Will there be more "repeat" CPUs?


Limp Gawd
Jan 14, 2020
I understand a lot of people got bored of 14nm++++++++++. I was thinking though if you want a more "refined and corrected" version of a CPU, are they going to repeat the Lunar Lake and Panther Lake architectures in the future or is it going to be very different architectures from one generation to the next from now on?
There's really no reason to think that there would stop being repeat CPUs all of a sudden. We're hitting the frequency limits of silicon.
Tick, tock, tock +, tock+ +, tock + + +, is the game plan. I'm sure if they add a new thing everyone has to have or get more than a 10% performance gain we'll hear about it. I'd be happy if they improved their efficiency significantly and bumped their cache.
They will hit a good architecture out of the park and refined it for a while until they hit a wall and repeat, like Zen right now and they will with the tile affair Meteor Lake if it work well. I can imagine it is super long and expensive to arrive with something significantly different and that there always a lot of work that can be done on what work and that for a very long time at least they will continue like that, to have newer cpu gen close to the previous architecture that evolve every year instead of a radical change, but those will continue to happen has they continue to hit walls.

Isn't Lunar and Panther lake refined version of Meteor Lake ?
CPU development is a long pipeline. Intel had a huge pipeline bubble when their 10nm fab didn't work out. I'd expect them to plan for 4 releases on their next node, my guess would be: die shrink, refine, redesign, refine; then they have a little more flexibility in case the fab doesn't work out again.

But Intel's e-cores are drastically different than p-cores right now, so there's room to offset redesigns on those so it doesn't feel as much like just adding more plusses.
Well hey, who doesn't like multiple megaquadruple redundant but totally worthless "+ signs" without any REAL improvements over & over & over again, hehehe :)

Sooner or later, the milk suppliers (& the lakes) will run dry, and then they will HAVE to come up with something better/different/more efficient, but I'm fairly sure that milestone is still a ways off...unless of course, they start providing lifetime cookie supplies with the cpus's.... /s