I had hoped to never have to post this...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2008
Aug 9, 2001
As the thread title says, I had hoped to never have to post this. I was down visiting my family today and to drop some stuff off when my mom gave me the news. On Monday my dad got the call from the doctor stating he has cancer, prostate cancer if I remember correctly. As of right now, we don't know much and my dad is going for additional testing next week to see how advanced it is.

I'm not here looking for sympathy or anything like that. I just thought this might be a reminder of why many of us are doing this and to ask everyone to keep up the good work.

Sorry to hear that. My Dad was diagnosed a few months ago as well, luckily it's early enough that it shouldn't pose much of a problem but it sure makes you think things over.

Best wishes to you and your family as they confront this issue, hopefully everything will turn out ok.
That's terrible news for both you guys. Hope everything will be easy on everyone concerned and that it will turn out all right.
Ahhh...., shite to the max SmokeRngs. :( What's this sympathy thing you speak of :confused:, you don't wish this kinda' bad luck on your mortal enemy (at least you ain't suppose to :rolleyes:), let alone one of your own teammates. A teammate that has shown unselfish and invaluable help and support to your team. ;)
I sincerely wish all the luck in the world to your Dad :)

DCing for the CURE
Sorry to hear about both of you. Lost my dad 2 Christmas's ago due to alzheimer's. Miss him alot.

Fold On
Fold on brethren!

Smoke, I hope all ends up well.
Sorry to hear this, hope all is well in the end...

Yet another reason to Fold [H]ard!

Damn, that sucks, but I'm sure we all wish you and yours the best
My main man, first guy ever under my command, great friend, just found out his gal has breast cancer, so I kinda know where your coming from, but shit, your old man? That's a whole 'nother level

Every time I look at my bank account and think folding is a waste, its stuff like this that should give us all the drive to push on!

Good luck and God bless bro!!!
Smoke.... I'm sorry man.

Haven't been around much lately, but I just wanted you to know I'm still doing what I can, it's not much, but it's better than nothing...

My wishes are with you, wish I could buy ya a Crown or two....

Take care and fold on man...

Sorry to hear that Smoke, best wishes and good luck to your Dad in recovering!!!
Our prayers are with everyone afflicted by this disease. My dad had prostate cancer last year. I highly recommend anyone who choses surgery as a treatment option look into robotic surgery. His doctor was half a room away when doing the procedure. Robots have much steadier hands than humans and the precision with which they can operate greatly lessens the the chance of unwanted side effects. Just keep folding...
Smoke - Our thoughts and prayers will be with your family. I hope all will turn out well.