Peculiar PcP&C Performance, pfffft.


Limp Gawd
Apr 5, 2004
I recently picked up a 510W pcp&c atx-deluxe psu for a spare rig. It was rock solid and offered me no problems for oh, 2 weeks or so, until I installed an aerogate 2 fan controller, and 4 respective fans to it. Thats when this particular problem began.
Now, what seems to occur is this :
The power supply eventually gets overheated. This begins at boot up, and it gets very hot to the touch, to the point the pc will shut down. The exhaust from the psu blows air out about as hot as a heatgun on low settings too.
5-20 minutes pass, the heat dissipates and the system can be rebooted without a problem.
The problem is slightly unnerving and begining to be a pain. I'd rather fix it, than go through the rigamarole of doing research on the next best psu, locating it, and having it shipped. That'd be what I'd like to avoid.
I know simply removing the aerogate will, in most likelyhood, solve any/all problems, but in the instance I wanted to keep it around, any suggestions on what would prove to make the psu NOT overheat as such? Modding some manner of fan to the psu perhaps? (Since said psu only has one.) Do I have a bum psu? Am I overloading the psu? Etc. Etc.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem ever, if so, whats up with this here?
I'm not wet behind the ears, but I've never encountered a problem like this.

Things to note too:
Pc in question is mainly aestheticly modded. 2, 12'' cathodes and one 4 inch cathode.
4 fans connected to the aerogate, and two to the mobo.
Other voltage suckers are the 9800xt, and 1, 200gb hdd installed. The rig is overclocked as well, but even when running at stock voltage, the problem occurs.

Help me out here fellas.

Thanks too. :D
have you ruled out the change in the airflow pattern within the case?
the PSU isnt getting starved for air?

definately remove the aerogate and regain stability again, (which will tell you alot)
then start over systematically
Airflow, Ice... thats a good suspect right there. Thanks. I didn't think of that. (Even though, for all intents and purposes, the airflow, I thought to be correctly placed/laid out.. Definitely worth a reconfiguration to check though.)
Did take the fan controller out, and experienced no overheating, so the problem is isolated now, and im now convinced the aerogate is the culprit.

Now I wonder if that controller over stressed the rail, causing the overheating.
Or if infact the airflow was bunk.

Anyhow.. Not much of a problem anymore.. just wanted to know if anyone ever experienced an occurance like this..

somehow I doubt it overtaxing the rail :p
Its basically identical to the one I have

that PSU is rated at 600Watts (in comparision to any other PSU, as they are rated @ 25C
the 510W figure is for normal operating temperatures of 40C)

its got 40A on the +5v
30A on the +3.3v
and a peak rating of 38A on the +12v

If its not a compromised thermal solution Id say
its dealing with some sort of short or feedback?

Id contact tech support to see if they have any ideas ;)
i have a feeling there is something up with the aerogate. possably a short?

i've got the same PSU and it's taken everything i've thrown at it.

if it is the PSU, i hear they've got great warranty service.
Yeah.. Thanks for the feedback guys.
It is/was definitely the aerogate. It's uninstalled from that rig right now, and the rig hasn't experienced problems at all since. It wasn't a thermal problem, as I've got the same fans, in the same configuration running. It was simply the aerogate II.
Same as Felix, Ive thrown EVERYTHING at this particular psu, prior to the aerogate, without a fault. Once that was put to it, it went buck.

Anyhow, things are fine now, again.

I recommend against having aerogate II's while using one of the best psu's known to man.
yup- sounds like a short-

you like your PCP&C? I've got one in the machine I'm building- haven't cranked it up yet-
i agree. they may seem expensive, but they truly are worth it.
It is good to hear that it was not the PSU. I have the same unit. Sorry to get off-topic but does anyone know where I can get that Tweaker Pot Adjustment Tool? I want to adjust the pots a little :D but I am not sure how to do it.
They sure are LOUD though. My 510 deluxe is considerable louder than the two fan Antec 550 W I had before. And it sure run hot too. I wonder since I got a vappo case if the evaporator will help cooling it since the PSU is located straight above the CPU socket? Anyway since a two fan PSU is recommended I will still need to have some kind of fan blowing air in the area to remove the risk of condensation.