6xxx series


Apr 2, 2003
Does the new set of cards coming out have any extra features that the 5000 series does not have?
keep in mind that a lot of that is marketing speak. for instance saying that the 6870 gets the same performance as a 5850 with 25% less die space is very misleading, the 5850 is a crippled 5870 with only 1440 of 1600 sharders active. and vs that against 1120 is still misleading as as it doesn't say anything about the clock speed. so comparing the die space effectiveness against the 5850 is pretty weak. if they had said that about the 5870 I would have thought more of that.

in short wait for the H review on friday.
The big thing I took from the first set of slides is the new AA method. Add a fix to AF and I'm thinking that i might jump on a 6970 at release. The AA method might get brought to 58xx cards since it's not something done in hardware, but as a post-processing.
it is just a refresh with a new bumped up numbers and die shrink
and marketing magic
New AA + AF + tesselation + more efficiency/mm^2 are the key highlights. New dispatcher too