Possible to get a worthwhile ~$200-250 upgrade for GTX 1080?


Zero Cool
Sep 2, 2004
New, used, whatever. I'm having trouble comparing performance on a lot of cards, it seems like many of the lower/mid-range 2xxx and 3xxx cards are barely better if at all. But at 1440p this card is definitely struggling with some titles on my SO's machine. Going to be upgrading her to a 5800x pretty soon but would like to find a reasonably-priced GPU as well. I think she has a good-quality 750w PSU, if that matters.
That's RX 6600 XT - RX 6650 XT territory. I have a RX 6600 XT Red Devil 8GB card that I'm cleaning up to sell for $200 shipped. PM me if interested. 🍻

That's RX 6600 XT - RX 6650 XT territory. I have a RX 6600 XT Red Devil 8GB card that I'm cleaning up to sell for $200 shipped.
I'll let you know - that does seem to be the card in that price range, but it looks like more of a sidegrade than anything.
Aside from the already mentioned 6600XT/6650XT, used 2070 Supers or 1080ti's would probably give you the best boost in that range. IIRC those should be 20-30% better on a lot of titles compared to the normal 1080's. 3060ti's will also be around that performance level, but I doubt you could find a used one that cheap.
I'll let you know - that does seem to be the card in that price range, but it looks like more of a sidegrade than anything.

The difference should be pretty significant. Still, you might do better to just spend a bit more for the next tier up 3060ti/3070/6700/xt etc. Can always sell the 1080 and get a bit back to make up the difference.
From my understanding if your looking for 1440p you'll need to look into Radeon 6700xt class cards although I don't know what the equivalent would be in the nVidia side. The 6600xt is a good card, for 1080p gaming. You probably can do 1440p on it but it would likely require FSR support for most games and as games become more demanding that probably wouldn't work anymore. It's one of the reasons I snagged a 6750xt recently. I'm currently gaming at 1080p 75hz for which the 6750xt is massive overkill but I'm looking to upgrade to a 1440p monitor as soon as I have the cash. The 6750xt should have no trouble running at 1440p for now and the foreseeable future and even if there are performance issues I have FSR for a fallback.

The problem is that at your price range you're not likely to find anything that suits your needs, even in the used market, especially if you plan on using the card for at least a few years.

Sadly, this is one of the pitfalls of the stupid GPU pricing over the past few years. With prices so high they're leaving the atmosphere for open space, it kills the ability to find good deals on midrange hardware. The Gigabyte 6750xt I purchased recently was $400 new and that's practically a steal with current pricing. Several years ago getting a card in this class likely would have been closer to half this price, especially if you were looking into used.
I'll let you know - that does seem to be the card in that price range, but it looks like more of a sidegrade than anything.

I was just test benching a GTX 1070 vs an RX 6600 which should also be a side grade but in reality the 6600 absolutely wrecks the 1070 in games. For example, here is Cyberpunk at 1080p ultra preset both on the same Ryzen 5600X system. I was very surprised because by the stats of each card they should be around the same but everything I've tried the RX 6600 has at least a 20% lead.

I'll let you know - that does seem to be the card in that price range, but it looks like more of a sidegrade than anything.
The nearest proxy GPU for the GTX 1080 in recent reviews should be a RTX 2060. Can use these Techspot slides to gauge where a 6600 XT would put your SO's system:

IMO, 20% isn't much of a leap, but it may be worth it for problematic games that cant quite hit a stable 60fps.
I would either increase your price range or keep the 1080 and wait for more price drops/next gen/etc.
I just went from a 1070 to 6600 xt, it was a nice upgrade. Also keep you eyes open for a 6700 xt, my son found one for only $240.
I would say 3060 ti or 6700 XT would be the minimum worthwhile upgrade.

You will be lucky to find a used 3060 ti for ~$300 but....start making some offers on FB ;)

Otherwise, 6700 XT for ~$300 should be a bit easier to find.
I would say 3060 ti or 6700 XT would be the minimum worthwhile upgrade.

You will be lucky to find a used 3060 ti for ~$300 but....start making some offers on FB ;)

Otherwise, 6700 XT for ~$300 should be a bit easier to find.
There has been at least one sub $300 3060Ti sold on the FS/FT subforum.