No Man's Sky - a procedurally generated sand box space exploration game


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2013

Joe Danger developer Hello Games announced its next game at the Spike VGX awards, a massive, procedurally generated, sci-fi exploration sim called No Man's Sky.

In the game's debut trailer, No Man's Sky was pitched as an exploration game where "every atom" is procedurally generated, from flora and fauna to the stars in the sky. Every planet and every galaxy is procedural, and filled with unexplored territories. The trailer shows that players will be able to explore underwater environments, the surfaces of planets, the skies and outer space in spaceships.

"It's a huge game," said Hello Games' Sean Murray. "We wanted to make a game about exploration. And we wanted to make something that was real."

Murray said that, on planets, if you can see it — whether it be a mountain miles away in the distance — you can walk there. The game's persistent world is being created by the small team at Hello Games, and puts players into an ecosystem where they're not at the top of the food chain, Murray said. Space-based combat against other players and capital ships appears to be a major component of No Man's Sky.

We'll have more from No Man's Sky soon, but here's the game's debut trailer.

Holy shit, that just blew my mind!

Can't believe that we have been waiting over a decade for games like this that push levels of immersion beyond shitty scripted linear military fps campaigns. Being able to smoothly transition between space and atmospheric flight, and then explore planetary environments on foot has been my dream game concept ever since I started playing space sims back in the days of Wing Commander (Derek Smart games don't count)!!!
This should probably be in general gaming. Most likely No Man's Sky will be a console title. There were specific mentions of "next gen" at the show.

Either way, the game looks potentially amazing. I want to keep any eye on it but I don't really want to get hyped up. This is a huge game for just four people to take on.
Looks pretty cool!

The logo and some of the models remind me of the Oblivion movie, especially the Tet.
No Man's Sky makes me think of Firefly. Wonder if this is the team that never managed to bring that into being?
sounds good on paper but we'll see...S.T.A.L.K.E.R. sounded way more ambitious in the years before release before they had to cut out a lot of the super cool elements...being that only 4 people are working on this game I'm going to set my expectations low and hope to be pleasantly surprised rather then vice versa
came out of no were and amazed me

hope its amazing, not good but amazing :)
What they have planned and done so far is amazing. We can only hope that is what they deliver.
I kinda like the saturated visual style here. Looks fun.

The procedural stuff is always a risk though. I mean, it gets repetitive VERY quick and there is hardly any incentive to explore if it's just a re-arranged version of something you've already seen. Let's hope they can pull it off though.
Beautiful aesthetic.

If I can pull a Muad'Dib and ride those worms, I'd say I'm pretty much sold.
I do not have high hopes (never do for nice-sounding games anymore). However, the "feel" of the game reminds me somewhat of an old MMO that was under development back during 2002-2004, before it switched to a regular online game format to generate initial funding to develop the MMO...but they were unable to get enough funds to complete a regular online game either and closed in 2005. They had a lot more details beyond the front page (on the wayback machine link below), but it was the greatest concept for an MMO ever "officially" introduced as far as I am concerned.

The scale and depth of what they wished to achieve in the long-term completely dwarfed something like EVE Online (and they actually had ideas on how to make a fun MMO, not a chore like EVE, yet still with far more depth). It was originally called Eschaton Online. Basically it was going to be a hybrid space-based MMO with significant RPG, FPS, RTS, and Economy/Political Sim game elements (depending on your character, role, preferences, etc...).

Wonder what the small group of people working on it ended up doing afterwards. They had great ideas, regardless if they had the ability or not to do it (if they had of had more funding).
This should probably be in general gaming. Most likely No Man's Sky will be a console title. There were specific mentions of "next gen" at the show.

Here is all they've said so far

Next-gen is empowering us" he said, adding that no decision has been finalized on the particulars of release dates and platform choices. "The new consoles are really good. But most of the games we have seen feel like experiences you could have had with the last generation. They have next-gen graphics but we are more interested in creating next-gen gameplay."
why bother announcing a game that's such a long way's away from'll just get people's expectations unreasonably high and asking when the game is coming out every month...lots can change in development over 1-2 years
why bother announcing a game that's such a long way's away from'll just get people's expectations unreasonably high and asking when the game is coming out every month...lots can change in development over 1-2 years

A la Star Citizen
Looks interesting, but this will take ages to be released. It'll be important also that the words feel inhabited, intelligent, etc...something that I think can be tough to do with procedurally generated content.
why bother announcing a game that's such a long way's away from'll just get people's expectations unreasonably high and asking when the game is coming out every month...lots can change in development over 1-2 years

Because without it, the VGX had nothing else to show.

ha ha
Because without it, the VGX had nothing else to show.

ha ha

I'm surprised no Watch Dogs 2 footage...makes me wonder if we're going to see another Dark Souls 2 either?...geez, some potentially amazing games coming out in the next 3-4 months and instead we get trailers for games in alpha stage :eek:
I'm surprised no Watch Dogs 2 footage...makes me wonder if we're going to see another Dark Souls 2 either?...geez, some potentially amazing games coming out in the next 3-4 months and instead we get trailers for games in alpha stage :eek:

Maybe its telling on how little people watch Spike.
I can't imagine VGX ever being 'a thing'. It never has been, and only get worse each year.
It's on the same shady channel it's always been on, it's embarrassing to watch especially with the 'everyone wins' attitude and constant publisher circlejerking, and the awards are completely retarded. Best Soundtrack a GTA game with licensed music? Of course that wins :rolleyes:.... Maybe it's a good thing it's finally not taken seriously.

Like most people, I had real life to attend to for those 3 hours, and caught every 1-2 min "EXCLUSIVE" after the show. It's truly awful. I hope we never have to wait on a VGX "EXCLUSIVE" ever again. (Not like I ever did, but you know what I mean)
Finally? I don't think it ever was.

Well publishers seemed to get behind it, years past. This time, not so much.
It's a bad event to showcase anything new, cause the most gamers don't care for it, but then again, who is that show for?
Publishers circlejerking themselves, thats who. The shill host selected this time made it pretty obvious.
Some of the interviews the developers were conducting after the reveal indicated that they were further along in development than the trailer would indicate, but that doesn't really mean much, to be honest.

I'm hoping for some good weapons/spaceship progression thing going on. I'm hoping it doesn't turn into some "community experiment" thing.
Well publishers seemed to get behind it, years past. This time, not so much. Publishers circlejerking themselves, thats who. The shill host selected this time made it pretty obvious.
You're suggesting that, this year, publishers didn't get behind the show whose purpose is for publishers to supposedly jerk each other off.

If that's the purpose, why wouldn't publishers have gotten behind it this year? If they weren't behind it, why would a shill host have been selected, and by whom?
Well publishers seemed to get behind it, years past. This time, not so much.
It's a bad event to showcase anything new, cause the most gamers don't care for it, but then again, who is that show for?
Publishers circlejerking themselves, thats who. The shill host selected this time made it pretty obvious.

I've only watched the clips of the co-host (Joel McHale) making a totally mockery of Geoff + all the other shills there. He was absolutely burying them. Apparently he got a bunch of flack for "interrupting a serious awards ceremony", but he knew more about the games then anyone else there.

The only person he *did* give respect for was the No Man's Sky presenter, and even made a point to say it was messed up that they made him pay his own flight+hotel to get to the awards show!

The best two were when he asked Geoff what his favorite game was and when he explained that there were incestual sex scenes in Game of Thrones to Telltale, who absolutely zero knowledge of the show/books whatsoever.
I've only watched the clips of the co-host (Joel McHale) making a totally mockery of Geoff + all the other shills there. He was absolutely burying them. Apparently he got a bunch of flack for "interrupting a serious awards ceremony", but he knew more about the games then anyone else there.

The only person he *did* give respect for was the No Man's Sky presenter, and even made a point to say it was messed up that they made him pay his own flight+hotel to get to the awards show!

The best two were when he asked Geoff what his favorite game was and when he explained that there were incestual sex scenes in Game of Thrones to Telltale, who absolutely zero knowledge of the show/books whatsoever.

All of that happened? That is hilarious. So the co-host choice wasn't what they expected. Excellent.
You're suggesting that, this year, publishers didn't get behind the show whose purpose is for publishers to supposedly jerk each other off.

If that's the purpose, why wouldn't publishers have gotten behind it this year? If they weren't behind it, why would a shill host have been selected, and by whom?

No. What I'm suggesting is the show isn't being used as a platform to announce, unannounced AAA titles like it has been in the past. So the shows relevancy goes down. Shilling and propaganda continues as usual...
Isn't this game essentially what Elite: Dangerous will be when the planetary expansion comes out?
I'm interested in StarCitizen and No Man's Sky.

So far StarCitizen has released the dog fighting module which looks amazing!
Any one have any information about No Man's Sky or are we still too far out?
They will be showing this game at E3 and I am pretty pumped about it.
What was that game or engine from a few years ago where you could go from space down to the planets surface without loading screens? Was it this game?
What was that game or engine from a few years ago where you could go from space down to the planets surface without loading screens? Was it this game?
I believe I recall seeing the trailer you are talking about. I don't remember the name, though.

No Man's Sky was announced well after that trailer, so it was something else.
This game looks stunning.

I've always wanted have that transition from space to planet , this game does it pretty well.