Anyone else playing the Dragonfall expansion of Shadowrun Returns?


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 9, 2006
It is really good. The included Dead Man's Switch campaign was ok, but nothing stellar. I enjoyed it but it was a little "meh" overall and I didn't really feel like any sort of a redo with a different kind of character (which I usually do with RPGs). Dragonfall though, it is really good. Great story and a better game flow. It is still fairly linear overall, but doesn't feel nearly so much, and it feel like your choices matter more. Also they gear choices have been fleshed out a little more so you have some more choice in how you want to configure your character.

If you have SRR I highly recommend grabbing it. I doubt you'll be sorry. If you don't have SRR, you might think of getting it and Dragonfall.
Thanks for the update. Not through yet with the first campaign, should I get Dragonfall or wait until I finish the game then grab it? Or does it matter?
Doesn't matter. They are distinct campaigns, in different cities, with different groups. You can play them in any order, or play one but not the other. They aren't related other than that there is a BBS post in Dragonfall that makes passing reference to the events in Dead Man's Switch.

Like I said, I find the Dragonfall campaign much more compelling. Dead Man's Switch was ok but I didn't hugely get in to it. I'd do one part of it then leave the game and do something else. Dragonfall I got drawn in to and suffered from the "Just a little more, ok just this next part, ok I'll do this fight, ok this next part, oh shit it's 4am."

Personally I think Dragonfall should be the included campaign. They just did a better job on it.
I have it since I was a backer, but haven't installed or played it yet. Too busy with other games. I also thought Dead Man's Switch was OK but had no desire to replay it. So haven't been in a hurry to play Dragonfall. Have been hearing good things about it so might have to move it up my list.
they ever add a real save system?

Ya they finally did. You can save any time now, except when an action is going on. So if it is the enemy's turn in combat, or if your character is actually moving, you can't save. Otherwise you can save as you please, including a quicksave. I has a happy with it.
This is good to hear, because I also wasn't instantly sucked into Dead Man's Switch either. Still poking at it here and there, but it sounds like this one would be a better one to start with, and then go back to DMS when I'm starved for content. :D
Ya they finally did. You can save any time now, except when an action is going on. So if it is the enemy's turn in combat, or if your character is actually moving, you can't save. Otherwise you can save as you please, including a quicksave. I has a happy with it.

oh nice, I will have to check this game out again once i get tired with Diablo 3 lol, Is the save system only with the xpac? or did they patch it into the first game?
oh nice, I will have to check this game out again once i get tired with Diablo 3 lol, Is the save system only with the xpac? or did they patch it into the first game?

I think it is with anything. It is a change to the engine, so should work with all content packs, including user made ones.
nice will really have to give this game a good 2nd look then
This was a pretty darn good add-on. Short(ish) but it also lacks filler trash that often plagues RPG games. Even side missions usually have something interesting going on. Combat system is still simplistic, even with couple new weapon types added... But the team is interesting and ditto for the story (there are some genuinely difficult choices to be made depending on your outlook of the SR world).

I could think dozens of things that could be improved, but the good parts are so good that I was very pleased after playing it through regardless. I`ll give Dragonfall 8.5 out of 10.
Ya the story was really what did it for me. I cared about this story more, and thus I was drawn in. That was mainly what was lacking in the first one. The writing was good, but I just didn't care about the story as much.
I feel like Dragonfall is ten times better than DMS. Everything from the story line to the dialog options to making better use of all the character types is much improved over DMS. Yes, it's still mostly linear (a common complaint of the original campaign, DMS), but nobody advertised it as another Elder Scrolls. I give Dragonfall a 9/10 with the one point off for some random crashes and a bug with cyberware upgrading (I couldn't replace already installed cyberware despite the fact I believe you're supposed to be able to if you have enough essence).