Power connectors (only)

Tony Montana

Sep 11, 2001
I just got new hardware and i want to put my old mobo in my old old computer and just use all the other parts but its a compaq and the powerconnect or is only for a compaq mobo so i cant connect my into to it :( does anyone know where i can buy only the power switch with the cables? not an extire case. i will prbably need to though.
I'd just buy a new case. It'd be a hell of alot easier and at least that way you can be sure you wont have any incompatibility problems.
i know but i dont want to pay 30 bux for a case that im not going to use :) i just want the connector :)
From your question im taking you mean a power switch? In that case, and computer store may have an old case lying around that you can gank the switch from. OR, if you're refering to a powersupply then thats what youd need.
i dont need one i have one i need the power connectors leg hdd etc and ythe power botton thas all
This forum needs a spell check...

Buy a new pretty case, and then get rid of the crappy HP case. That way you have all the connectors you need, and you got rid of the ugly case. Two birds with one stone.
acetic said:
This forum needs a spell check...

English isnt the 1st lanugage for everyone who comes here
(Im sure I sound like that when I try to post on German or Russian forums too :p )

Could you try to state the question again?
Im not sure I get it

you need a Compaq Power Supply? or an adapter from ATX to Compaq?
He just wants an to be able to plug his power/reset/HD Lights/etc into the new motherboard. I would doubt that there is an adapter available, but it wouldn't be very hard to rig something to work. Just find out wich to leads go to the power button and make a boot out of a jumper, or an old case harness or whatever, just chop the compaq end off and match them up yourself.