Recent content by horrorshow

  1. horrorshow

    Fallout 4

    Finally installed the old GoG v1.10.163.0 this afternoon.... Only installed the Unofficial Patch, Vivid Fallout, and Cheat Terminal (because I'm lazy and don't wanna craft/look for various scrap) SUCKS that Wabbajack doesn't support the GoG version, or I'd reinstall Welcome to Paradise - Why I...
  2. horrorshow

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    or even which section of the forum to post the question in, would do
  3. horrorshow

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    and lor knows i spent enough time tinkering w moonlight after discovering steam link is garbage
  4. horrorshow

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    i bought a geforce box recently, got it all configed with moonlight but im not sure how to implement games outside of desktop mode....
  5. horrorshow

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    speaking of actual H questions, does anyone here use Moonlight/Sunshine??
  6. horrorshow

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    old habit from IT, just update everything os related.... i know its nonsensical
  7. horrorshow

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    i dont have a microsoft account for windows, just a dumby for microsoft store (gotta keep my paint3d up to date rioght heh)
  8. horrorshow

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    ill go to linux before co-pilot sees me. esp after the recent articles
  9. horrorshow

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    whats spooky is, took over my entire screen
  10. horrorshow

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    tpm is turned off, as is the other thing obv
  11. horrorshow

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    happened right when i opened microsoft store and win update to do the reg checks
  12. horrorshow

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    or another reg key, not sure yet
  13. horrorshow

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    guess imma have to tighten up grp policy
  14. horrorshow

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    NOPE. not this guy
  15. horrorshow

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    to be super-safe obv i didnt click 'learn more'