lost a boxen ...


Jul 8, 2005
And a temp borg. Fixed a laptop for a friend and had BOINC running on it for a few weeks 'til he returned to town and retrieved it. Gave us a nice boost before and during the Xmas race tho :)
As for the old AM3 setup it just became too much of a PIA to keep running. We're gonna lose 4 CPU threads but I've got room under my UPS limits and available slots for the GPU's: a HD7770 and GTX750 which were running Milky Way and GPU Grid. I tried starting up Milky Way in my main boxen but it wants to attach to the GTX970 which is busy with F@H. How do I get it to "see" the HD7770 instead? Havent tried anything with the 750 yet as I was having some compatibility issues while moving the different timing DDR3 from the failed boxen to the HTPC and ended up resetting BIOS, reseating the CPU, redoing the thermal paste, etc. but a good cleaning and t-paste refresh were overdue anyways. I assume that some sort of manual config might be necessary for both GPU's depending on the running project? Both will be going into boxen with F@H running on primary videocard. I might be working out of town shortly so as much hands off as possible is preferable.
The box with the HD7770.... what are the entries of the event log when you first start up the BOINC client? Can you post them here or in the open forum? Also, you can edit your cc_config to exclude the GTX970 altogether or with just specific projects. I've been sick all week and am going to go lay down. But you can find some examples of cc_configs explaining how to do it here - https://hardforum.com/threads/boinc-configurations-and-how-tos.1729016/
Thx for the link G. Saves me some time. I was fiddling with this HTPC trying to restore a stable OC after the BIOS reset for a good chunk of yesterday between NFL playoffs and an NHL game. Forgot what settings I had from years ago and this was always the tricky unit, more so with the added mismatched RAM. I'll try to get back to it soon.