A $36 question


Sep 27, 2005
Amazon or B&H?

I want to pick up the 85mm Nikkor in the next few days, and I have a dilemma :rolleyes:

Amazon prime or B&H? In my area, Amazon is using a local couriers for the last mile, and those guys can be a bit.... sketchy. All my shipments have been delivered on time (or rather, on the day it was scheduled to be delivered), but at random times. Some in the morning, some in the late afternoon... and they don't even have an official truck. It may as well be a pizza delivery guy.

I haven't bought anything this expensive from Amazon in the past. It's usually random crap for $50 and under. This is a $1.5k piece of glass. I figured, if something went wrong, I can always return it to Amazon, as they have been pretty awesome in the past.

At the same time... it's only thirty bucks. But what would you guys do?
Neither of them will give you problems on a return. B&H makes you pay return shipping. Amazon doesn't have a return cost when it is broken or not as described.

Where are you getting the $36 difference? Amazon is $499 for f/1.8, and $1649 for f/1.4. B&H is $496.95 and $1649. Both have 2% back and free shipping.
Yeah, sorry for not beaing clear enought in my OP. The $36 is the cost of shipping. It's free with Prime (and a somewhat reliable delivery service), vs $36 FedEx from BH.

$36 is the cost of risk, basically. Yes, I know i'm over thinking it, and over panicing, lol. But I baby my photo gear, and don't ever want anything happen to it :D