Mass Effect 5

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Mad Maxx

Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 12, 2016
I didn't find any kind of dedicated thread to the next Mass Effect, so started this one with a trailer that was released about 2 months ago. If there already is a Mass Effect thread for the new game, please lock this and move my post to it.


My basic thoughts on the Mass Effect Universe and it's eventual continuation:

Mass Effect has suffered from the Star Wars film franchise problem. Disney in all of its wisdom hasn't been able to show anything on the big screen that isn't at least in some way related to a very small portion of the universe and either directly or indirectly to a Skywalker. In ME's case it is needing Shepard and/or a galactic level threat. It's hard to take anything else nearly as seriously when ME started with something that wipes out all known intelligence in an entire galaxy every 50k years.

They attempted to make Andromeda outside of anything related to Shephard, but then they specifically ignored their own universe (IE: talked about going to a different galaxy while forgetting the main antagonist of the previous 3 games as being a useful and concrete reason). Is playing a small character okay in the ME universe? I actually think it is, but they said character has to have good reasons to be central to the story and not simply be cast into the limelight for: reasons. Being important because you're someone's who is important's kid is just bad writing. Succession in a pseudo military operation (or in government outside of Kings, but certainly not in any government with any form of voting) is never familial, it doesn't even make sense.

Anyway, enough about Andromeda. ME should be working on a story from a very different perspective. Even if they want to spend time talking about Reapers and want players to experience the dread of the previous games, in theory the cycles have repeated many times. 50,000 years a cycle isn't a short span of time. They could literally have a game that takes place 200k years before "humans" easily. And have a game featuring the players losing to the reapers. They could also make a game about the creation of sentient AI that eventually leads to the death of life and civilization. (Not sure how gameplay of huge aquatic/sentient creatures would go, but would be different and interesting at least).

Alternatively they could push the game story 50k years into the future and see what life is like there. Either way, I think wiping the slate clean and sticking to their guns of not needing to be either directly or peripherally related to Shepard in some way would be a much better story rather than trying to make it all about him/her. If this teaser is any indication, I hope it's far enough in the future that Shepherd is dead, and Liara is now aged up at least to the "Matron" stage of life. But that may be hoping for too much, and they could simply rehash/retread more stories about the "Legendary Shepard".
I'd like to see the story pick up after the Reaper war with Shepard and the Normandy crew intact. There was an entry in the codex of Mass Effect 1 that's always stuck with me. It referenced that only 1% of the known Mass Relays had been activated. If that's true, then there's literally an unlimited potential of storylines available. Maybe there's even a deactivated Mass Relay that could lead to the Andromeda galaxy or other galaxies.
Already posted.


Post with the trailer in the OP (polonyc2), which was 2.5 years ago, not 2 months. This is not running in UE5 despite what the Youtube content leecher says.

I didn't find any kind of dedicated thread to the next Mass Effect, so started this one with a trailer that was released about 2 months ago. If there already is a Mass Effect thread for the new game, please lock this and move my post to it.

You can lock the thread yourself. Press the ellipsis in the top-right of the thread to find the option.
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