
Feb 28, 2008
My friend recently told me, that AMVA LCD panels do not exhibit the gamma-shift typicial to older MVA and S-PVA panels. Is it true? I"m actually quite suspicious.
And what are advances of this panel technology anyway?
You have a right to be suspicious, Biges.

So far the best *VA I've seen in this regard is the S-PVA in the Dell 2709W. Not as good as S-IPS obviously, but getting a little closer to it. For example, reading HardForums on it doesn't make me feel crosseyed like with older MVA/S-MVA/A-MVA panels. This may be due to the big 27" size allowing me to sit further, but it seems better up close too.

The older A-MVA panel in my BenQ FP241VW had slightly more horizontal gamma shift on dark greys than the Dell. I don't know if you remember your BenQ FP241W, but I'm sure when you were on here, you noticed the dark grey shift left to right. That is also an A-MVA panel.

Additionally, the S-MVA panel in the Westinghouse is just as "shifty" and no better than the A-MVA.

Best Regards.
You have a right to be suspicious, Biges.

So far the best *VA I've seen in this regard is the S-PVA in the Dell 2709W. Not as good as S-IPS obviously, but getting a little closer to it. For example, reading HardForums on it doesn't make me feel crosseyed like with older MVA/S-MVA/A-MVA panels. This may be due to the big 27" size allowing me to sit further, but it seems better up close too.

The older A-MVA panel in my BenQ FP241VW had slightly more horizontal gamma shift on dark greys than the Dell. I don't know if you remember your BenQ FP241W, but I'm sure when you were on here, you noticed the dark grey shift left to right. That is also an A-MVA panel.

Additionally, the S-MVA panel in the Westinghouse is just as "shifty" and no better than the A-MVA.

Best Regards.

What did you want to say about AMVA advances? Best regards?
As always :)

No new advances for A-MVA. They are being phased out by AUO and S-MVA by CMO.

S-PVA is different. Even their pixels face opposite directions! :)

S-PVA points to the right >


A-MVA on the right pointing to the left <


What did you want to say about AMVA advances? Best regards?
No new advances for A-MVA.

And what is this about:
Originally Posted by 10e
You have a right to be suspicious, Biges.
So far the best *VA I've seen in this regard is the S-PVA in the Dell 2709W. Not as good as S-IPS obviously, but getting a little closer to it. For example, reading HardForums on it doesn't make me feel crosseyed like with older MVA/S-MVA/A-MVA panels. This may be due to the big 27" size allowing me to sit further, but it seems better up close too.
The older A-MVA panel in my BenQ FP241VW had slightly more horizontal gamma shift on dark greys than the Dell. I don't know if you remember your BenQ FP241W, but I'm sure when you were on here, you noticed the dark grey shift left to right. That is also an A-MVA panel.
Additionally, the S-MVA panel in the Westinghouse is just as "shifty" and no better than the A-MVA.
Best Regards.
My friend recently told me, that AMVA LCD panels do not exhibit the gamma-shift typicial to older MVA and S-PVA panels. Is it true? I"m actually quite suspicious.
And what are advances of this panel technology anyway?

Biges, I am sure you have enough knowledge to answer this question in one word without starting a new thread about nothing.
Buy your friend some ice-cream.
And what is this about:


To show that there are new advances, just not with A-MVA, or maybe his friend was confused between S-PVA and A-MVA or P-MVA... And also so I can re-use my up close pictures to justify the cost of my Canon S3 IS of course. And of course to show that there is some hope for some form of VA naturally.

Biges, I am sure you have enough knowledge to answer this question in one word without starting a new thread about nothing.
Buy your friend some ice-cream.

No, beer is better. Whiskey is suitable too. Dinner is also a nice idea, as long as alcohol is also included. Maybe his friend should buy him dinner for trying to find out? ;)
Thanks for the answer, 10e!

I think I better not buy my friend any alcohol. He sounded quite tired, so I better asked here, because his answers were quite vague :)

Albovin, despite this thread being "about nothing", you seems to be pretty much attracted to it ;)

And it is not about nothing, because 10e posted a cool photo with S-PVA crystal structure :)
Albovin, despite this thread being "about nothing", you seems to be pretty much attracted to it ;)

I stopped here because of you. It was surprising to hear that question from you. Once you give your overview of the new HP, then you ask about VA with no colorshift:eek:.

And it is not about nothing, because 10e posted a cool photo with S-PVA crystal structure
We've seen PVA structure 100 times.
Oh man, if this thread annoys you so much, just ignore it :)

Regarding AMVA and its scrystals:

1. I don't monitor new trends in *VA technology much.
2. It is not a crime not to know, it is not to anwer.

Maybe you have seen S-PVA crystal hundred times, but not me.

You know, you have some quite annying aspects of your personality, sure you know of them. How does you wife/GF cope with them? :)

Guess I'll have to create more "annoy" topics just to see you rolling your eyes ;)