Where to sell camera gear?


Aug 20, 2006
I've decided to go mirrorless, so it's time to unload my D800e, D300, and all their lenses. Does anyone know a good place to sell camera equipment that doesn't involve asinine fees and scammers?
if you have any friends working at some decent size corporations talk to them, they might be able to sell it for you

many large companies have on their intranet a for sale forum
FM Forums is by far the best, but they do have a buy/sell upgrade fee. If you're unloading thousands of dollars in equipment (which it appears you are), then really the fee (of I think it's $30, but it depends on your subscription length) is negligible. Like any forum though, if you don't have feedback, then it's hard to get someone to bite.

Otherwise I would recommend Amazon and eBay. Amazon takes less, eBay still is subject to double taxation. If you want zero hassle, then you can always mail your gear to BHphotovideo, Adorama, or KEH and simply accept whatever they are willing to pay (which will be less than its actual value, as they will of course want to resell it).
Craigslist might be an option.

Ebay works, but you will get around 12-15% taken off for fees. Plus, if you are not already an established seller, expect to not get many responses.