Thinking of switching out my 2080TI Kingpin but what to replace it with?


Oct 1, 2008
so I was lucky to have inherited beautiful 2080TI kingpin in a gorgeous evga setup. The card still rocks when lightly oc’d but was thinking of upgrading
Any suggestions ? Something that won’t break the bank.
I will need a monitor eventually as mine doesn’t have HDR (curved Alienware)
A 4070 is like 30% faster than a 2080ti (or more depending on the game/settings) so I wouldn't go any lower than that. Depends how much you want to lay out, honestly.
I'm also sitting on a 2080ti. A friend offered me his 3090 for $500 but I'd rather put that money torwards a new card. IMO the only cards worth upgrading to are the 4070ti / 7900xt and up. Hopefully the Super cards are priced a bit lower than the current lineup (although I suspect that NV will just drop the prices of the non-supes to sell them and slot the Supes into the old MSRPs). I was leaning towards a 7900XTX months ago when you could grab one for $800ish but those deals are long gone now that the 4090 is above MSRP.
I'm also sitting on a 2080ti. A friend offered me his 3090 for $500 but I'd rather put that money torwards a new card. IMO the only cards worth upgrading to are the 4070ti / 7900xt and up. Hopefully the Super cards are priced a bit lower than the current lineup (although I suspect that NV will just drop the prices of the non-supes to sell them and slot the Supes into the old MSRPs). I was leaning towards a 7900XTX months ago when you could grab one for $800ish but those deals are long gone now that the 4090 is above MSRP.
You ever jump up to a new card, look me up. I have been looking for a good 2080TI for awhile and I do believe my 1080TI is starting to want to die.
You've left out three key details:

1) What do you play?
3) What resolution and settings do you want?
2) Budget.

Without that, it's impossible to provide a suggestion. 2080Ti was a halo card for it's day. Do you want halo performance again, or are you ok with faster than you have now but don't want to drop cash on the new halo card (the $1600 4090 that probably costs $2000 now?
That's good. I read 50's were going to release in 2025 the earliest but it seems like they may be coming in the fall. If that's true, it changes things.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I think what I’ll do first is upgrade my monitor, then pick a card the games I play mainly are Baldurs Gate , some vr games , dead island 2 , dying light 2 , starfield.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I think what I’ll do first is upgrade my monitor, then pick a card the games I play mainly are Baldurs Gate , some vr games , dead island 2 , dying light 2 , starfield.

Now that supply issues are mostly sorted out and we are back to GPU's mostly continually dropping in price as they get older... that would be a very wise choice. Especially given that Radeon and GeForce hardware will likely see a big price drop when the GeForce Super series stuff comes out. (y)
When released, 4070 Super should be a solid replacement if you’re on somewhat of a budget. I’m planning to get one to upgrade a 6700XT
I'm targeting April for my GPU upgrade (2080) The Supers will be all out and AMD will have done their market shift.
Here to the ring the AMD bell... 7900XT or XTX is a totally great option (once you have figured out resolution and games, as mentioned above).

If you're still monitor shopping, I would recommend getting one that supports both G-Sync and Freesync, so it keeps your options open.