Twitch Users?


Jul 24, 2007
Was just wondering how many Twitch users are on the forum, and if anyone else streams or not. Go ahead and post your infos ^_^, twitch links as well. Would be nice to have a thread with twitch users/broadcasters pages and have a little community within a community =P.

KaelinTV -
Youtube -

I pretty much stream everything if anyone wants to drop by.

Dun be shy! =P...Post your infos, would like to check out other streams as well ^_^.
If i could figure out how to stream i would. I had everything ready to go, except one thing....i couldnt figure out if i needed something to start the stream... I think i may take another stab at it and reply with the results.

...maybe it was a problem with the codec.
If you are considering starting up. I'd recommend using OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). It is by far the most stable streaming software I've used. Avoid Xsplit like the plague. Buggy and cluttered imo.
I second OBS. I also broadcast on Steam now (participate in the beta program to do so) and it works very well.
How does OBS compare with ShadowPlay built into nVidia drivers?

I've been using ShadowPlay for a while and it seems to work fairly decent...just seems like it degrades the quality a bit when it streams.

Here's my Twitch link, for those interested:

I don't stream all that often, but when I do it'll usually be something like PayDay 2, Gauntlet, and recently did a couple of Dark Souls 2 streams.
You can use nvidia video encoding in OBS as well. So if you don't have a powerful cpu, you could offload it to the gpu. But do keep in mind this eats up resources. A decent/strong cpu would be recommended, while letting the GPU handle just the game itself.

<3 gauntlet btw. Many hilarious moments playing that with buds.
You can use nvidia video encoding in OBS as well. So if you don't have a powerful cpu, you could offload it to the gpu. But do keep in mind this eats up resources. A decent/strong cpu would be recommended, while letting the GPU handle just the game itself.

<3 gauntlet btw. Many hilarious moments playing that with buds.

Running ShadowPlay on a 770m in my gaming laptop, and I've never had ShadowPlay affect performance (noticeably at least). Seems to do better than the CPU does, at least.

I think I looked into using OBS...but couldn't really figure out what exactly to I just kinda gave

It's the 2014 release of Gauntlet, not the older ones. Still fun though!
I stream Warcraft Highmaul raids for a few friends.

Tune in tonight at 8PM EST for Heroic Mar'gok wipe fest!

I've tried OBS, Shadowplay, and XSplit. I am really not happy with any of them, the quality seems worse than I would expect running at 720P @ 30 FPS / 3500 bit rate...

I watch Indie =) Was banned recently from a mod but he unbanned me =)
The streamers he had during Christmas were really fun to watch some of them were bored out of their mind =)
Used to back in the day, then it .. duno started loosing its appeal. now i find most places i watch people are actually jerks. so quit and disabled my account.

probably for the best anyway for me, get more work done at that place you know.. called work ;-)

BTW: i second OBS. I haven't really streamed with it but for just screen caps it is nice. shadowplay isn't bad either but there are not plugins for that ;-)
did it for a bit with OBS but my 512k dsl upload speed didnt work out too well. I watch a friend of mine play everquest occasionally
You can use nvidia video encoding in OBS as well. So if you don't have a powerful cpu, you could offload it to the gpu. But do keep in mind this eats up resources. A decent/strong cpu would be recommended, while letting the GPU handle just the game itself.

<3 gauntlet btw. Many hilarious moments playing that with buds.

How does OBS compare with ShadowPlay built into nVidia drivers?

I've been using ShadowPlay for a while and it seems to work fairly decent...just seems like it degrades the quality a bit when it streams.

Here's my Twitch link, for those interested:

I don't stream all that often, but when I do it'll usually be something like PayDay 2, Gauntlet, and recently did a couple of Dark Souls 2 streams.

As Ikasu said, OBS supports nVidia's encoding as well. I use both. If I am playing a full DX or OpenGL game I will use ShadowPlay, if I am playing an odd-ball game like Minecraft or another indie game that shadow play doesn't support, then I use OBS. I have directly compaired OBS to Shadow play in TF2, and Shadow Play is just slightly better in terms of quality. I am furtunate enough to have a good machine and good internet so I stream high quality 60FPS. OBS has a damn good engine that's lightweight.

As for the OP:


I mainly play fps games, but I'll occasionally dick around with other stuff. I try to stream 4 or so nights a week around 9-10pm EST.
Gonna try and keep the thread alive....

I try and stream every night for at least 2 hours. Weekends I have more time I can dedicate. Just looking to grow a community/fan base who enjoy the same games I do. Check me out of you like.

Mostly Gabe's i play but of course not limited to....

1.) Rainbow Six Siege
2.) Overwatch
3.) The Forest (the wife really likes it)