Down some boxen


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2008
Aug 9, 2001
I hate to say it but it seems I'm down three boxen for now.

I was over at my friend's house where my systems were located at doing a couple things last night when all of a sudden the power to the whole house went down. I went outside to say something to my friend and he went to the basement to check to see if a breaker was tripped. When he got down there he smelled smoke and burnt wiring. The damn breaker box had caught fire.

To sum up, two of my systems are at my place (with only one hooked up) and I have no internet access. Until he can get a new breaker box put in, I'm down to my work machine only. With luck he may be able to get a new box today and the power will be back on but I'm not sure about that.

I'm just glad nothing really bad happened. There was no major fire and no real damage except to the breaker box so his house and everything in it is okay.

Someone needs to find a way to up production a bit to make up for the 5.7 Ghz of AMD boxen I have offline.

Sorry to hear.... but it could've been much worse.... I'll take a couple boxen down temporarily over loss of a house and the boxen forever...

As Relic has said before.... "... full fold ahead!"

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I feel your pain... loosing 2 1/2 at work

(1/2 you ask... its not on all the time just touch and go)
At least nothing bad happened other than a toasted breaker box.

Although this highlights the need for industrial grade power components for you farmers and gardeners out there.

p[H]ant0m the folder says "Only you can prevent folding fires!" :D

SmokeRngs said:
Someone needs to find a way to up production a bit to make up for the 5.7 Ghz of AMD boxen I have offline.

Well, the Fenris Farm is finally starting to produce. My PPD was at about 500 but is slowly climbing to about 1000. That should make up for your temporary outage, but we need every MHz to catch those Aussies.

Fenris_Ulf said:
Well, the Fenris Farm is finally starting to produce. My PPD was at about 500 but is slowly climbing to about 1000. That should make up for your temporary outage, but we need every MHz to catch those Aussies.

I'm hoping he's able to get the breaker box replaced today which will get the power back on which is the only problem right now. I've got my main system cruching on a 600 pointer at home but it's going to be done tonight some time. If I had remembered to grab my flash card reader I would have snagged a couple of WUs while at work today so I'd have something else for it to chew on if he doesn't get the power back on.

If he does get the power back on today, it'll start his system up again so I won't be down that 2.2 Ghz.

I have a bit of an update. My friend just called me and the power is back on. So, I should have 2.2 Ghz running again. Hopefully, I'll have time to move my machines back over tonight so I only lose about a day on the 1 Ghz Duron and only about four or five hours on the rig in my sig. It's nice when things come back together. :)

Well, my second borg is now back online as is my main system after messing with it for the last couple of hours getting the watercooling working again and then uninstalling the vid card drivers and re-installing them since they got corrupted due to the shutdowns by the watercooling.

As long as I don't run into any problems I should have my last system up and running again and now with 512 meg of RAM instead of 256.

This whole ordeal kinda gives "smokerings" a new meaning to you. J/K :p
ICE_9 said:
This whole ordeal kinda gives "smokerings" a new meaning to you. J/K :p

Luckily, I'm not the reason that it went up in smoke. It was actually the A/C unit that supposedly did it. It probably doesn't help that there are two machines in one room running 24/7 with a "store display" soda cooler in this room. Plus there is a deepfreeze, TV and surround sound system in the next room. Oh, and a much bigger TV and surround system in the living room. Plus a couple of computers, TV and surround in another room. The house has really old wiring, too.

Truthfully, I'm surprised that something hasn't gone wrong sooner.

on the upside, I've b0rged more than enough b0xen in the last week to make up for your lost 3.

I've gotten them back online now. Well, at least two of them. My friend keeps messing with his, I think and manages to turn the service off. I have no clue why he does this since he doesn't need the extra RAM to run anything.
