Kingwin 450WAS causing cold boot issues?


Limp Gawd
Jun 11, 2004
I have had some extreme cold boot issues on my NF7-S rev.2 for more than a year now. Do any of you know if it could be my Kingwin powersupply? I have found little information from other users indicating that the Kingwins are bad, but I can't figure what else could be causing the odd behavior.

Link to the PS:

For some reason, the PS is no longer on kingwins site....
extreme cold boot issues

what exactly does that mean? case temperature?
electrical conduction improves with extreme cold
(to the point where if its low enough you get superconductivity)

but batteries dont, if your case is too cold you can have issues with your CMOS battery
followed by mechanical devices like the HDD ect (will have an operating temperature range typically a HDD is good down to 10>5C)
some extreme overclockers have relocated their batteries to a warmer location (and wired ta lead to the mobo)

or is it extreme, cold boot issues?
or just extreme boot issues?

list what its powering
Cold boot = no boot/post from off state (more than one hour off in my case). DFI mobos have this issue, but Abit NF7s generally don't. Wondering if it is my PS or if anyone has insight on other parts.

I hit the power switch and all the fans/lights come on, but no post codes--just humming fans.

Abit NF7
2400+@3200+ Mobile Barton 1.55volts
WDD 250GB 7200RPM drive
Maxtor 7200RPM 80GB drive
1Gig Mushkin mem
DVD Burner (TDK)
CD/CDRW (Memorex)
6 - 80mm case fans [4 on Vantec fan bus]
1 - 92 mm tornado [on Vantec fanbus]
One triple LED light

Seems as though too much power is drawn at the first hit of the power button.
LOL Im familiar with warm and cold boot
just not extreme cold :p

its possible that your underpowered
or that there is a power good signal issue

since the PSU itself would be cool (temperature wise) its probably in a better position to produce more capacity then, than later on when its warmed up, but then at startup is when the draw from all the drives and fans is 4 to 5 times their normal spinning draw, as they need to overcome inertia

thats primarilly an issue with alot of drives and fans, which it doesnt really look like you have in the drive category, but all those fans and buses, well

if you reduce the load like Vertigo Acid suggested
and then recalculated your needed amp distribution with the calculator...
and compare that to the amp ratings listed on the PSU

also try different settings on the fan control buses
After trying the device unhook/rehook, I have found that the culprit appears to be the Vantec Fan Bus. Now, if all the fans are left on high, the boot works fine. Yet, if I set some fans down (such as the super loud tornado), the box has boot issues.

The "extreme" in my first post was modifying "issue." I split the verb and should be beaten with a wet molex!

Now, let's see if you can figure out how to stop Mediacom from dropping my cable modem every 10-50 minutes for 5 minutes at a stretch. Oh wait, nevermind, I am getting DSL and dumping this POS 4 years+ of bad connections cable modem. :rolleyes:

this is the 2nd issue Ive seen with a fan bus effecting a power supply this week

so where do I get wet molexes? :p

in closing Im not a networking guru by any stretch of the imagination
I was lucky to figure out my dog had unplugged my router earlier today :p