What is BONDO?


Dec 9, 2003
I started a thread about a mirror finish paint job and i asked what to do with a hole in my bezel that i didn't want there...

Well someone answered to BONDO it... and that it would make it as if the whole was never there...

I did a little search and it showed that BONDO is a brand... And i asume that they sell somekind of paste that hardens and hides holes in cars or something... that seems logical.

If you look bellow my nick, i live in south america. And so i have never seen Bondo in my local shop...

So what i want to now, is what exactly is BONDO? What is it made of? Are there other brands of it, that would do the same or comparable job?

I want to cover up a big hole in my front bezel, so i would need to be really hard and durable....

bondo is a brand of auto body filler, it uses a catylist and handens into a paintable sandable surface. If it is a large hole like more than the size of a large coin then i suggest you fill the void with fiberglass or something of the sort because bondo is not made to fill large holes of that nature.
Sorry I assumed you knew what bondo was. Well PhreakPhy pretty much naild the concept of bondo on the head. For the size hole you have there (its for two front USB ports, for everyone else not familiar with his mod yet) It should be fine. As far as getting some...I don't know what kind of auto stores you have down there but if you have any I wouldn't be supprised if they have any. Just ask one of the sales reps for bondo. I think bondo is regarded as a generic name for an auto body filler. They put it in dents and stuff then sand it down and paint over it. Typically its cheaper that trying to pop the dent back out and smooth the crease. Also used when you get in a wreck and the part is not trashed but can be fixed by filling in all the dents. Another place to try and find some would be a large chain type hardware store. I know alot of the ones up here have bondo. If that fails I'm sure you could find a website where you could buy some, or you could try and get one of your fellow [H]'ers to send you some. Good Luck.
Originally posted by PhreakPhy
bondo is a brand of auto body filler, it uses a catylist and handens into a paintable sandable surface. If it is a large hole like more than the size of a large coin then i suggest you fill the void with fiberglass or something of the sort because bondo is not made to fill large holes of that nature.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Conceptually it is the same as filling a hole in drywall as I understand it, because the bondo is too wet/soft to stay vertically upon application, some sort of meshing is required first, but it could be done. However, you would have to be very careful when sanding. When the bondo gets hard, you'll need some real power to get it smooth, and you won't want to damage the rest of your case.
When I was in auto body the instructor made sure the dent was pulled out as far as possible before we used Bondo. It should only be used in small amounts to smooth over surfaces. It is then feather edged with 200 grit sandpaper to take off larger amounts then wet sanded with 400 to clean it up.

- Zych
Also it is good to use a cheese grater over it when it is partialy set up, but not fully dry. This way you can roughly shape it some, and get it close to the right spot. I realy wouldnt use it to fill anything much larger than a pin hole though. It will fall out. It is not what it's made for. It allways cracks me up when I see people fill a huge dent with a gallon of bondo.

I am not talking about a cheese grater for cheese either. Its kinda like a sanding block.