things covid has taught me... closed headphones save marriages? BT headphone adapters are kewl.


Mar 17, 2011
So... here is something many married people with more modest sized homes may have also figured out, if you are both working from home..... it is super annoying when one person is on zoom conference calls alllllllllll day long....

I am on less calls ... my wife is on one or another, from before I get up (i get up around 9~am..because why teh hell not?) she generally wakes me up near about 7:30 to which I grumble and roll over and go back to sleep for another hour /hour and half...

make coffee to the sound of zoom call in background (well at least her talking she has started using her BT earbuds at least mostly now.) // start working ... yup still at least one side of the zoom call in my ears... quickly grab my Sony MDR-V6's along with a Elecom BT headphone adapter that I've jerry-rigged (velcroed) to the headband of the v6's for ultra compact / portable BT goodness... blocks out enough noise (basically all with music playing) to get on with my work. would use one of the amps in photo.. but I'd forgotten and janked amp across the desk a few times.. with the bluetooth i can get up and walk pretty much anywhere in the house / patio without losing the signal .. good stuff.

1st little while I hadn't given up and just started using the headphones all day... i was starting to get annoyed.. also 1st few weeks wife had her speakers on for these calls...... yeah.... no..

this basically is what is saving my marriage at this point..
Closed phones also provide an escape- or better yet- a place to escape to. Although I have speakers, I have moved to the phones more and more.
Only real downfall of closed from a non sound personal preference is ear heat/sweat. Especially if the ear pads are vinyl or other less breathable material. I still use open ears mostly but I thankfully have a separate "office" so I can close the door which is solid core and rubber strip lined. Speaker system is certainly a distant second in usage.
I can't do headphones anymore. The amount of times I've been deep into a game and my wife scares the ever living SHIT out of me just by standing there next to me, has made me use the speakers.

lol... yes... I probably need to put a mirror on my monitor (we used to to do this at work to see if the boss was coming around the corner)... my wife has startled the heck out of my a few times here...
I'll also put out there that noise cancelling headphones (in addition to being closed back) are great for travel.
The Sony XM4's just dropped. I'm using XM2's and I love them, I can only imagine the noise cancellation is so much better and the sound quality is quite good (although it won't be as good as a pair of dedicated closed back without the tech, but I think the tech is worth while trade-off).
Been saying this for years. I have a pair of MDR-7506 that I lined with sticky tack, felt, and some pillow stuffing. Swapped the stock pads for some memory foam lambskin brainwavs that are almost 3x thicker. The isolation is unreal. Anything will drive them, headphone out on MB, every phone I've tried (xpera go, zr, z3, moto G5, ZTE axon 7, LG V20) has had precisely 0 issues. I prefer to listen with my fostex T50RP, but the sony cans fold up nice and portable-like, and for my commute the isolation is perfect.

I can't do headphones anymore. The amount of times I've been deep into a game and my wife scares the ever living SHIT out of me just by standing there next to me, has made me use the speakers.

People don't appreciate what a problem this is. I actually prefer my desk against the opposite wall but then the door is behind me and with the M100s on, I can't hear people. AT. ALL.

I tried finding a mirror or putting something on the door - none of it worked and I finally just moved my system to be next to the door.
I can't do headphones anymore. The amount of times I've been deep into a game and my wife scares the ever living SHIT out of me just by standing there next to me, has made me use the speakers.

mannnn thats so true, I use exclusively open back headphones and this still happens to me
I worked in talk radio for a few years and wore headphones as long as 6-7 hours/day. Can't stand them on my head now.
People don't appreciate what a problem this is. I actually prefer my desk against the opposite wall but then the door is behind me and with the M100s on, I can't hear people. AT. ALL.

I tried finding a mirror or putting something on the door - none of it worked and I finally just moved my system to be next to the door.
I fully appreciate this issue. For a while I would just have one earcup off, but that starts to hurt my ears pretty quick and defeats the purpose of headphones. I ended up rearranging my entire room to have me facing the door as well, and now just deal with the sun glare from the window behind me.