off by the people who tell me they are still having fun with the game 4 years later without a single break from playing it. I played for about 6 months after the initial release, and the last month or two were agonizingly boring. I played TBC for 1 month after its release and was again cripplingly bored with it. I'll do the same thing with WotLK.

I guess what I'm trying to understand is how people stay addicted to a game where the only real allure to playing it is progress once they achieve the pinnacle of progress within their means. Once you achieve all there is for a player who isn't a member of the top 1 or 2 guilds on your server, what do you do with all your time in game?

Once I achieved that the game got incredibly stale and mind-numbingly boring, and I was in one of the aforementioned top guilds on my server. Raiding is about as much fun as smashing my head against a brick wall and leaves me in roughly the same physical and mental state after doing it. So, how exactly do you keep playing a game without the visceral charge that a multiplayer FPS provides once you have experienced all of the content?
I'm always a bit put off by the people who tell me they are still having fun with the game 4 years later without a single break from playing it. I played for about 6 months after the initial release, and the last month or two were agonizingly boring. I played TBC for 1 month after its release and was again cripplingly bored with it. I'll do the same thing with WotLK.

I guess what I'm trying to understand is how people stay addicted to a game where the only real allure to playing it is progress once they achieve the pinnacle of progress within their means. Once you achieve all there is for a player who isn't a member of the top 1 or 2 guilds on your server, what do you do with all your time in game?

Once I achieved that the game got incredibly stale and mind-numbingly boring, and I was in one of the aforementioned top guilds on my server. Raiding is about as much fun as smashing my head against a brick wall and leaves me in roughly the same physical and mental state after doing it. So, how exactly do you keep playing a game without the visceral charge that a multiplayer FPS provides once you have experienced all of the content?

Sounds like you simply arn't MMO material anymore if you have to ask yourself these questions.

People who continue to play WoW after "Mastering" it, is the same reason people are STILL playing the same, old Quake 2/3, UT, Ultimate Online, Half Life, Everquest, Halo 2, BF1942, Count Strike ect..ect..... Because its FUN
Fun is a big one but theres many other reasons like:

Attatchment to their characters.

Being in a world where money/items/valubles always in reach.

Met cool friends or groups of people they like socializing with.

You can always build your character stronger more armor more stats ect.

They have no life or maybe it sucks.

15 bucks a month is a cheap for a game that never ends.

They have addictive personality.

They like being in an UBER #1 guild a big e-peen.

Probably lots more.
Can I get a SS of the SW dock? I use to have the game but don't want to pay $15 to reactivate my account to look at the one thing.
Nope. After re-upping about 25 times I can finally say I will not be buying this. I look at the amount of time I played and the amount of time I could've been studying and furthering my career and it makes me wanna vomit. Moderation or whatever, I was addicted yup and I can freely admit it. The beast is behind me and now I found something else to use my time and do. Either way, gl hf to those on their journey to 80. I will admit it does look like it will be fun.
Can I get a SS of the SW dock? I use to have the game but don't want to pay $15 to reactivate my account to look at the one thing.
Lock for life and the first thing that came to mind was why would you want a soul stone:(
I'll be sitting in Walmart waiting for them to cut the wrapping off of the displays.

Last year I went to gamestop with some friends who had preorders. We were about 20 people back in a line of litterally hundreds (probably over 1k, it looped the space of a block about 3 times). The worker came out and said that if you didn't have a preorder, you aren't going to get one.. and even then, they don't have enough copies for everybody. I sold my spot in line for $22 to some guy that was in the back.

On the way home, my wife suggested I stop at Walmart just to see. I gave her some hell about it saying there will be a line there too but I stopped anyways. On the way in, I saw people walking out with collectors editons and I asked if there was any more copies left. The guy laughed at me and said to go look. I went back and saw palat sized displays full of the expansion and not only about 10 people grabbing their copies. I grabbed mine, found an open check out lane (with no line) and got home 5 min later with 2 copies for me any my wife.
I'll be sitting in Walmart waiting for them to cut the wrapping off of the displays.

Last year I went to gamestop with some friends who had preorders. We were about 20 people back in a line of litterally hundreds (probably over 1k, it looped the space of a block about 3 times). The worker came out and said that if you didn't have a preorder, you aren't going to get one.. and even then, they don't have enough copies for everybody. I sold my spot in line for $22 to some guy that was in the back.

On the way home, my wife suggested I stop at Walmart just to see. I gave her some hell about it saying there will be a line there too but I stopped anyways. On the way in, I saw people walking out with collectors editons and I asked if there was any more copies left. The guy laughed at me and said to go look. I went back and saw palat sized displays full of the expansion and not only about 10 people grabbing their copies. I grabbed mine, found an open check out lane (with no line) and got home 5 min later with 2 copies for me any my wife.


Thats almost as awesome as that dude who sold his #1 spot in line to get an iPhone for like $600.

I pre ordered mine on Amazon with release day delivery. I was going to get the CE but TBC CE I bought is sitting in the bottom of a box somewhere, so I figured why spend the extra cash.

I was at Frys yesterday buying some RAM for my wifes PC and they were setting up for their midnight launch
Damn, some of you don't know how to play in moderation. :rolleyes:

Thats my problem I'm either totally addicted to WoW and playing every spare minute I have, or I'm not playing at all. Right now I'm not playing and I'm trying to stay off it...

Best way to avoid playing for me is to go read the official forums, and the forums for the top guild on my server... reminds me why I should stay away :p