Leiden Classical


[H]ard DC'er of the Year 2021
Dec 27, 2015
Gilthanis - this project is no longer accepting new donors and the project is almost ending in 2018. Thinking about running this for FB later but I've no account. Can I crunch under HardOCPtest account?
I had the same try ... no account creation and no contact of admin visible to try to sneak in ...
Yeah, I tried to join a few weeks ago because it looked like some easy points to get.
If we can all join as HardOCPTest.....
I'm not sure why their website does not give us the weak account key to use. So, I have changed the password for the project while we are pushing it.

user name: [email protected]
password: hardboinc1

This will eventually be changed back. However, I will leave it open for FB.
I have emailed the admin to try and get the weak account key information so that user passwords and such do not need to get changed.
HardOCPtest's stats

Check out that Pentium 3 I had on the project at one time...lol. Just traded that laptop in at Best Buy for a $75 gift card. I periodically take a VM or old system and attach all pojects I can under that account to it for "activity".
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HardOCPtest has one rig now. It's a long way to overtake the top two teams. Still have 3 months to go....
I'm curious to know how the points are on that project. What box did you add to it? Specs? I'll keep an eye on the production of that account unless someone else adds something to it.
Each WU requires wingman. I added 2695v2. This box also crunches distributed dataming and yoyo, so a bit full...

You can view the stats for that box here. Just completed two WUs and pending validation.
Hmm, the christians are persistent. The rest of the teams are sleepy..

Bump this thread up since this will be the FB sprint project for Sep 28th.
Windows only? My Linux boxes don't seem to be picking up anything.
Nevermind. my 48core rig got one, yes one, WU. Great another one of these projects.
Must be a vacuum running...lol. Never really tried to run it on Linux. If that ends up being the case, spin up a few windows vm's real quick.
Real quick? Not sure I could get them running that fast as I've never tried to run VMs within' Linux. They all run headless CLI only. Except my Intel Linux rig which has GPUs, but I've got a dual boot HDD with Windows on that box.
I get this message on all my boxen now.

Skillz-PC 3147 Leiden Classical 9/27/2017 6:49:29 PM (there was work but it was committed to other platforms)

That's a Windows box. Linux has the same message.
We have 30 registered [H] crunchers.

Maybe get RFguy, Dookey, Phoenicis and HardOCPtest and we should be able to take the number one spot. I'll have to crunch for HardOCPtest...
I've added my hosts via BAM!, but they still request work elsewhere as well. At least I can build my WUProp hours up a bit as I'm about 5k hours short of 100k.
Anyone gonna let RFGuy and Dookey know? Not sure they have access to this forum.
I tried reaching out to RFGuy a month ago and got no response from him. Perhaps someone else may want to try.
We only need to outproduce the Christians to snatch the gold. As of this moment, we are close to their output.

Christians output is dominated by one person.
We have more than one.

It appears that there is no 128 WUs limit?

My E5-2695 v2 is pulling 135 tasks over the past 12 hours.


I'm running this script on Win7 to consistently request for work every 367 seconds.

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 200) do (
echo %%x
"c:\Program Files\Boinc\boinccmd.exe" --project http://boinc.gorlaeus.net/ update
ping -n 367 > nul

With Phoenicis on board, I think we are in a reasonable position barring WU availability....
Where do you execute that script?

Nevermind. Looks like a windows batch script.
pututu, is that 135 for a single day or were some from the day before and some from today?
Even if its spanned 2 days it looks like one of my rigs has 98. That's an average over more than 128 per day.

Too bad I don't think that rig will be able to finish them all in 3 days though. Le sigh.
We are in first place with 2900 points. Next two below us have around 170 points. Off to a great start already.
It appears no WU are currently available.

edit: Finally got some!
Yeah...everyone is gobbling them up as the batches go out. Many people reporting troubles getting work. The project never really has a ton available and is most likely on auto-pilot. Since we really don't have much competition in this League, just let it pull what it can. We are still 4th in the Marathon portion so even after the sprint, we could still use some help to hit #1 there as well.
Yeah...everyone is gobbling them up as the batches go out. Many people reporting troubles getting work. The project never really has a ton available and is most likely on auto-pilot. Since we really don't have much competition in this League, just let it pull what it can. We are still 4th in the Marathon portion so even after the sprint, we could still use some help to hit #1 there as well.

Sounds good to me.
DooKey, in case you missed it, back in May the admin posted that the project would probably end sometime next year. Just in case you have any set goals.
GC is currently in second place. If we can maintain our lead, we are in very good position. SUSA looks very strong.
I mean precisely from Sep 28 4:36:15 UTC to Sep 28 20:36:43 UTC based on WU sent date.


pututu does the ping command in your script just delay it from running for 367 seconds? Can you not just use the timeout command to make it wait 367 seconds?

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 200) do (
echo %%x
"C:\Program Files (x86)\BOINC\boinccmd.exe" --project http://boinc.gorlaeus.net/ update
timeout 367
Yes, the script sends "update" commands every 367 seconds for 200 times. I never use the timeout command. Note that the regular Leiden project check updates every 180 seconds and do the second one and if there is no WU, it stops. So I chose 367 seconds, just to make sure that I keep checking on their server every 3 mins or so. Something like that.
Why is sending an unnecessary localhost ping to the local host better than using the timeout command?