

Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 13, 2006
Ok, so ive been out of the gaming scene for a little bit. Optical used to be the new hotness. Now theres laser mice out there. Whats the diffrence? Is the tracking that much diffrent? Also, do certain mouse pads work better with optical/laser? When I was gaming I used an optical mouse with a func pad. Is this still considered decent? I mean, I know that it all depends on the person using it, I just don't want to have to worry about mouse lag or the mouse skipping/not tracking.

On a side note, is it "Mice" or "Mouses"? I've heard both.
Its mice I believe

I went from an optical to a laser and I think its much much better. However if you dont game then its not really worth it.
I had a laser mouse, it wasnt bad.

Since then I went to the new Razer mouse (with pretty carrying case hahaha) and found myself with a lot more dpi. A LOT MORE. Laser mice are accurate, but rather slow compared to the lot of the gaming mice, but this is just IMO.
what about trackballs? does anyone out there use a trackball while gaming? and if so, what types of games do you play with it?
I used to have the microsoft one (thumb-ball). They are pretty difficult at first to get used to, especially in FPS.

The smaller logitech ones were ok, but the button positioning was awkward for me.

Your best bet for gaming is one of the G-series of logitech, or razer. I know there are more out there, but I havent used them all, so I can only quote the ones I have.

BTW: I used to play UT with a trackball, and got real damn good at it. Then I played Lineage2 with it (mmorpg = Many Men Online Role Playing Women). Trackballs are nice for those types of games, but I dont know about accurate headshots with it...wasnt easy. It took me about 3 months before I was more precise than my mouse.