AMD Next Generation ATI Radeon Eyefinity Technology

Your confusing the fact that they were often demoing 6 monitors because that is what one card could produce! It was a tech example, not a well thought out gaming setup. The point is the user can set it up anyway they like. Some smarter then others.

It's a "hey, look at this", and my gut instinct is "hey, that's a stupid design, you should arrange them like this". :p
agreed wholeheartedly, but some of the examples used are a less-than-optimal number of screens.

one question - anyone know how they'll handle a big main screen, and smaller peripheral screens? Gets too expensive buying 9 or 5 or 3 big screens.

I think we misunderstood each other, I was speaking mostly for a 3x1 setup, obviously with other configs you'll end up w/bezels in the wrong places, yeah... But I think 3x1 will be not only the most common/accessible config but the one that makes the most sense anyway. I started my first post with "I think 3 displays", you quoted that and tried telling me in some cases the bezel would end up in the middle of the field of view... :p

Anyway, I posed the same question you just did a few posts back, didn't get any sort of definitive answer. The examples, demos, and diagrams they've got on the site and on the articles all describe a rectangular shaped screen area achieved by using several displays with the same res, with a possible expansion/2nd display area using other displays... But there's no mention of whether it's possible to have an odd-shaped display area, like say, 24" LCD flanked by 20" LCDs.

I think this is a concern mostly for those of us w/24" displays... The type of people that might've bought said display for $200-300 and were never looking to drop much more than that unto another display (unlike say, someone who buys a 30" screen for $1,000), buying another two of them for a 3x1 setup seems a lil' daunting... And to complicate matters, 16:10 displays are getting rarer. Anyone with something 22" or smaller will have an easier time adding additional screens w/the same res imo.

I definitely don't wanna step down my main display to 22" tho... So if I wanna take advantage of this I might need to bite the bullet and just sink $500 into an additional two 24" screens, would've bought one eventually anyway to replace my CRT so I guess it's not a big deal.
I think we misunderstood each other, I was speaking mostly for a 3x1 setup, obviously with other configs you'll end up w/bezels in the wrong places, yeah... But I think 3x1 will be not only the most common/accessible config but the one that makes the most sense anyway. I started my first post with "I think 3 displays", you quoted that and tried telling me in some cases the bezel would end up in the middle of the field of view... :p
Doh! you're right, I missed that line. Bah being on a tech call for 4 hours and no smoke breaks. Makes Lopo testy. :p
Anyway, I posed the same question you just did a few posts back, didn't get any sort of definitive answer. The examples, demos, and diagrams they've got on the site and on the articles all describe a rectangular shaped screen area achieved by using several displays with the same res, with a possible expansion/2nd display area using other displays... But there's no mention of whether it's possible to have an odd-shaped display area, like say, 24" LCD flanked by 20" LCDs.

I think this is a concern mostly for those of us w/24" displays... The type of people that might've bought said display for $200-300 and were never looking to drop much more than that unto another display (unlike say, someone who buys a 30" screen for $1,000), buying another two of them for a 3x1 setup seems a lil' daunting... And to complicate matters, 16:10 displays are getting rarer. Anyone with something 22" or smaller will have an easier time adding additional screens w/the same res.

See, what I'd love is a nice 24/27 main, but I have some good 22" sides that have the same bottom or top height, but not the same total space (obviously) - how would you possibly make that work though?

And the preponderance of 16x9 displays makes me unhappy. Crappy resolutions that most older games aren't programmed for, so you're not on native res.
I think they could make differing sizes/resolution displays work together, it'd just take more work. Telling the video card to describe an XbyY space to Windows as a display area is one thing, telling it to describe another shape entirely might be something they don't wanna mess with at all... My other big question is what they're gonna do as far as taskbar management, having Start on the left-most monitor and the tray on the right-most wouldn't work for anyone... And it goes well beyond what apps like UltraMon/DisplayFusion do...
If Eyefinity makes multi-displays, panels an easy to implement feature, I could see it coming to a large market. But the complaints about the existing borders and distractions of, on these display setups will probably have to be addressed and customer calls, demands for solving the issue will have to be met. But I can see a day, where we will measure a wall or area for such a display and when assembled, only the outside edges will have a noticeable border and the inside ones will be minimal, so at a small distance the picture viewed will look whole and unbroken. But, I also see, that the cost involved will have to include the functions of TV, home theater, BluRay, along with PC use and gaming. This will take a Wii controller type remote for the non PC use and will run the PC functions and navigation in a touch screen like manner with it, too. The big draw back is improvement or replacement of the keyboard for text usage. With TVs and home theater, having more internet media downloading functions, becoming more PC everyday, this seems to be a perfect merger to one system.
Build it and they will come...


Darn, the graphics on that Lockheed sim look pretty realistic... I thought those high-end sims usually strive for control/behavior realism but didn't focus so much on eye candy, guess I was wrong.
Build it and they will come...



WOW, I want one!
LOL. Seriously though. 3x displays is probably the most sensible setup for home users. It's cos 6 would require a bunch of expensive monitor arms and the bezels in the middle would be annoying. I could see a premium 3x 30" setup being pretty darn immersive. So when will 30"s drop in price. I want that!! :)
FPS? Targeting cursor in the middle of the screen?
Several RPGs have had fixed cameras in the past, as have various adventure games.
Heck, the WoW example above has the dividers in the middle of the character, and it looks stupid - the camera sets to several pretty normal places when you start moving, so unless you're going to keep resetting it, you may get confused.

The examples shown several times have bezels in the middle of the view.

That's smack dab in the middle, and would drive me insane. You have to have a clear view directly ahead - dividers to the side don't matter (see the L4D pic from the exact same set of photos), but in the middle (aka, 6 total screens, or 4, or 2)? That just causes problems for some people. I'd love it for 3/9 screens, but that's where I'm done.

My point isn't that it's bad tech, it's that there are some limitations. There are certain numbers of monitors that work well, and some numbers that don't. I hope they have software to deal with the bezels, and if they can let you scale it to different sets then it'll be solid.

Yes, and I think I have said more than once in this thread, 3x1 and 5x1 will likely be most popular for gamers. Hindsite being 20/20 and all, AMD should have not shown a 3x2 display for demos.

I think a 5x1 in portrait mode will be what I end up doing in the long run with 24" monitors.

Brent will being handling the performance part of our evaluation and I will be handling Eyefinity.

So yes, I am listen to you guys.
Wait, is that ATI demoing their hardware for Lockheed's simulator? Or just arbitrary hardware, stating the fact that ATI can dominate that market now?

I think I just came a little.
FPS? Targeting cursor in the middle of the screen?
Several RPGs have had fixed cameras in the past, as have various adventure games.
Heck, the WoW example above has the dividers in the middle of the character, and it looks stupid - the camera sets to several pretty normal places when you start moving, so unless you're going to keep resetting it, you may get confused.

The examples shown several times have bezels in the middle of the view.

It would be nice if program output could be directed at certain monitors. Run Windows on 3x2 monitors, but direct game.exe to the bottom 3 monitors to avoid the divided center screen. Leaving the other 3 monitors black or still displaying the desktop or other programs while the game runs.
3 or 5 tilted 24" monitors is my plan. Avoids the centre of the display being in a bezel, and gives both vertical and horizontal res boosts.

I'll probably go with BenQ FP241Ws with adapters if neccesary, as I already have one, the border is square with no fancy curves, and all the control buttons are on the side (underneath when tilted).

The people trying to tilt TNs will amuse me! :D
It's a "hey, look at this", and my gut instinct is "hey, that's a stupid design, you should arrange them like this". :p

After further thought, I'd actually be intrigued by using two 20" monitors in portrait mode to the sides of my main 30" LCD if the setup could support it somehow... the big problem being that my desk doesn't have room for that :p . Doing things that way would make it so that you don't have the bezel issue much... hmmm... I have one spare S-IPS 20" LCD, need to find another somewhere ;). I'd end up with something like 4660x1600 resolution with hopefully a tiny black line on the two side monitors' tops to cut off the extra 80 pixels that my main 30" couldn't display (2560x1600 main)... sounds yummy. I'm torn between single card or 5870 crossfire, but if I went for the Eyefinity setup I think I'd definitely need the crossfire :(.

@rshoerack Yeah, I have a feeling a lot are going to try it with poor TN panels and complain that it looks bad :( even though it's their own monitor choice's fault, not the video card's.
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Has there been any talk by ATI about a feature which would allow the card to render side screens at lower quality/resolution and send signal in full. Could help with more demanding games.

I'm thinking something like pixel doubling to save on rendering for less important screens.
Nice! There are a few things on my wishlist to be tested:
Bezel management.
FOV adjustments
Resolution support (mix and match of different resolutions and sizes)
Refresh rate support
calibration support

Excellent list. I think that covers it.
Hope it gets filled in soon :)
After further thought, I'd actually be intrigued by using two 20" monitors in portrait mode to the sides of my main 30" LCD if the setup could support it somehow... the big problem being that my desk doesn't have room for that :p . Doing things that way would make it so that you don't have the bezel issue much... hmmm... I have one spare S-IPS 20" LCD, need to find another somewhere ;). I'd end up with something like 4660x1600 resolution with hopefully a tiny black line on the two side monitors' tops to cut off the extra 80 pixels that my main 30" couldn't display (2560x1600 main)... sounds yummy. I'm torn between single card or 5870 crossfire, but if I went for the Eyefinity setup I think I'd definitely need the crossfire :(.

@rshoerack Yeah, I have a feeling a lot are going to try it with poor TN panels and complain that it looks bad :( even though it's their own monitor choice's fault, not the video card's.

The TN vs IPS panel crybaby bullshit has to stop now. How would the TN look any worse with 2+ monitors hooked up than it would with just one?
Guess u didnt have an IPS monitor did you ? :)

Nope, I have my CRT right beside my 24" LCD, while I see the differences, I don't notice the differences all that much (granted I don't think my CRT is configured for colour reproduction, instead its calibrated for gaming, and finding campers in dark spots :p)
Well the TN inference is because if it's off to the side then TN's viewing angle problems are exacerbated.
What's the deal with Eyefinity...apparently not all 5870's will be capable of it? You have to buy an "Eyefinity" edition 5870 that will likely cost more?
I understand they will all be 3 output capable. Special Eyefinity editions with -6- displayport outputs will be available, and will cost an amount more. Very few will need 6 port editions.
I understand they will all be 3 output capable. Special Eyefinity editions with -6- displayport outputs will be available, and will cost an amount more. Very few will need 6 port editions.

So they all use the same software...which is the key point. The extra connections to drive double the amount of monitors doesn't get manufactured for free. If you need to drive six displays, I doubt the $20 difference is going to bother you all that much.

I just pulled that number out of my ass, but I don't think the number really matters.
The TN vs IPS panel crybaby bullshit has to stop now. How would the TN look any worse with 2+ monitors hooked up than it would with just one?

The TN would be off to the side, where their issues are worsened (poor viewing angles). With one, it's just right in front of you so you only have a small amount of viewing angle issues, and just the standard lesser color reproduction/etc. I don't want to derail the thread, but it's really not BS... a TN vs. an IPS is like DVD upscaled vs. Bluray to me on my projector setup. Some claim they don't notice the difference between 'em (and granted the one here would be less), but that doesn't mean it isn't there and definite.
The TN would be off to the side, where their issues are worsened (poor viewing angles). With one, it's just right in front of you so you only have a small amount of viewing angle issues, and just the standard lesser color reproduction/etc. I don't want to derail the thread, but it's really not BS... a TN vs. an IPS is like DVD upscaled vs. Bluray to me on my projector setup. Some claim they don't notice the difference between 'em (and granted the one here would be less), but that doesn't mean it isn't there and definite.

Most SurroundGaming gamers, oops, Eyefinity gamers would want to angle their side sceens slightly. Especially once Bezel Management, oops Eyefinity frame management is fully implemented.

PS- In case that was too subtle. Props Matrox. Mad Props! I hope ATi delivers those cheques on time ;>)
The TN vs IPS panel crybaby bullshit has to stop now. How would the TN look any worse with 2+ monitors hooked up than it would with just one?

Three TN panels in a normal horizontal orientation would look fine imo (some might be more critical). Three or five TN panels turned vertical (90 degrees) would look HORRIBLE to anyone that isn't blind... 'Least based on my experience with decent TN screens, they typically have alright horizontal viewing angles, but the vertical tends to be much worse... Not a big deal on a desk as you're not looking up or down at the screen, but if you turn the screen sideways, it becomes a big problem, even worse if you tilt 'em inwards.
I'm still curious whether it'll be possible to have non-standard desktop sizes by using side screens that aren't the same res as the main display... I really don't have the desk space or the inclination to buy an additional two 24" displays, and I'm not sure I wanna step down my main display to 22" and go thru the hassle of selling my 24"... Hrm.
Can Eyefinity do Portrait and Landscape together ?

Lets say I have my main 30" 2560x1600res Display, which is Landscape mode, in the center, and I want to add on each side a 20" of 1600x1200 but flipped up in Portrait mode of 1200x1600 to match up next to the 30", Would that work on a 5870 for gaming in like WoW ?
Can Eyefinity do Portrait and Landscape together ?

Lets say I have my main 30" 2560x1600res Display, which is Landscape mode, in the center, and I want to add on each side a 20" of 1600x1200 but flipped up in Portrait mode of 1200x1600 to match up next to the 30", Would that work on a 5870 for gaming in like WoW ?

Looking at the bottom left configuration looks like you can mix it like you want it, but not for sure about having the center as landscape.
Has anyone thought about this application being applied to projectors? Talk about a real bad ass game room running 3 projectors
I like having multiple screens, particularly for desktop and to some degree gaming. Multi-screen gaming can work and work well, but viewing graphics designed to for one screen on multiple screens with obvious space between the screens just looks terrible and eyefinity doesn't change this at all. This could turn into something great in a few years with developer support but what's been shown is just a gimick IMO.
These three combined would span together very nicely with a total res of 5120x1200res for a nice "Eyefinity" setup, plus the bases on these models match. I know these are sort of dated LCD's compared to whats out there today, and not top of the line, but I am sure with rebates or on eBay these can be had for a grand total of less than $800 ? So would be 20" + 24" + 20"

DELL ULTRASHARP 2408WFP 24-inch = 1 monitor of 1920x1200res

DELL UltraSharp 2007FP 20-inch = 2 monitors of 1600x1200res
Did you look at this image? looks like 6 smaller projected images on one large screen.

That honestly does not do it for me. To me the best thing with "Eyefinity" is the idea of having the side views angled towards you for better immersion, not just one huge display right in front of you. I like the side monitors or screens to be on a angle away from the front main screen to make it more wrap around you.
skimmed the first page, found two gems

convince my firm's IT buyer that we need 5870's in every office PC, and consider that single card is about half the price of the entire finished PC (including monitor) that is currently being purchased

honestly, you just learn to live with a single or dual monitor setup, it won't kill you to not have the third display, and if you really need it that badly, you can add cards to accomplish that (because you know, a pair of 8400GS boards is obviously so much more expensive than a 5870)

wait so you lose some 800 horizontal pixels in the process? wonderful math fail there.

honestly I agree with the second post (boohoo if kyle doesn't agree :)), as a halo product for the enthusiast segment its great, but for the average day to day PC user, it'll go as unnoticed as SLI-AA, GeForce 3D Vision, Surround Gaming, T-Buffer, SLI, MVP (hah!), CrossFire, MultiChrome, Stereo3D and a slew of other vendor unique products released over the years to entice buyers away from the competition, none of them are particularly bad tech, but joe average isn't running out to buy them, and probably doesn't even know of any of them

yeah, on [H] its known about and purchased, but not everyone on [H] will be rocking 3+ monitors for gaming, then think about the steam hardware survey, 1024x768 is still VERY high up there

I won't hold my breath for it, its an interesting implementation of something they've been doing for ages, it'll get a lot of people on the "AMD invented multimonitor" or "multimonitor could not exist without AMD" train, which will bring them customers, but if Hydravision is still the same old shit, and if performance drops off within the first 18 months because the complexity of games increases exponentially beyond the ability of the processor (oh wait, that can't happen, because you know, it would make their marketing brochures look bad :p), I'm really not that interested in a technology that has me staring at a bunch of bezel blackspace and not really being able to focus in on the game

+1. Well said on all points.
IMO, this won't sell any extra GPUs for AMD. Enthusiasts(read: the majority of people on [h]) will want the cards anyway because they are next gen.