My EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 ULTRA is vastly underperforming

Rev. Night

Mar 30, 2004
So I just bought this EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 ULTRA from a fellow [H] and I have no reason to believe he did me a dirty. The problem is that it is getting terrible FPS. In Horizon Zero Dawn, TechPowerUp has the 2080ti getting 75 FPS at ultra settings at 1440. So my 3080 should get at least that, and certainly a good chunk more. Nope! According to the same benchmark, it gets 44 fps. For additional reference, on another machine, my 7900xtx gets 171 fps. Yes we all know the 7900xtx > 3080, but not 4x greater.

Troubleshooting steps:
1. Downloaded latest DDU, safe mode remove nvidia drivers, normal mode install most recent, restart
2. In Windows and Nvidia panel, change power consumption to maximum
3. Verify that Ray Tracing etc.. was off
4. Display settings in windows has refresh rate set to 120 instead of 60

And yet, I still get horrific fps. Ratchet and Clank was acting up too in Very High settings, something my previous 1080ti didn't do. Same machine too. Look at the attached overlay image, the one that has 3 fps and huge huge PC latency. When I went down to low/medium settings, everything was buttery smooth. But crank up to Very High and it starts acting up.

I searched google, and someone said to reinstall the AMD chipset drivers, so thats still a to do item. Was wondering what you all had encountered.

-AMD Ryzen 5700x
-Geforce 3080
-16gb ram
-Windows 10


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Th 16gb ram is not the bottleneck. Its the same amount of ram that the 1080ti had which very much out performs this 3080.

I just installed the AMD chipset drivers, which somehow werent there before? Anyways, did the restart, no change in fps

The temps are great at 76*C hotspot. It's in an open air case

According to the Geforce Performance Overlay (Alt-R), the cpu is at 37% utilization and the gpu is at 96%. GPU clock is at 1935, well above the 1800 boost clock. That's nvidia OC, not mine, which I read is normal. The memory clock is 9501 mhz, and I can't find what peoples average for this is, which is annoying.

Hmm how accurate is the Geforce Peformance Overlay? I ask because the screenshot I have (attached) was taken during the HZD official benchmark. The gpu temp is at 60C, but the fan speed is low at 470rpm. TPU says at load the fan speed should be 1715 rpm. Some variation is fine, but 1/4? Also, the wattage. It says 157 watts, but again, TPU says at gaming, this 3080 should pull 300-400w.

Is there a more accurate tool I can use to record wattage pull?
oh shit, just realized that the ram was set to stock, not standard OC. so it was at 2133. And when I try to change it, it just gets stuck at bios. Well i guess i need to fix that first
oh shit, just realized that the ram was set to stock, not standard OC. so it was at 2133. And when I try to change it, it just gets stuck at bios. Well i guess i need to fix that first
That would affect a lot in games... Is your 3dmark graphics score normal though? That doesn't get affected much by overall system speeds.
Yeah that's next. Dl 3dmark, get a standard score, see what's a system problem and what is a specific game problem
hmmm, turns out the ram was in the wrong slot the whole time. It was in A1/B1, should have been in A2/B2. That allowed me apply the DOCP (amd xmp) profile in bios.

Get to windows, do HZD benchmark, same fps. fuck! I thought for sure that would fix it. So now im trying to dl 3dmark, and they dont have a free version anymore? Double fuck!
This is a shot in the dark, but have you tried entering the ram timings/voltages manually instead of DOCP? Swap the sticks around?
Ok now I have proof that something somewhere is fucky. I used unigine heaven, and TPU says I should be getting 254 fpz, but it never says what the configs were. So that 254 fps score is kinda worthless. I go to reddit and I see someone post their score of 237.9. They have a 3080 like me, but a much much slower cpu of an ancient I7-5280K which launched 10 years ago. For reference, I have a ryzen 7 5700x. The test settings were listed, so dx 11, 1440p, full screen, no AA, Quality High, and Tessellation disabled.

On my pc? 211 fps.

I'll run a cinebench on it later to verify the cpu is fine, but wtf?


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I was running near 100fps with that card at 3840x 1600 and RtX enabled on a previous monitor that I owned. Something is wrong. Check power consumption, you power supply may not be up to the task if the power hungry card.
You could be correct. Is a Corsair rm750x enough? I thought it would have been

Google says 750 is recommended
The free version of 3D Mark can still be found at Guru3d forum in download section but if fully updated only allows time spy @ 1080P. This a new windows install? I'd try a repair/reset on the OS since there not much on it yet. The ram in wrong slots likely didn't help the OS configuration much plus it doesn't take long to complete.
This is not a new Windows install, got a slew of stuff on it.

Future troubleshoot:
-swap ram
-remove riser
-cinebench cpu
-put in 1080ti, ddu, retest all
You could be correct. Is a Corsair rm750x enough? I thought it would have been

Google says 750 is recommended
Should be , i ran a Seasonic of the same power on that card. That does not mean its not going bad.
So I'm partially there. I removed the riser and plugged the GPU directly into the board. Should have tried this from the start I suppose. Scores shot way up. Hzd is now 135, heaven is 291, and free time spy is 16200, which is average for 3080.

Next is add riser and see if it was just a reseating issue or if I need to wtty it.

Glad I don't have a bad card or have to reinstall Windows
I think your Unigine scores are on the low side. Just ran a quick bench to check with some minor stuff running in the background. You can download 3Dmark on steam. I do believe they still let you run a couple of their benchmarks for free, but with little or no customization options and having you sit through a demo or so each run. Timespy graphics score should be in the 18k range on default settings on a 3080.


You can use HW-Info to get watts, temps, fan speed and more. Running HW-info64 in Cyberpunk 2077 for a few minutes gives me these kinds of numbers which is a good indication if everything is OK or if something is wrong. Generally you should have around 300w or higher power consumption if GPU load is that at 97%. Ignore the temps and fan speed from the screenshot as my system has been setup for very low noise, rather than lowest temps and cooling on my card is custom cooling. The card is run on factory clocks, but is an OC model.
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I am currently downloading 'shadow of the tomb raider' because I can compare that to what TPU has. I do a few runs, with riser, without riser, compare that they equal each other, then compare what TPU has to see how it compares to other 3080s.

As for your unigine screenshot, you have a 5800x3d, and i have a 5700x. That alone will cause some variation. With the riser now reseated, i get 291 fps, you got 301.8, so they aren't terribly different.
I am currently downloading 'shadow of the tomb raider' because I can compare that to what TPU has. I do a few runs, with riser, without riser, compare that they equal each other, then compare what TPU has to see how it compares to other 3080s.

As for your unigine screenshot, you have a 5800x3d, and i have a 5700x. That alone will cause some variation. With the riser now reseated, i get 291 fps, you got 301.8, so they aren't terribly different.
Did you check your isolated graphics scores in 3dMark? E.g. a graphics score of 17.5K would be on the low side, above 18k should be normal and above 18.5k would be very good on a 5700x.
Yeah my apologies. With mlk yesterday and snow day today, that's two straight work days of day care being closed. I planned on updating this thread more and doing more work, but can't do that with kid here.

For time spy, I get graphics score if 18266 without riser, 18200 with. That difference is clearly margin of error. I'll do cube bench to verify CPU later today hopefully.

No idea what my score would have been before i reseated riser
16GB of RAM in 2024? I changed from 16GB minimum to 32GB minimum in my machines back in 2014...
16GB of RAM in 2024? I changed from 16GB minimum to 32GB minimum in my machines back in 2014...

My Ivybridge ancient machine has 32gb RAM. So yes, if you are using 16gb upgrade now or it will be an "I told you so"